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Announcing the Blockchain Security Research Fellowship

OpenZeppelin is a crypto-native software & security company, bringing foundational Web3 tooling, infrastructure, and security to builders and users of the decentralized economy. Apply here to become an OpenZeppelin Security Research Fellow.

A key component of securing Web3 relies on solidly-built decentralized applications and top-tier protocol audits. Achieving this security is no small task, and it requires the effort of the best and brightest developers. In order to facilitate the onboarding of developers and researchers to Web3, OpenZeppelin launched the Security Research Fellowship program.

The purpose of this 8-week program is to get fellows onboarded and fully prepared to become full-time Blockchain Security Engineers. Fellows will have the opportunity to work closely with the OpenZeppelin team of world-class blockchain security experts to develop the knowledge and skills to kickstart their careers in the industry.

This announcement comes after the completion of an initial cohort consisting of two fellows which has marked the initiative as a great success. When asked to reflect on their experience, the fellows had this to share:

The fellowship program was an excellent opportunity for me in two ways. It not only allowed me to learn the foundations to become a blockchain security engineer, but also, and I think more importantly, showed me the openness and great energy from the OpenZeppelin team. Since the very beginning and during the whole program, instructors and mentors were supportive and 100% focused on helping me to succeed.

– Nahuel Sanchez

It took the concepts I thought I knew and helped me turn them into concepts I truly know. It was filled with great people, had a great structure, and was a great experience. I wish I had access and support like this whenever I learn new things. 

– Jared Swan

OpenZeppelin sees this as an opportunity to ensure diversity in the blockchain space by tapping into underrepresented communities with unique talent seeking to make a transition.

Smriti Verma, the security researcher who leads the program, shared the following reflection:

This 8-week intensive program is one-of-a-kind because it is curated by our auditors based on their experience. Not only did this program bring us two amazing security engineers, but the iterative process of creating and reviewing content has provided us with a unique treasure of knowledge.

In addition, the fellowship program delivers substantial value to the Web3 community by building educational tools that will enable future contributors in the space.

Click here to learn more about what it means to become a fellow.