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Announcing Security Solutions Partnership with Matter Labs

OpenZeppelin’s mission is to provide security solutions for the decentralized ecosystem, and the Ethereum blockchain faces the challenge of being able to scale while remaining decentralized, secure, and affordable for users.

To that end, we are pleased to announce a partnership with Matter Labs, founder of ZkSync, to act as their security solutions provider.

The partnership takes an approach well beyond the scope of a one-time audit. For zkSync, OpenZeppelin will provide multiple security audits and advisory services to help the team optimize the security of their smart contracts as well as feedback to ensure best practices going forward.

Additionally, to provide a suite of security monitoring capabilities as well as smart contract automation and orchestration, Matter Labs will leverage OpenZeppelin Defender.

The Defender dashboard will be integrated with custom bots on the Forta network, a decentralized alarm system for Web3. This system monitors smart contracts and transaction activity in real-time and emits public alerts about threats and anomalies.

Since its launch in October 2021, Forta has already been integrated by some of the most prominent projects in DeFi, including Lido, Compound, dYdX, MakerDAO, Instadapp, UMA, Balancer, and more, with over $36 billion in total value locked.

In addition to the security feedback provided by auditors, OpenZeppelin will assign personnel to become Matter Labs’ technical and security advisors. These individuals will provide advice and guidance to assist the team in planning, building, and maintaining its blockchain solutions using smart contract security best practices.

During the audits, numerous security aspects of zkSync 2.0 will be researched and analyzed, including the general health of the project, its API functions, and its most complex and risky parts. This information will be used to produce recommendations regarding any issues found and their corresponding fixes.

Stay tuned for more updates on this partnership as well as details from the upcoming audit report.