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Onward with Ethereum Smart Contract Security

by Manuel Araoz

If you’re new to Ethereum development, I recommend you read our Hitchhiker’s Guide to Smart Contracts in Ethereum before proceeding.

Learning Ethereum Smart Contract security is a very hard endeavor. There are few good guides and compilations, such as Consensys Smart Contracts Best Practices, or the Solidity Documentation Security Considerations. But the concepts are very hard to remember and internalize without writing your own .

I’ll attempt a slightly different approach. I’ll explain some recommended strategies to improve smart contract security and show examples where not following them results in problems. I’ll also show you samples you can use to protect your smart contracts. Hopefully, this will help create a muscle memory of things to avoid, which will trigger mental warnings when writing actual.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the best practices:

Fail as early and loudly as possible

A simple yet powerful programming good practice is to make your fail as promptly as possible. And be loud about it. Let’s see an example of a function that behaves timidly:


contract BadFailEarly {
  uint constant DEFAULT_SALARY = 50000;
  mapping(string => uint) nameToSalary;

  function getSalary(string name) constant returns (uint) {
    if (bytes(name).length != 0 && nameToSalary[name] != 0) {
      return nameToSalary[name];
    } else {
      return DEFAULT_SALARY;

We want to avoid a contract failing silently, or continuing execution in an unstable or inconsistent state. The function getSalary is checking for conditions before returning the stored salary, which is a good thing. The problem is, in case those conditions are not met, a default value is returned. This could hide an error from the caller. This is an extreme case, but this kind of programming is very common, and normally arises from fear of errors breaking our app. Truth is, the sooner we fail, the easier it will be to find the problem. If we hide errors, they can propagate to other parts of the and cause inconsistencies which are difficult to trace. A more correct approach would be:

contract GoodFailEarly {

  mapping(string => uint256) nameToSalary;

  function getSalary(string name) constant returns (uint256) {
    if(bytes(name).length == 0) throw;
    if(nameToSalary[name] == 0) throw;

    return nameToSalary[name];

This version also shows another desirable programming pattern which is separating preconditions and making each fail separately. Note that some of these checks (especially those depending on internal state) can be implemented via Function Modifiers

Favor pull over push payments

Every Ether transfer implies potential execution. The receiving address can implement a Fallback function that can throw an error. Thus, we should never trust that a send call will execute without error. A solution: our contracts should favor pull over push for payments.

Take a look at this innocent looking for a bidding function:

contract BadPushPayments {

  address highestBidder;
  uint256 highestBid;

  function bid() {
    if(msg.value < highestBid) throw;
    if (highestBidder != 0) {
      // return bid to previous winner
      if (!highestBidder.send(highestBid)) {
    highestBidder = msg.sender;
    highestBid = msg.value;

Note that the contract calls the send function and checks its return value, which seems reasonable. But it calls send in the middle of a function, which is unsafe. Why? Remember that, as stated above, send can trigger the execution of in another contract.

Imagine someone bids from an address which simply throws an error every time someone sends money to it. What happens when someone else tries to outbid that? The send call will always fail, bubbling up and making bid throw an exception. A function call that ends in error leaves the state unchanged (any changes made are rolled back). That means nobody else can bid, and the contract is broken.

The easiest solution is to separate payments into a different function, and have users request (pull) funds independently of the rest of the contract logic:

contract GoodPullPayments {
  address highestBidder;
  uint highestBid;

  mapping(address => uint) refunds;

  function bid() external {
    if (msg.value < highestBid) throw;

    if (highestBidder != 0) {
      refunds[highestBidder] += highestBid;

    highestBidder = msg.sender;
    highestBid = msg.value;

 function withdrawBid() external {
    uint refund = refunds[msg.sender];
    refunds[msg.sender] = 0;
    if (!msg.sender.send(refund)) {
      refunds[msg.sender] = refund;

This time, we use a mapping to store refund values for each outbid bidder, and provide a function to withdraw their funds. In case of a problem in the send call, only that bidder is affected. This is a simple pattern that solves many other problems such as reentrancy, so remember: when sending ETH, favor pull over push payments.

I’ve implemented a contract you can inherit from to easily use this pattern

Order your function : conditions, actions, interactions

As an extension of the fail-early principle, a good practice is to structure all your functions as follows: first, check all the pre-conditions; then, make changes to your contract’s state; and finally, interact with other contracts.

Conditions, actions, interactions. Sticking to this function structure will save you lots of problems. Let’s see an example of a function using this pattern:

function auctionEnd() {

  // 1. Conditions
  if (now <= auctionStart + biddingTime) throw;

  // auction did not yet end
  if (ended) throw; // this function has already been called

  // 2. Effects
  ended = true;
  AuctionEnded(highestBidder, highestBid);

  // 3. Interaction
  if (!beneficiary.send(highestBid)) throw;

This is in line with the fail fast principle, as conditions are checked in the beginning. It also leaves potentially dangerous interactions with other contracts to the very end.

Be aware of platform limits

The EVM has a lot of hard limits on what our contracts can do. These are platform-level security considerations, but may threaten your particular contract’s security if you don’t know about them. Let’s take a look at the following innocent-looking employee bonus management:


contract BadArrayUse {
  address[] employees;

  function payBonus() {
    for (var i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
      address employee = employees[i];
      uint bonus = calculateBonus(employee);
  function calculateBonus(address employee) returns (uint) {
    // some expensive computation ...

Read the: it’s pretty straight-forward and seems correct. It hides 3 potential problems, though, based on platform limits.

The first problem is that the type of i will be uint8, because this is the smallest type that is required to hold the value 0. If the array has more than 255 elements, the loop will not terminate, resulting in gas depletion. Better use the explicit type uint for no surprises and higher limits. Avoid declaring variables using var if possible. Let’s fix that:


contract BadArrayUse {
  address[] employees;

  function payBonus() {
    for (uint i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
      address employee = employees[i];
      uint bonus = calculateBonus(employee);

  function calculateBonus(address employee) returns (uint) {
    // some expensive computation ...

The second thing you should consider is the gas limit. Gas is Ethereum’s mechanism to charge for network resources. Every function call that modifies state has a gas cost. Imagine calculateBonus calculates the bonus for each employee based on some complex computation like calculating the profit over many projects. This would spend a lot of gas, which could easily reach the transaction’s or block’s gas limit. If a transaction reaches the gas limit, all changes will be reverted but the fee is still paid. Be aware of variable gas costs when using loops. Let’s optimize the contract by separating the bonus calculation from the for loop. Please note that this still has the issue that as the employees array grows, the gas cost grows.


contract BadArrayUse {

  address[] employees;

  mapping(address => uint) bonuses;  

  function payBonus() {
    for (uint i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
      address employee = employees[i];
      uint bonus = bonuses[employee];

  function calculateBonus(address employee) returns (uint) {
    uint bonus = 0;
    // some expensive computation modifying the bonus...
    bonuses[employee] = bonus;

Last, there is the call stack depth limit. The EVM’s call stack has a hard limit of 1024. That means that if the amount of nested calls reaches 1024, the contract will fail. An attacker can call a contract recursively 1023 times and then call our contract’s function, causing _send_s to silently fail because of this limit. Pull Payment was described above, and allows to easily implement pull payments. Inheriting from PullPayment and using asyncSend protects you from this.

Update: EIP150 fixed this problem, removing the possibility of a call stack attack by reducing the amount of gas each recursive call gets.

Here’s a modified version of the that fixes all these issues:

import './PullPayment.sol';

contract GoodArrayUse is PullPayment {
  address[] employees;
  mapping(address => uint) bonuses;

  function payBonus() {
    for (uint i = 0; i < employees.length; i++) {
      address employee = employees[i];
      uint bonus = bonuses[employee];
      asyncSend(employee, bonus);
  function calculateBonus(address employee) returns (uint) {
    uint bonus = 0;
    // some expensive computation...
    bonuses[employee] = bonus;

To sum up, be sure to remember about (1) limits in the types you’re using, (2) limits in the gas costs of your contract, and (3) the call stack depth limit.

Write tests

Writing tests is a lot of work, but will save you from regression problems. A regression bug appears when a previously correct component gets broken based on a recent change.

I’ll be writing a more extensive guide on testing soon, but if you’re curious you can check Truffle´s testing guide and the OpenZeppelin Learn guide on Writing Automated Smart Contract Tests.

Fault tolerance and Automatic bug bounties

Thanks to Peter Borah for inspiration on these two ideas reviews and security audits are not enough to be safe. Our needs to be ready for the worst. In case there is a vulnerability in our smart contract, there should be a way for it to safely recover. Not only that, but we should try to find those vulnerabilities as early as possible. That’s where automatic bug bounties built into our contract can help.

Let’s take a look at this simple implementation of an automatic bug bounty for a hypothetical Token contract:

import './PullPayment.sol';
import './Token.sol';

contract Bounty is PullPayment {

  bool public claimed;
  mapping(address => address) public researchers;

  function() { if (claimed) throw; }

  function createTarget() returns (Token) {
    Token target = new Token(0);
    researchers[target] = msg.sender;
    return target;

  function claim(Token target) {
    address researcher = researchers[target];
    if (researcher == 0) throw;

    // check Token contract invariants
    if (target.totalSupply() == target.balance) throw;
    asyncSend(researcher, this.balance);
    claimed = true;

As before, we’re using PullPayment to make our outgoing payments safe. This Bounty contract allows researchers to create copies of the Token contract we want audited. Anyone can contribute to the bug bounty by sending transactions to the Bounty contract’s address. If any researcher manages to corrupt his copy of the Token contract, making some invariant break (for example, in this case, making the total supply of tokens different from the Token’s balance), he’ll get the bounty reward. Once the bounty is claimed, the contract won’t accept any more funds (that nameless function is called the contract’s fallback function, and is executed every time the contract is sent money directly).

As you can see, this has the nice property that it is a separate contract and requires no modification of our original Token contract. Here´s a full implementation available on GitHub for anyone to use

As for fault tolerance, we will need to modify our original contract to add extra safety mechanisms. A simple idea is to allow a contract’s curator to freeze the contract as an emergency mechanism. Let’s see a way to implement this behavior via inheritance:

contract Stoppable {

  address public curator;
  bool public stopped;

  modifier stopInEmergency { if (!stopped) _; }
  modifier onlyInEmergency { if (stopped) _; }

  function Stoppable(address _curator) {
    if (_curator == 0) throw;
    curator = _curator;

  function emergencyStop() external {
    if (msg.sender != curator) throw;
    stopped = true;

Stoppable allows one to specify a curator address that can stop the contract. What does “stopping the contract” mean? That’s to be defined by the child contract inheriting from Stoppable by using the function modifiers stopInEmergency and onlyInEmergency. Let’s see an example:

import './PullPayment.sol';
import './Stoppable.sol';

contract StoppableBid is Stoppable, PullPayment {
  address public highestBidder;
  uint public highestBid;

  function StoppableBid(address _curator) Stoppable(_curator) PullPayment() {}

  function bid() external stopInEmergency {
    if (msg.value <= highestBid) throw;

    if (highestBidder != 0) {
      asyncSend(highestBidder, highestBid);

    highestBidder = msg.sender;
    highestBid = msg.value;

  function withdraw() onlyInEmergency { suicide(curator); }

In this toy example, the bid can now be stopped by a curator, defined when the contract is created. While the StoppableBid is in normal mode, only the bid function can be called. If something weird happens and the contract is in an inconsistent state, the curator can step in and activate the emergency state. This makes the bid function uncallable, and allows the function withdraw to work.

In this case, emergency mode would only allow the curator to destroy the contract and recover the funds, but in a real case, recovery logic could be more complex (for example returning funds to their owners). Here´s an implementation of Stoppable available on GitHub for anyone to use

Limit the amount of funds deposited

Another way to protect our smart contracts from attacks is to limit their scope. Attackers will most probably target high-profile contracts managing millions of dollars. Not all smart contracts need to have such high stakes. Especially if we’re conducting experiments. In such cases, it might be useful to limit the amount of funds our contract accepts. This is as simple as a hard limit on the balance of the contract’s address.

Here’s a simplified example on how to do this:

contract LimitFunds {

 uint LIMIT = 5000;

 function() { throw; }

 function deposit() {
    if (this.balance > LIMIT) throw;
    // ...

The short fallback function will reject any direct payments to the contract. The deposit function will first check if the contract’s balance exceeds the desired limit, or throw an exception. More interesting things like dynamic or managed limits are easy to implement too.

Write simple and modular

Security comes from a match between our intention and what our actually allows to do. This is very hard to verify, especially if the is huge and messy. That’s why it’s important to write simple and modular .

This means, functions should be as short as possible, dependencies should be reduced to the minimum, and files should be as small as possible, separating independent logic into modules, each with a single responsibility.

Naming is also one of the best ways to express our intention when coding. Think a lot about the names you chose, to make your as clear as possible.

Let’s study an example of bad naming of Events. Look at this function from The DAO. I’m not going to copy the function here because it’s very long.

The biggest problem is that it’s too long and complex. Try to keep your functions much shorter, say, up to 30 or 40 lines of max. Ideally, you should be able to read functions and understand what they do in less than a minute. Another problem is the bad naming for the event Transfer in Line 685. The name differs from a function called transfer by only 1 character! This is inviting confusion for everyone. In general, the recommended naming for events is that they should start with “Log”. In this case, a better name would be LogTransfer.

Remember, write your contracts as simple, modular, and well-named as possible. This will greatly facilitate others and yourself in auditing your .

Don’t write all your from scratch

Finally, as the old adage reads: Don’t roll your own crypto. I think it also applies to Smart Contract . You’re dealing with money, your data is public, and you’re running in a new and experimental platform. The stakes are high and the chances to mess-up are everywhere.

These practices help secure our smart contracts. But ultimately, we should create better developer tools to build smart contracts. There are some interesting initiatives including better type systems, Serenity Abstractions, and The Rootstock platform.

There’s lots of good and secure already written and frameworks are starting to appear. We’ve started to compile some of the best practices in this GitHub repo we called OpenZeppelin. Feel free to take a look and contribute with new or security audits.

Wrapping up

To recap, the security patterns described in this article are:

  1. Fail as early and loudly as possible
  2. Favor pull over push payments
  3. Order your function : conditions, actions, interactions
  4. Be aware of platform limits
  5. Write tests
  6. Fault tolerance and Automatic bug bounties
  7. Limit the amount of funds deposited
  8. Write simple and modular
  9. Don’t write all your from scratch

Thanks to Demian Brener, Dario Sneidermanis, Simon de la Rouviere and Noel Maersk for reviewing and commenting on early drafts.