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Radiant V2 Audit


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From 2023-04-24
To 2023-06-09
Total Issues
82 (75 resolved)
Critical Severity Issues
1 (1 resolved)
High Severity Issues
5 (5 resolved)
Medium Severity Issues
15 (13 resolved)
Low Severity Issues
41 (36 resolved)
Notes & Additional Information
20 (20 resolved)


We audited the radiant-capital/v2-core repository at the e8f21f103e17736907b62809d1ad902febc53714 commit.

In scope were the following contracts:

├── accessories
│   ├── Compounder.sol
│   ├── Leverager.sol
│   └── StargateBorrow.sol
├── eligibility
│   ├── BountyManager.sol
│   └── EligibilityDataProvider.sol
├── libraries
│   ├── AddressPagination.sol
│   └── LockerList.sol
├── oracles
│   ├── BaseOracle.sol
│   ├── ChainlinkV3Adapter.sol
│   ├── PriceProvider.sol
│   ├── UniV2TwapOracle.sol
│   ├── UniV3TwapOracle.sol
│   └── wstethOracle.sol
├── staking
│   ├── ChefIncentivesController.sol
│   ├── MiddleFeeDistribution.sol
│   └── MultiFeeDistribution.sol
├── token
│   ├── Migration.sol
│   └── RadiantOFT.sol
└── zap
    ├── LockZap.sol
    └── helpers
        ├── BalancerPoolHelper.sol
        ├── DustRefunder.sol
        ├── LiquidityZap.sol
        └── UniswapPoolHelper.sol

System Overview

Radiant V2 is a decentralized lending platform where users can provide a variety of assets as collateral and borrow against it while keeping a healthy collateralization ratio. It features cross-chain borrowing by leveraging LayerZero's novel interoperability protocol between different blockchains.

Protocol revenue is shared with depositors and additionally, RDNT token rewards are distributed to eligible stakers. Stakers can become eligible by providing liquidity in the form of RDNT and the wrapped native token of each specific blockchain, and then locking it for a given period of time. The longer the lock time, the larger the reward multiplier. This incentivizes protocol participants to provide deep liquidity for the governance token.

The audited codebase is comprised of a few different packages that manage staking, incentives, eligibility, price oracles, a bounty system, looping (leveraging positions in a single transaction), zapping assets into locked LP tokens, cross-chain borrowing and the new Radiant OFT V2 token.

The system is currently deployed on Arbitrum and Binance Smart Chain (BSC). Locked liquidity is provided in a Balancer weighted pool (80% RDNT and 20% WETH) in Arbitrum, while a PancakeSwap V2 pool is used on BSC with 50% RDNT and 50% WBNB.

Staking, Reward Emissions and Eligibility

Staking on Radiant V2 means providing liquidity and locking the LP tokens for a certain period of time. In order to become eligible for reward emissions, users must always maintain a certain amount of locked LP tokens, respective to their total deposited collateral value in USD terms. These tokens can be locked for different periods of time, ranging from 1 month up to 12 months at the moment of writing. The longer the period, the larger the multiplier applied to accrued rewards.

By default, auto-relocking is enabled, which means that after a certain lock expires, it will get locked again automatically for the preferred lock period in order to not lose eligibility for rewards. Alternatively, the LP tokens can be withdrawn on lock expiration.

RDNT reward emissions can be claimed into vesting, which imposes a 90-day period before users can withdraw their full earnings. If a user decides to withdraw their rewards before vesting is complete, they will incur a linear penalty over that time ranging from 90% down to 25%. The penalty fee is distributed as follows: 90% goes to the Radiant DAO reserve, and the remaining 10% is sent to the Radiant Starfleet Treasury.

Eligible depositors and borrowers are entitled to receive RDNT emissions within the money market. Emissions can follow either a linear pattern with a fixed number of tokens distributed per second, or be linked to a predefined schedule that continuously updates the distribution at specific times.

The aforementioned vesting period can be bypassed and rewards instantly claimed for their total amount under the condition that they are zapped into locked LP tokens by pairing all claimed RDNT with the wrapped native token of the specific chain.


Eligible depositors will generate rewards in rTokens such as rUSDC or rWBTC, which are the deposited, yield-generating equivalent of their underlying asset. These rewards can be claimed directly as rTokens into the user's wallet or, alternatively, they can be compounded into locked LP tokens in order to generate even more rewards.

This can be achieved via the Compounder contract, in a single transaction. Users can self-compound their rewards at any time or, they can opt-in for auto-compounding and rely on bounty hunters (see below) to do so on their behalf once a day in exchange for a small fee taken out of their claimed rewards.

Bounty System

In order to keep the protocol both decentralized and working as expected, a system of bounties has been set up so that third parties (called hunters) are incentivized to perform specific actions on behalf of the protocol. There are three different actions that hunters can perform in order to receive a bounty for their efforts:

  1. Withdrawing expired locks for users: Expired locks should not keep generating rewards, so hunters are paid a fixed amount (the base bounty) in order to timely withdraw any user's expired locks. Depending on user settings, this lock will be withdrawn as LP tokens directly into their wallet or relocked into the protocol for their preferred amount of time.
  2. Stopping emissions for ineligible users: Due to natural market fluctuations, user locks might change in USD value and go below the necessary threshold to maintain eligibility. Hunters can stop emissions for users when this happens in exchange for the base bounty as well.
  3. Auto-compounding user rewards: Users can opt-in for auto-compounding their rewards into locked LP tokens. These rewards correspond to their share in protocol revenue and are paid in the different rTokens supported by the platform. Hunters can claim these rewards every 24 hours for opted-in users to get them all swapped into LP tokens, which are automatically locked. For this last bounty type, the total amount paid is not fixed but instead, it represents a percentage of the total amount of rewards claimed on behalf of the user. A percentage of this bounty is paid to the hunter and the remaining is kept by the bounty reserve in order to have enough tokens to pay the other two types of bounties.

All bounty types are paid in RDNT tokens, which are subject to the same 90-day vesting discussed before. Additionally, hunters need to be eligible as well in order to be able to claim bounties.

Radiant V2 OFT

OFT stands for Omnichain Fungible Token. This new version of the Radiant governance token (RDNT) implements the OFT interface provided by LayerZero in order to make it natively transferrable cross-chain, and it is not upgradeable. Old v1 token holders can migrate their holdings into the new version by leveraging the Migration contract.

The token can be transferred to and from any of the chains where the protocol is deployed (BSC and Arbitrum at the time of writing). In order to do so, users need to pay two fees: the LayerZero fee and the Radiant bridging fee. Both are paid in the chain's native currency when executing the transfer transaction.

Cross-Chain Borrowing

Users have the option of borrowing a certain subset of assets and getting them sent directly into another chain. For instance, users can deposit USDC on Arbitrum and borrow USDT on Binance Smart Chain. This can be done via the StargateBorrow contract, which communicates with Stargate's bridge routers in order to perform the swaps.

There are also two fees involved, one to cover LayerZero's fee and another one charged by the Radiant protocol and sent to their treasury.


Users who want to set up a leveraged position can do so via the looping functionality provided by the Leverager contract.

It features a variety of functions to achieve that goal, depending on the asset being used and whether funds should be pulled from the user's wallet or borrowed against their already existing collateral. A manually leveraged position requires multiple transactions to deposit collateral, borrow against it and then redepositing the borrowed amount. This can all be performed in a single looping transaction as many times as necessary to reach the desired leverage.


Providing liquidity in a pool is a complex process which involves swapping source assets into the two necessary tokens in the right proportion. The ZapLock contract, along with all the pool helpers, provides the necessary functions to lock LP tokens directly from any source asset users may hold, in a single transaction. It even allows for tokens to be borrowed instead of supplied when necessary.

Price Oracles

Price oracles are used for two different purposes within the protocol:

1) To track RDNT prices in order to manage eligibility and properly provide liquidity in the form of wrapped native token and RDNT in the right proportion.

2) To manage the different money markets supported by the platform.

The audited codebase contains a variety of price oracles focused on the first task, so they are all specifically designed to retrieve RDNT prices. This gives the team enough flexibility to choose the best candidate depending on the blockchain the protocol is deployed, Chainlink price feed availability, market conditions and the automated market maker of choice where users will provide liquidity. The different price oracles available are:

  • Uniswap V2 TWAP Oracle: This is the oracle currently configured on the BSC deployment. It uses a 60-second period between updates and returns the average price registered by the associated PancakeSwap V2 pool on the last period. It relies on the protocol being poked frequently enough by user actions in order to perform these updates in a timely manner. Note that this period is particularly low, which carries some risk of making the price manipulatable. However, the Radiant team made the conscious decision to set it this way in order to more effectively track short-term fluctuations in prices and due to not being used to manage an active lending market. The ROI of potential eligibility attack vectors is not high enough to justify the cost of the price manipulation. For the same reason, the team has decided to allow stale prices to be reported. There is a feature implemented to avoid using the TWAP price and instead, simply calculate the price based on the current pool reserves. Since this alternative is highly manipulatable, it is encouraged that it is only used during protocol deployment when the pool is being created. The team stated that they will switch to using Chainlink as soon as there is an available price feed for RDNT on BSC.

  • Uniswap V3 TWAP Oracle: This oracle is not actively being used, but it contains the necessary features to correctly track the TWAP price registered by the associated Uniswap V3 pool.

  • Chainlink V3 Adapter: This is the oracle of choice on Arbitrum, where there is an available price feed for the RDNT token.

  • Base oracle: This is not a full oracle but instead it is intended to be inherited by the TWAP oracles in order to enforce a consistent API with Chainlink, which conforms to its associated interface. It provides the basic functionality and configuration needed by their children.

Additionally, there is an independent oracle that tracks wrapped staked ETH (wstETH) prices by querying Chainlink's price feeds. This specific oracle is not used within the audited codebase.

Security Model & Trust Assumptions

The owner of the Radiant contracts is the multisig wallet managed by the Radiant team. The protocol owner has the power to:

  • Pause/unpause certain contracts to restrict new fund inflows
  • Upgrade implementation contracts
  • Change external contract addresses
  • Change key protocol configuration settings such as fees, incentives, and slippage ratios
  • Change oracle settings such as allowing/disallowing stale prices and allowing the use of fallback oracles

Users of the protocol place their trust in the Radiant team to act in their best interests when making administrative changes to the system.

The Radiant protocol also requires ongoing monitoring and routine administrative actions by the Radiant team in order to ensure that the system remains sufficiently capitalized to pay out rewards emissions and bounties, and to ensure that bounty hunters remain incentivized to help the owners maintain an up-to-date protocol state.

The community can participate in governance by submitting proposals to the Radiant DAO. All users that hold locked RDNT tokens in the MultiFeeDistribution contract are eligible to vote. Voting weight is proportional to the number of tokens held. The foundation that administers the DAO is trusted to abide by governance decisions.

Update: After our assessment of the implemented fixes, it is worth noting that the Radiant team now has the ability to remove existing rewards from MultiFeeDistribution and then recover any existing balance. As previously stated, the team is expected to always act in the best interest of its user base.


Critical Severity

Eligibility Manipulation Leads to Stolen Rewards

Users can leverage their position by calling the loop function within the Leverager contract. This function will loop through multiple cycles of depositing and borrowing of the same asset in order to achieve the desired leveraged position.

During this process, ChefIncentivesController's setEligibilityExempt function is called to temporarily activate an exemption for the user. This skips the check on their eligibility after every iteration in order to save gas. Once the position is fully leveraged, this exemption is set back to false on the last loop iteration.

However, a loopCount of 0 iterations is allowed, so an attacker may pass 0 as a value for loopCount which will skip the loop execution and thus, also skip setting the eligibility exemption back to false. Similar logic has been implemented in loopETH and loopETHFromBorrow, but in those functions, the eligibility exemption is toggled back to false outside of the for loop, so they are not vulnerable.

This exemption is used in the handleActionAfter hook to prevent eligibility updates for ChefIncentivesController pools. Since this functionality is crucial for balance change updates used by the IncentivizedERC20 (transfers, mint, burn) and StableDebtToken (mint, burn) contracts it opens up different attack vectors such as:

  • Reusing the same deposit across multiple accounts in order to emit additional rewards by transferring the rTokens between multiple accounts and requalifying every account for rewards via requalifyFor.
  • Inflating the user's pool balance by depositing a flash-loaned asset, requalifying the position for rewards eligibility via requalify and finally withdrawing the deposit to pay back the flash loan amount. At this point, the total deposited collateral is zero but the user is still emitting rewards for the entire amount previously deposited.

The only requirement in both scenarios is to have the minimum required LP locked from the attack setup until the closest maturity date. After that, since deposited collateral will be zero, the required amount of LP tokens locked to maintain eligibility will also be zero.

Consider refactoring the loop function to ensure that the eligibility exempt is always set back to false before returning and enforcing loopCount to be strictly larger than 0.

Update: Resolved in pull request #170 at commit 5f64342. A new InvalidLoopCount custom error has been introduced. It is used to revert the loop, loopETH, and loopETHFromBorrow functions when they are called with a loopCount value equal to zero.

High Severity

Vested RDNT Tokens Can Be Withdrawn Early With No Penalties

The individualEarlyExit function within the MultiFeeDistribution contract allows withdrawing a specific user earnings entry, which is identified by passing its unlockTime to ieeWithdrawableBalances. Once a record is matched, its index is assigned and returned along with the penalty and burn amounts. The individualEarlyExit function contains a check that presumes that an out-of-bounds index returned by ieeWithdrawableBalances indicates the target unlockTime was not found.

However, if the specified unlockTime is not found, ieeWithdrawableBalances will return all variables set to zero, including the index. Instead of halting execution as intended, it will continue and individualEarlyExit will remove the first userEarnings item from the list, while not correctly decreasing the user's earned balance accordingly. This transaction will not revert and will end up transferring 0 RDNT tokens to the user and the DAO treasury.

A malicious user can call individualEarlyExit as many times as necessary using an invalid unlockTime until their userEarnings array is empty, and then call the exit function to determine the withdrawable balance by looping through the userEarnings array. Since there are no entries (they were all removed), the penalty and burn amounts returned by withdrawableBalance will be zero, resulting in a withdrawable balance equal to the full balances[user].earned value.

The end result is that any user can withdraw their full amount of RDNT rewards at any time, bypassing any penalties for exiting early.

To ensure users cannot withdraw earnings that are not fully vested without penalties, consider reverting when the specified unlockTime is not found.

Update: Resolved in pull request #242 at commit 0752677. If the specified unlockTime is not found, the transaction will revert with the custom error UnlockTimeNotFound.

RDNT Token Bridge Fee Can Be Bypassed

The RDNT token is implemented as a LayerZero Omnichain Fungible Token (OFT), which allows it to be sent to any blockchain that has a LayerZero endpoint. The tokens can be transferred cross-chain by using the OFT sendFrom function, which internally calls the overridden _send function in the RadiantOFT contract. The purpose of this override is to allow the Radiant team to collect an extra fee called the bridge fee, which is expressed in the chain's native currency and dependent on the amount of RDNT being transferred.

This fee can potentially be bypassed by instead using the OFT sendAndCall function, which is similar to sendFrom but allows executing a specific payload after executing the token transfer. If crafted correctly, this will execute the inherited _sendAndCall function, which has not been overridden to also collect the bridge fee.

Consider overriding the internal _sendAndCall function in order to also collect the extra fee and avoid the potential loss of protocol revenue.

Update: Resolved in pull request #176 at commits 01b2bde and eddbf1c.

Initial Liquidity Can Be Lost by Front-Running Pool Initialization

Both the UniswapPoolHelper and BalancerPoolHelper contracts implement an initializePool function that is responsible for creating a new liquidity pool for the RDNT token paired with a base token. In the currently deployed contracts, RDNT is paired with WETH on Arbitrum and WBNB on Binance Smart Chain. In the case of Uniswap, this initialization will revert if a pair has already been created.

The logic in both pool initialization functions expects the input RDNT/WETH or RDNT/WBNB tokens to be sent to the respective helper contract in advance, before calling either initializePool function. This is outlined in the deployment script for UniswapPoolHelper and BalancerPoolHelper as a manual set of transactions, instead of being executed atomically. After depositing liquidity into a pool, the respective initializePool function will send the received liquidity (LP) tokens to the caller (see here and here).

However, access to these initializePool functions is unrestricted, which allows any user to perform the pool initialization step. This leads to the front-running scenario where an attacker monitors the mempool and waits for the protocol owners to send RDNT and WETH tokens to the contract, and then front-runs the initializePool transaction, or alternatively (on Layer 2 chains that do not feature public mempools), the attacker can back-run the second token transfer to accomplish the same goal. The existing RDNT and WETH or WBNB contract balances will then be used to provide liquidity and send the minted LP tokens to the attacker.

Consider adding the onlyOwner modifier to the initializePool functions of UniswapPoolHelper and BalancerPoolHelper to ensure they can only be executed by the protocol owners, and/or implementing an atomic flow of contract deployment, transfer of funds, and pool initialization.

Update: Resolved in pull request #177 at commit 7ce4838. The onlyOwner modifier was added to both initializePool functions.

Bounty Hunters Can Incur a Denial-of-Service

Successful bounty hunters are expected to claim a large number of bounties per day. The larger the protocol grows, the more situations will arise for hunters to get a reward for ensuring the protocol works as expected.

These bounties are paid out in RDNT tokens, but not directly to the hunter's wallet. Instead, these tokens go into a 90-day vesting period. In order to track penalties for each individual amount in vesting, every bounty needs to be separately added to the hunter's earnings array.

A successful bounty hunter can potentially claim a very large amount of bounties within the same 90-day period (before vesting ends for his first bounty), causing the userEarnings array to be so large that any interaction with it on a transaction will fail due to running out of gas because it has reached the block gas limit. When this happens, hunters will not be able to withdraw their earnings or perform static calls to the earnedBalances function, essentially bricking protocol interactions for that specific user.

The same effect can be achieved by a malicious actor performing a grieving attack on any account by claiming numerous times on behalf of a victim's address since there is no minimum amount claimable and there is no access control enforced when claiming rewards.

In order to avoid a denial of service on regular users, consider increasing the minimum amount claimable to a reasonable threshold. Additionally, consider enforcing access control on the claiming functionality if necessary.

Regarding bounty hunters, in order to prevent them from incurring a denial-of-service, consider implementing an alternate solution to how bounties are added to the userEarnings array. For example, the same array item could be used to combine multiple bounty amounts claimed within the same day.

Update: Resolved in pull request #201 at commits 42c6772, bec761e, 5b43456, 82d6503, d4c1489 and 814adc6. Claims of 0 RDNT are disallowed and a 1-day epoch system has been implemented so that both RDNT claims and LP locks of the same type happening on the same day are merged within 1 entry. LP locks aggregation only takes place if the current lock will unlock on the exact same day as the last lock from the user list. This strategy makes the protocol more gas efficient and protects both users and bounty hunters from denial-of-service attacks by limiting the number of entries in both arrays.


Incorrect Accounting of earned and unlocked Tokens on exit May Brick the Protocol

The exit function within the MultiFeeDistribution contract is responsible for withdrawing RDNT tokens (earnings) that are already unlocked and still in vesting. It is using withdrawableBalance to calculate the balance that can be withdrawn, and then it releases the tokens to the user via _withdrawTokens.

While the function is correctly deleting userEarnings, it is not updating the unlocked and earned balances to 0, which is where the withdrawableBalance function gets the data from.

A regular call to exit will break that user's internal accounting for earnings and lockings, leading to reverts for crucial functionalities of the system and thus, causing unexpected results and potentially bricking most of the MultiFeeDistribution contract alongside other parts of the protocol.

The following features will be impacted by the incorrect value of earned or unlocked tokens:

  • The exit function will be reverting when updating the value of total.
  • The withdrawableBalance function will be returning an incorrect value.
  • The withdraw function will be reverting when updating value of total.
  • The earnedBalances function will be returning anincorrect value.

In order to maintain a correct internal accounting of user balances, it is recommended to reset both the unlocked and earned balances to 0 in the exit function.

Update: Resolved in pull request #66 at commit 1830760. Both unlocked and earned values are now reset to 0 within the exit function.

Medium Severity

Incorrect Calculation of Tokens to Burn on withdraw

The withdraw function of the MultiFeeDistribution contract implements the logic for withdrawing earned and unlocked tokens from the protocol. It loops through all earnings to sum the amount of earned tokens, penalties for the early withdrawal, and the burn amounts.

The problem is that burnAmount is incorrectly calculated by using the total penaltyAmount instead of the individual penalty for the current loop iteration, which leads to an inflated value of burnAmount.

It is recommended to correct the calculation of burnAmount by replacing penaltyAmount with the individual penalty associated with the current loop iteration.

Update: Resolved in pull request #208 at commit 65220b8.

Incorrect Earnings Accounting When ChefIncentivesController Reserve Is Empty

The ChefIncentivesController contract allows claiming rewards through its claim function. The rewards are then sent to the MultiFeeDistribution contract by calling _mint, which uses the _sendRadiant function to perform the actual transfer. Following the transfer, the claimed rewards are vested by calling MultiFeeDistribution's mint function.

If a user calls claim when the ChefIncentivesController contract's reserve of RDNT tokens is empty, the contract is paused but the _amount that the user would have received is still returned and used for vesting. This behavior is incorrect since MultiFeeDistribution will record RDNT tokens that it never actually received as vested, leading to the insolvency of MultiFeeDistribution because the accounting will record user reward amounts in excess of the contract's balance.

To ensure adequate funds are present in the reserve, consider reverting when there are insufficient funds for any rewards claim. In addition, consider using OpenZeppelin Defender to detect this event and subsequently pause the contract or fill the reserve.

Update: Resolved in pull request #174 at commits 4c7d287 and 482c14f. The ChefIncentivesController contract will revert with an OutOfRewards custom error if there are not enough reserve funds to pay out a claim. Additionally, the contract is no longer paused when this situation is encountered.

Incorrect Usage of Uniswap V2 Oracle

Uniswap provides example code for a Uniswap V2 oracle and UniV2TwapOracle follows the example implementation to retrieve oracle price data. However, Uniswap's implementation actually relies on the unchecked arithmetic in Solidity 0.6.6 in order to work correctly. In contrast, the Solidity version 0.8.12 used by UniV2TwapOracle contains default checks to prevent overflow from occurring. Since the Uniswap implementation expects overflows as part of normal operation, the use of modern Solidity >=0.8.0 may eventually cause the code to revert unexpectedly.

Consider adding unchecked to the parts of the UniV2TwapOracle code that are expected to overflow.

Update: Resolved in pull request #204 at commit 6e67d1c. All parts that are expected to overflow have been wrapped in unchecked blocks.

Incorrect Leveraged Borrow Calculation

The Leverager contract provides the ability to leverage a user's position by "looping" the deposit and borrow actions, i.e. funds that are borrowed are then deposited, increasing the collateral to borrow against in the next loop iteration. This functionality has been implemented by functions loop, loopETH, and loopETHFromBorrow, which cover various use cases.

Users are charged a percentage fee on every deposit during the leveraging process but the fee is not correctly deducted from the amount used for the next deposit. This can be observed in the loop where the amount to deposit is reduced by the fee but amount is not updated for the next iteration of the loop, leading to an increased amount of borrowed tokens beyond what the user expected. The issue is present in loop, loopETH, loopETHFromBorrow, and the view function wethToZapEstimation.

Consider updating the value of the amount by deducting fee from it before using it for the deposit.

Update: Resolved in pull request #206 at commits 1483fb5, c95a251 and bb54b79.

Leveraged Positions May Receive Reduced Reward Emissions

The loopETH and loopETHFromBorrow functions set a user as exempt from eligibility for the duration of the loop, which disables any updates to ChefIncentivesController regarding changes in rToken balances. After the loop is finished, the exemption is revoked and zapWETHWithBorrow is called to lock more LP tokens when necessary, in order to ensure that the user maintains reward emission eligibility. When the _zap function locks more liquidity by calling MultiFeeDistribution's stake function, updated rToken balances will correctly be reflected within ChefIncentivesController.

However, when users are still eligible even after reaching the desired leverage, the function wethToZap will return 0 and thus, zapWETHWithBorrow will not lock any more liquidity. This will cause users to miss rewards generated by the newly deposited amount since ChefIncentivesController has not been notified about the new balance. Reward emission will continue the next time liquidity is locked on behalf of this specific user.

Consider redesigning both loopETH and loopETHFromBorrow functions in order to ensure that ChefIncentivesController is always notified about final rToken balances after the position is leveraged.

Update: Resolved in pull request #219 at commit 5a7a905. Both loopETH and loopETHFromBorrow have been refactored to behave like the loop function, where the exemption from eligibility is lifted right before performing the last loop iteration. This change ensures that ChefIncentivesController will receive accurate balance notifications after the position is fully leveraged.

Slippage Tolerances May Be Too Large

When performing a selfCompound operation or when a hunter claims an auto-compound bounty, a series of swap operations take place so that an account's rewards can be converted into a combination of the base token (WETH or WBNB) and RDNT.

The first set of swap operations takes place when converting all aToken rewards into the base token. Each of those swaps has a maximum slippage ratio between 0% and 20%.

Once all rewards have been converted into the base token, the necessary amount of RDNT tokens charged as a fee when an auto-compound bounty is being claimed is swapped out from the base token balance. This swap is also subject to a 0%-20% maximum slippage.

Finally, the necessary percentage of the base token balance is swapped again into RDNT in order to be able to provide liquidity in the right ratio. This last swap operation is subject to the ACCEPTABLE_RATIO parameter, which can range from 0% to 100%.

All these slippage amounts can be compounded and an attacker may be able to extract up to the maximum slippage tolerance at all times.

Since Radiant users may have different amounts of capital invested in the protocol, different slippage settings should be enforced for each situation. Apart from enforcing sensible general parameters for these tolerances, consider giving users the ability to choose their own slippage settings so that smaller positions can get away with much tighter ratios.

Update: Resolved in pull request #225 at commits 59d7f1d, 6cb87f9, 937a6b9, 843555b, af0b342 and f466ecc. Users are now able to specify their own custom slippage value for swaps. When auto-compounding is enabled, the MultiFeeDistribution contract stores the user's desired slippage tolerance for compounding. Users are prevented from using a slippage tolerance greater than 5%. If a user has not set a slippage limit for compounding, the maximum slippage tolerance configured for the system will be used, which is currently set at 5%.

Missing whenNotPaused Modifier

The LockZap contract implements pause functionality that prevents users from locking additional funds in case of emergency. While the functions zap, zapOnBehalf and zapFromVesting have the whenNotPaused modifier correctly applied, the function zapAlternateAsset is missing that modifier. As a result, even when the contract is paused, it will still be possible to use the zapAlternateAsset function to stake additional liquidity.

Consider adding the whenNotPaused modifier to the zapAlternateAsset function so that it cannot be executed while the contract is paused.

Update: Resolved in pull request #234 at commit 6e5faf7.

Loss of RDNT Rewards When Compounding

Function claimCompound allows compounding accrued rewards into locked liquidity. The full list of available rewards is configured within MultiFeeDistribution and it contains all supported rTokens and the RDNT token itself. When rewards are claimed from the MultiFeeDistribution contract via claimFromConverter, this list is looped through and any available reward is transferred into the Compounder contract. At the time of writing, the RDNT token is added to that list but has no active emissions, so it will never get transferred.

However, the Radiant team confirmed that the RDNT token is added to the list of reward tokens within MultiFeeDistribution because in the future they might want to distribute them as rewards. If that happens, these tokens will get stuck on the Compounder contract because only rTokens are being handled, skipping the iteration when the token is RDNT.

Consider adding specific logic to handle RDNT rewards within the claimCompound function in order to avoid the potential loss of user rewards in the future.

Update: Resolved in pull request #213 at commits 8bad016, e43df4e, 2e579cc, 77ca628, 02db1ea, 776bda9 and 26bea56. RDNT rewards are no longer forwarded to the Compounder contract. Additionally, a safety check has been added so that no reward token can be added if it implements the UNDERLYING_ASSET_ADDRESS function but is not part of the rToken suite.

Missing PriceProvider Oracle Updates

The PriceProvider contract is responsible for providing pricing data to multiple contracts of the protocol. It uses either pool data or one of the following oracles: ChainlinkV3Adapter, UniV3TwapOracle, UniV2TwapOracle.

In the case where UniV2TwapOracle is used, the update function must be frequently triggered to correctly track TWAP data, otherwise the returned price will be stale. This is done in the LockZap contract and in multiple functions of the MultiFeeDistribution contract.

The following contracts are using PriceProvider but are missing oracle updates:

It is recommended to always trigger the update function before using PriceProvider to query price data.

Update: Resolved in pull request #235 at commits 6d1516f, c654e43 and 4467c8d.

The contracts BaseOracle and PriceProvider are using Chainlink’s deprecated latestAnswer function to retrieve the price of ETH. Although latestAnswer returns the price of the asset, it is not possible to check if the data is fresh.

The following instances of using latestAnswer were identified:

Consider replacing calls to latestAnswer with Chainlink's latestRoundData function, and adding checks on the returned data to ensure the price value is positive, is not stale, and that the round is complete.

Update: Resolved in pull request #220 at commit 1612d75. Calls to the deprecated latestAnswer function have been replaced with calls to latestRoundData. Additionally, transactions will be reverted if reported prices are older than a day, non-positive, or if the round is not complete.

The ChainlinkV3Adapter and WSTETHOracle contracts are using Chainlink’s latestRoundData function, but are not fully validating the returned data. The returned price value (answer) is checked to ensure it is not zero, but the other return values roundId, updatedAt, and answeredInRound are not checked, which might result in stale and incorrect prices being used by the protocol.

The following instances of missing security checks were identified:

In each case, consider adding security checks on the returned data with proper revert messages if the price is stale or if the round is incomplete.

Update: Resolved in pull request #221 at commits 0f5c958, 7ebf11a, a6c51b7, 0dc3ddf and cff685f. Prices retrieved from ChainlinkV3Adapter will revert if they are non-positive, older than a day, or from an incomplete round.

Incorrect Reward Updates for Scheduled Emissions

The ChefIncentivesController contract supports two methods of distributing rewards. The protocol can either set a fixed value for rewardsPerSecond or change the rewardsPerSecond value according to an emission schedule. Usage of emission schedules requires a frequent check on the current rewards per second value against the schedule to determine when emissions should be adjusted. This logic has been implemented in the setScheduledRewardsPerSecond function that is triggered by _updateEmissions.

However, the _updateEmissions function is only used by addPool and claim, but not in _handleActionAfterForToken or afterLockUpdate. The latter two functions both call the _updatePool function in order to update pool rewards using the rewardsPerSecond value, but do not support emission schedule updates, which may lead to incorrect reward emissions until there is a new pool added or a claim is triggered.

Consider calling _updateEmissions whenever rewards need to be recalculated, to ensure that the rewardsPerSecond value tracks the current scheduled emission rate as closely as possible.

Update: Acknowledged, not resolved. The Radiant team stated:

Calling _updateEmissions on every rToken / dToken transfer would be very gas intensive and would render the product unusable on certain chains. In our opinion, the resulting reward inaccuracy is worth the gas savings on this heavily used function.

Possible Denial-of-Service for Compounding

The claimCompound function allows compounding accrued rewards from the MultiFeeDistribution contract by claiming them, converting them to the base token, and finally zapping them into locked LP tokens via LockZap. The logic for swapping rewards to the base token has been implemented in _claimAndSwapToBase by approving uniRouter to spend an amount of tokens and then executing swapExactTokensForTokens on Uniswap's router.

Since the swap is inside a try-catch block, it is possible that the swap reverts but the transaction succeeds, so long as the total received base token meets the slippage requirement. This leads to a scenario where the token has been correctly approved to be spent via safeApprove but then the actual spending did not happen. The implementation of safeApprove requires either the new allowance to be reset to 0 or the current allowance to be equal to 0. This may not be true for uniRouter if any of the swaps revert since there will be an unspent allowance. This will lead to a denial-of-service situation for the Compounder.

Consider using the SafeERC20 forceApprove function instead of safeApprove.

Update: Resolved in pull request #184 at commit d72012f.

Lack of Event Emission

The following functions do not emit relevant events after executing sensitive actions:

Consider emitting events after sensitive changes take place to facilitate tracking and to notify off-chain clients following the contracts' activity.

Update: Resolved in pull request #227 at commits 53348f6 and ed9cabf.

Uniswap Pool Initialization Fails if Pool Exists

The UniswapPoolHelper and BalancerPoolHelper contracts both implement an initializePool function that is responsible for creating a trading pair via IUniswapV2PairFactory or IWeightedPoolFactory, respectively. However, in the former case, Uniswap's createPair function will revert if a pair has already been created for the given tokens.

During the deployment process on a new chain, an attacker may create a Uniswap trading pair that matches the same pair Radiant intends to create before this initializePool function is called. This will cause the function to always revert from that point onward. This would require Radiant to upgrade the UniswapPoolHelper contract to resolve this issue.

Consider always checking if the desired Uniswap pool already exists before attempting to create it.

Update: Acknowledged, not resolved. The Radiant team stated:

As this issue only affects deployments on new chains, we will tackle this minor upgrade once (and if) it does actually end up occurring.

Low Severity

Lack of gap Variable in Base Contract

The BaseOracle contract is inherited by several other contracts, but does not declare its own __gap variable. Gap variables provide a standard approach to reserve storage slots in base contracts, so that new variables can be safely added while avoiding collisions with the storage used by child contracts.

Consider adding storage gaps to inherited contracts by using gap variables to avoid future storage clashes.

Update: Resolved in pull request #246 at commit 45833b7.

Duplicated Code

There are instances of duplicated code within the codebase, which can lead to issues later on in the development lifecycle. Errors can inadvertently be introduced when functionality changes are not replicated across all instances of code that should be identical. Some examples are:

  • Functions allowing the owner to recover stray ERC-20 tokens (recoverERC20) can be found with different implementations within the MiddleFeeDistribution, MultiFeeDistribution and ChefIncentivesController, and BountyManager contracts. All implementations are similar but only the first two emit a Recovered event.
  • Internal functions to safely transfer ETH into a certain address (_safeTransferETH) are replicated on both the Leverager and StargateBorrow contracts.
  • The loop and loopETH functions in the Leverager contract implement identical logic for updating a token's approved allowance for the lendingPool and treasury.
  • When withdrawing unvested RDNT tokens, return values from _penaltyInfo are ignored and then amounts after the penalty are recalculated. Consider using the amount, penaltyAmount and burnAmount return values directly to determine if the earned amount from this lock is enough to cover the withdrawal instead of recalculating the values. Duplicating code like this may become error-prone as seen on issue M-01
  • The wethToZap and wethToZapEstimation functions in the Leverager contract use an identical code block for computing wethAmount.
  • In the ChefIncentivesController contract, there are multiple instances where accrued rewards since the last update are being calculated. Consider extracting these calculations into a separate function so it can be reused across the contract instead of replicating the same logic.
  • In the Compounder contract, the selfEligibleCompound function implements a special case of the userEligibleForCompound function where _user = msg.sender. Consider unifying the logic in an internal function that can be called by both public functions instead.
  • The slippageLimit validation within the Compounder contract is duplicated in the constructor and in setSlippageLimit.
  • When adding liquidity within LiquidityZap, it performs the optimal token amount calculation directly instead of leveraging the existing public quote function.
  • Consider leveraging the DustRefunder contract within LiquidityZap to avoid duplicating logic to refund token leftovers after providing liquidity.
  • When calculating the LP token price via getLpPrice in UniswapPoolHelper, consider leveraging the existing getReserves function in order to retrieve the pool reserves and total supply instead of duplicating its logic.
  • When calling ltv, the asset configuration is queried directly from the lending pool. Consider making the existing getConfiguration function public so that it can be reused for this query.

Instead of duplicating code, consider extracting it into a shared function or a helper library when applicable.

Update: Resolved in pull request #230 at commits 6c94f65, f946b0c, 57c2ee1 and 22cd008.

Missing Error Message in require Statement

The require statement on line 1172 of MultiFeeDistribution.sol lacks an error message.

Consider including specific, informative error messages in require statements to improve overall code clarity and facilitate troubleshooting whenever a requirement is not satisfied.

Update: Resolved in pull request #224 at commits d14d322 and e869cd9.

Missing or Incorrect Docstrings

There are several instances in the codebase where NatSpec comments are either absent or incorrect:

In EligibilityDataProvider.sol:

  • The internal _lockedUsdValue function retrieves the USD value for the LP token but the docstring states that the reported value is in ETH.

In wstethOracle.sol:

  • The function latestAnswer returns the price for wstETH/USD instead of wstETH/ETH as the comments suggest.

In MultiFeeDistribution.sol:

  • Line 143 is a stray comment that is not associated with any code.
  • The initialize function only has @param tags for 4 out of 10 input parameters and has a @dev comment that refers to it as being a constructor instead of an initializer.
  • The docstring for setLockTypeInfo says the function adds a new reward token, but the function actually sets the lock periods and corresponding multipliers. The @notice documentation for setLockTypeInfo is a copy from the addReward function's docstring.
  • There is a section divider named "View functions", but non-view setter functions are mixed with getter functions in this section.
  • Documentation associated with the totalBalance function states that it returns the total balance of an account, including earned tokens. This is not the case when the staking token is the LP token instead of the RDNT token.
  • The earnedBalances @dev comment states that earned balances can be immediately withdrawn for a 50% penalty. This is not the case since the penalty factor is implemented as a function of time, starting at 90% and finishing at 25% right before vesting is complete.
  • The _notifyUnseenReward function's documentation states that it is meant for rewards other than the staking token, which in this case is the LP token. However, the function only checks if the token argument is the RDNT token.
  • All references to burn and burnAmount are not valid. Rather than being burnt, the "burnt" share of early-exit penalty tokens is sent to the starfleetTreasury contract.
  • The docstring for ieeWithdrawableBalances states that the function "returns withdrawable balances at exact unlock time", but only a single balance will ever be returned from this function because it stops iterating once it finds a matching unlockTime. Consider renaming the function to ieeWithdrawableBalance and updating the corresponding documentation.

In MiddleFeeDistribution.sol:

In ChefIncentivesController.sol:

  • The @title docstring is a copy of the @title from the UniV3TwapOracle contract.
  • The docstring for the internal _mint function states that it "can be called by owner or leverager contract". This appears to be copied from the setEligibilityExempt function docstring.
  • The emissionSchedule array documentation states that block number will be used to determine which schedule is the current one, but in reality it uses block.timestamp instead, so offsets refer to seconds not blocks.

In RadiantOFT.sol:

  • The @notice comment for the _send function incorrectly describes the return value.

In Leverager.sol:

In StargateBorrow.sol:

In LockerList.sol:

In BountyManager.sol:

  • Missing @param _eligibilityDataProvider and @param _compounder for the initialize function.
  • Incomplete @return documentation for the getMfdBounty function. It describes totalBounty but not issueBaseBounty.
  • Incomplete @return documentation for the getChefBounty function. It describes totalBounty but not issueBaseBounty.
  • The docstring for getAutoCompoundBounty states that MFDPlus.claimCompound is called and that MFDPlus is the incentivizer; in both cases MFDPlus should be Compounder.
  • Missing @return issueBaseBounty documentation for the getAutoCompoundBounty function.
  • There is no reference to the auto-compounder bounty within the getBestBounty documentation.

In Compounder.sol:

  • Missing @return fee documentation for the claimCompound function.

In LockZap.sol:

  • The docstring for the LockZap contract is a copy of the Stargateborrow contract's docstring
  • Missing @return for the zap function
  • Missing @return for the zapOnBehalf function
  • Missing @return for the zapFromVesting function
  • Missing @return for the _zap function

In BaseOracle.sol:

  • Incorrect @notice comment for latestAnswerInEth. It returns the token price in ETH, not USD.

The following instances lack docstrings entirely:

Consider thoroughly documenting all functions (and their parameters) that are part of any contract's public API. Functions implementing sensitive functionality, even if not public, should be clearly documented as well. When writing docstrings, consider following the Ethereum Natural Specification Format (NatSpec).

Update: Resolved in pull request #190 at commits 49d2c01, 8f4573e, and 4afdeb2. All indicated instances of incorrect documentation have been corrected and any missing docstrings have been added.

Incorrect Use of Assert

Some instances were found across the codebase where an assert statement is used:

A failed assertion will revert with a Panic exception in the EVM. According to the Solidity documentation, the assert statement should only be used to test for internal errors where an invariant is violated (i.e., it should be reserved to test for "this should never happen" states). Well-designed Solidity contracts should never generate a Panic, even when an input parameter is invalid.

Consider replacing all assert statements with an equivalent require or revert statement.

Update: Resolved in pull request #223 at commits 41ae45a and 7154ae9.

Missing Slippage Protection for Direct Zapping

The LiquidityZap contract implements the zapETH and addLiquidityETHOnly functions which allow adding liquidity by directly providing ETH. The received ETH is wrapped into WETH tokens and then half of it is swapped for RDNT.

However, there is no slippage protection when swapping WETH for RDNT, making users of these functions vulnerable to sandwich attacks. An attacker may monitor the mempool and front-run zapETH and addLiquidityETHOnly transactions by buying a significant amount of RDNT tokens prior to a user's transaction and then selling them immediately afterward, profiting at the cost of the user.

Note that this contract is only used in the BSC deployment, so all references to ETH and WETH are technically BNB and WBNB. ETH terms have been used for convenience since both functions contain references to it in their names.

Consider adding slippage protection to zapETH and addLiquidityETHOnly functions to protect against sandwich attacks. The addLiquidityWETHOnly function is safe since it can only be executed by poolHelper.

Update: Resolved in pull request #264 at commit 523d4ab.

Invalid Reward Tokens Can Brick Reward Claiming

In order to get a new token added to the list of reward emitting tokens, addresses with the minter role can do so via the MultiFeeDistribution contract's addReward function, or alternatively, the owner or the admin of MiddleFeeDistribution can do so as well by calling its addReward function.

These tokens are always assumed to be AToken instances or the RDNT token itself. However, if by mistake a different token was added, there is no validation to prevent it as long as it is not the zero address.

Adding an erroneous token will cause multiple parts of the protocol to revert, since this token will not conform to the IAToken interface and there will not be a proper response from the AaveOracle when trying to figure out its price. Furthermore, there is no way to remove a reward token from the list, forcing the team to issue an emergency upgrade in order to address the problem if it occurs.

Consider implementing logic to remove reward tokens from the list when they are no longer supported or when they are added by mistake.

Update: Resolved in pull request #248 at commits 6573a30, 16503ae, fe562e4 and 855cfa6. The Radiant team added a function that allows the removal of existing reward tokens if necessary.

Unchecked ERC-20 Return Value

According to the ERC-20 token standard, many function calls return a bool to signal the success or failure of the call. Such functions include transfer, transferFrom and approve. While many tokens throw an exception when these functions are unsuccessful, some tokens instead return false.

In the LockZap contract, the function zapAlternateAsset does not check the return value of the transferFrom call.

Consider adding a check on the return value of transferFrom in this instance. Alternatively, consider using the safeTransferFrom function from the OpenZeppelin library SafeERC20, which is already being imported by the LockZap contract. This library safely handles ERC-20 tokens that behave in different ways, and ensures that all calls revert on failure, regardless of whether the underlying token does.

Update: Resolved in pull request #244 at commit d30d1ab. The unchecked transferFrom function call was replaced with a call to safeTransferFrom.

Assets With More Than 18 Decimals Not Supported for Zapping

The LockZap contract allows zapping any ERC-20 asset into staking via the zapAlternateAsset function by converting it to the base token (WETH or WBNB depending on the chain), adding liquidity, and then staking those LP tokens within the MultiFeeDistribution contract. In order to handle slippage, the expected amount of base token is calculated by assuming that the asset's decimals will be equal to or smaller than 18, which may not always be correct. Attempting to zap assets with more than 18 decimals will result in an underflow that will make the transaction revert.

In order to avoid unexpected reverts and be compatible with more asset types, consider refactoring the expectedEthAmount calculation in zapAlternateAsset to also support assets with more than 18 decimals.

Update: Resolved in pull request #191 at commit 95400d3.

Users Can Burn Their Tokens Without Incentives

The RDNT token features an unrestricted burn function which allows anyone to voluntarily burn any token holdings without incentive.

While burning tokens is a necessary action for specific protocol flows, consider restricting who can call this function, in order to avoid accidental loss of user funds in the event that the function is called by mistake.

Update: Acknowledged, not resolved. The Radiant team stated:

We prefer to maintain a degree of flexibility here that will allow for potential future utility that is yet unforeseen.

Shadowed initialized Variable

The LiquidityZap contract implements the upgrade proxy pattern and uses the initialize function to set up storage variables. Additional initialization steps are done in the initLiquidityZap function which is responsible for setting up pool configuration. The contract uses a boolean variable named initialized in order to ensure that initLiquidityZap can be executed only once.

However, LiquidityZap's variable declaration of initialized shadows the initialized variable from the parent contract Initializable.

Although the code works as expected, this practice is error-prone and should be avoided. Consider renaming the LiquidityZap storage variable initialized to something different such asinitializedLiquidity, to ensure it does not shadow the other initialized variable from the Initializable contract.

Update: Resolved in pull request #172 at commits b0cd872 and b416eff.

Duplicate Emission Schedules Are Allowed

When appending a new set of emission schedules, their starting offsets should be in ascending order to make sure they are activated correctly as time goes by.

However, when enforcing this ascending order, it is possible to schedule different emission rates with the same starting time offset. This will cause only the latest one in the list to be enforced when its starting timestamp is reached, ignoring all the other schedule items.

In order to avoid potential misconfiguration and unexpected results, consider reverting when attempting to set an emission schedule that contains duplicated start time offsets.

Update: Resolved in pull request #171 at commit 95fe10c. Before a new emission schedule can be added, it is required that its starting offset is unique and does not match any starting offset in the existing list of emission schedules.

Locked ETH in Contracts

There are several instances in the codebase where ETH can be locked:

In order to avoid accidentally locking ETH on this contract, consider removing the first two instances, and restricting the third one in Stargateborrow so that only the WETH contract can send ETH.

Update: Resolved in pull request #214 at commit 750dcbf. ETH withdrawal functions were added to LockZap and StargateBorrow, protected by the onlyOwner modifier. In UniswapPoolHelper the receive function was removed since the Radiant team deemed it unnecessary.

Unnecessary Truncation of Balancer LP Total Supply

The getReserves function in the BalancerPoolHelper contract returns the amounts of RDNT and WETH in the Balancer pool and the corresponding amount of LP tokens.

However, the lpTokenSupply value is divided by 1e18 before being returned, effectively removing all decimals from the value. This calculation is not done in the getReserves function of the UniswapPoolHelper contract.

Even though this lpTokenSupply value is never used within the codebase, consider removing the division by 1e18 in order to return the total supply of Balancer LP tokens with no precision loss.

Update: Resolved in pull request #215 at commit 23fbf42. The unused lpTokenSupply return value was removed from the getReserves function.

Unnecessary access control and incorrect mutability

The BalancerPoolHelper contract limits access to its getSwapFeePercentage function with the onlyOwner modifier. However, there is no reason to limit access to value, since it can be read directly from the pool contract. Additionally, this function does not change the contract's state, but is missing view function state mutability.

Consider removing the onlyOwner modifier from the getSwapFeePercentage function, and also adding view mutability to correctly reflect its behavior.

Update: Resolved in pull request #198 at commit d790662.

Commented-Out Code

Several contracts within the codebase include commented-out lines of code without giving developers enough context on why those lines have been discarded, thus providing them with little to no value at all. For instance:

  • Line 579 in ChefIncentivesController.sol
  • Lines 48, 147 and 796 in MultiFeeDistribution.sol

As the purpose of these lines is unclear and may confuse future developers and external contributors, consider removing them from the codebase. If they are to provide alternate implementation options, consider extracting them to a separate document where a deeper and more thorough explanation could be included.

Update: Resolved in pull request #245 at commit 100d94e. All instances of commented-out code were removed except one, where the Radiant team added an inline comment that explains the rationale for leaving that instance in place.

Unsafe ABI Encoding

It is common practice to use abi.encodeWithSignature or abi.encodeWithSelector to generate calldata for a low-level call. However, the first option is not typo-safe, and the second option is not type-safe. The result is that both of these methods are error-prone and should be considered unsafe.

Line 140 of BountyManager uses the unsafe encodeWithSignature ABI encoding.

Consider replacing all the occurrences of unsafe ABI encodings with abi.encodeCall, which checks whether the supplied values actually match the types expected by the called function, and also avoids errors caused by typos.

Update: Resolved in pull request #216 at commit ce21edd.

Tokens May Get Stuck in Compounder Contract

The claimCompound function allows compounding accrued rewards from the MultiFeeDistribution contract by claiming them, converting them to the base token, and finally zapping them into locked LP tokens via LockZap. The logic for swapping rewards to the base token has been implemented in _claimAndSwapToBase by approving uniRouter to spend amount of tokens and then executing swapExactTokensForTokens on Uniswap's router.

Because the swap is inside a try-catch block, it is possible that the swap fails but the transaction succeeds (as long as the slippage requirement is satisfied), which leads to a scenario where tokens will get stuck in the Compounder contract without any withdrawal mechanism.

In order to avoid this scenario, consider allowing the swap transaction to revert by removing the try-catch block.

Update: Resolved in pull request #183 at commit 150782f. Rather than removing the try-catch block, the team decided to revert on the catch block with a custom SwapFailed error that reports the underlying asset address and the intended swap amount.

Inconsistent Use of Named Return Values

Throughout the codebase, most functions that return values use named return variables. However, there are several instances where functions use unnamed return values, such as:

For consistency, consider always using named return values.

Update: Resolved in pull request #196 at commit e6a9cde.

Incorrect Input Validation

The EligibilityDataProvider and Compounder contracts incorrectly validate input parameters used to set the values of storage variables priceToleranceRatio and slippageLimit:

  • EligibilityDataProvider's setPriceToleranceRatio function incorrectly implements validation of the _priceToleranceRatio parameter, which makes it possible to pass any value as a price tolerance ratio without triggering a revert.

  • Compounder's initialize and setSlippageLimit functions incorrectly implement validation of the _slippageLimit parameter, which makes it possible to pass any value as a slippage limit without triggering a revert.

In both cases, the intended behavior is to accept values between 8000 (80%) and 10000 (100%).

Consider updating the input validation logic to ensure that only values within the intended range are permitted.

Update: Resolved in pull request #195 at commit 82e419d and pull request #230 at commit 22cd008.

Inconsistent Amount Calculation When Providing Liquidity

When users zap their RDNT tokens from vesting, the optimal amount of base token necessary to provide liquidity is calculated via the pool helper quoteFromToken function, and then an extra 3% safety margin is added on top.

This is inconsistent with the _zap function's call to the same quoteFromToken function, where no extra safety margin is added.

Consider applying this extra safety margin consistently when calculating the amount of base tokens required to supply liquidity.

Update: Resolved in pull request #247 at commit 503383f. The Radiant team decided not to use an extra safety margin by using the already existing pool helper's quoteFromToken function directly.

RDNT Bridge Fee Is Being Overcharged

The new Radiant OFT v2 token allows cross-chain transfers via LayerZero. Such a transfer involves two types of fees: the native LayerZero fee and a bridging fee charged by the Radiant protocol.

In order to enforce cross-chain compatibility (even with non-EVM chains), prior to a transfer LayerZero needs amounts to be truncated to a certain number of decimals configured as token decimals minus a shared decimals value. In this specific case, shared decimals are configured to be 8 and RDNT features 18 decimals, so amounts will be truncated to the closest 1e10 multiple. This means that for example when users want to transfer 1.99e10 tokens, only 1e10 tokens will be transferred.

However, the getBridgeFee calculation does not truncate input amounts so in the extreme scenario where the minimum value of 1e10 is transferred, the final fee charged will be almost double what it would have been if the amount was truncated first. This effect becomes much less noticeable for larger transfer amounts.

Consider truncating the transfer _amount before calculating the bridge fee in order to not overcharge users.

Update: Resolved in pull request #217 at commit d59c6a1.

Use of Low Liquidity Source When Compounding on Arbitrum

User rewards can be compounded into locked LP tokens via the Compounder contract. They can do so themselves, or a hunter can claim a bounty for doing so on their behalf. When claiming an auto-compounding bounty, several swaps are made:

  • Each reward token is withdrawn for the underlying token and then swapped for the base token (WETH on Arbitrum and WBNB on BSC).
  • A percentage of the total base token is swapped for RDNT as a fee that will be split between the hunter and the bounty reserve.
  • Half of the remaining base token will be swapped for RDNT so that liquidity can be provided in the right proportion via zapOnBehalf.

In the case of Arbitrum, liquidity is provided on a Balancer pool. This means that the highest liquidity available for WETH and RDNT will be found on that Balancer pool. However, the second swap is performed in a Sushiswap pair, which has far lower liquidity since there is no incentive for users to provide liquidity there.

Consider enforcing consistency to always get the best liquidity possible by performing all swaps between the base token and RDNT on the pool where users lock their LP tokens.

Update: Acknowledged, not resolved. The Radiant team stated:

Seeing as we will be deploying on multiple chains, with varying configurations and combinations of locks, zaps and DEXes, we will not be making a change to the codebase at this time.

Use of Hard-Coded Values

Consider creating constants to store these values or assigning them dynamically upon deployment in order to avoid deployment issues on new chains.

Update: Resolved in pull request #231 at commits 74f00dc and c91894b.

Uniswap V2 Oracle Does Not Scale Price

The UniV2TwapOracle contract implements the consult function, which determines the current RDNT price by calculating how many base tokens would be received when swapping one unit of RDNT. When consult calls the internal _consult function to get the price, it sets _amountIn equal to 10 ** decimals, which represents 1 token.

However, the function latestAnswerInEth of the parent contract BaseOracle expects the price returned by consult to always be scaled to 18 decimals. Based on this expectation, latestAnswerInEth divides the price received from consult by 10 ** 10, which should result in the output having 8 decimals. If the quote token does not use 18 decimals, this will result in an incorrect price value, because the return value of consult will violate latestAnswerInEth's precondition. Correct scaling was implemented in UniV3TwapOracle where the amount of received tokens is scaled to 18 decimals.

Consider scaling the price returned by the consult function to 18 decimals.

Update: Acknowledged, not resolved. The Radiant team stated:

We don't ever intend to utilize any token outside of RDNT in this context (and we don't intend to utilize any version of the RDNT token that doesn't have 18 decimal places).

Misleading Naming for Variables and Functions

Across the codebase, multiple instances of misleading variable and function names were identified. For example:

  • In the MultiFeeDistribution contract, the mint function does not mint RDNT tokens. The mint function assumes that the rewards being added have already been minted and are available to be distributed by the MFD, which may not be true.
  • The internal _withdrawExpiredLocksFor function features a boolean isRelockAction parameter which is described as an indicator to determine whether the current staking operation is a relock. However, it will not relock those tokens if it is set to true. Additionally, the alternative withdrawExpiredLocksWithOptions function describes the same parameter as _ignoreRelock, which is the opposite meaning for the same value.
  • The setFee function within the RadiantOFT contract accepts an input parameter called _fee which will be used to update the state variable feeRatio. If this _fee value is larger than a certain threshold, it reverts with an error message specifying "Invalid ratio" and if it does not, it successfully emits the FeeUpdated event. Consider renaming setFee to setFeeRatio, _fee to _feeRatio, and FeeUpdated to FeeRatioUpdated.
  • The getBestBounty function in the BountyManager contract is responsible for finding and calculating the bounty that can be received for the specified user. It can be executed either by passing an _actionTypeIndex value that corresponds to one of the bounty types (MFD, CIC or Compounder) or by passing the value of 0 which should iterate over all bounty types and find the best available bounty for the user. The logic of the function does not implement that behavior. It iterates over the MFD, CIC and Compounder bounties, until finding one that offers any bounty, not until finding the best one. Consider changing the function name to getAvailableBounty.
  • In the MultiFeeDistribution contract, the earnedBalances function returns total and unlocked earnings balances. The total variable name is confusing since it seems to account for both vested and already unlocked amounts. However, total in reality means the total amount in vesting (before applying penalties), excluding any already unlocked amounts.
  • The claimFromConverter function within the MultiFeeDistribution contract is called by the Compounder, but the docstrings indicate that rewards are claimed by and transferred to the "converter", not the "compounder". Consider renaming this function to claimByCompounder and updating the associated documentation.

Consider providing explicit and consistent naming for both variables and functions all across the project in order to avoid confusion and improve readability.

Update: Resolved in pull request #232 at commits 666d900, dcaa6cd and dc0934b.

LockZap Does Not Correctly Enforce Maximum Borrowing Power

When zapping assets into locked LP tokens, users need to provide both RDNT and the base token (WBNB or WETH) in equal value in order to provide liquidity. Among other options, users can provide the base token themselves by approving the LockZap contract to spend them, or they can borrow it from the lending pool against their deposited collateral.

When users decide to borrow against their collateral, there is a check in place to prevent users from borrowing amounts larger than their maximum borrowing power, in order to ensure they maintain an overcollateralized position. This check asks the lending pool how much ETH this user can borrow and compares it with the requested amount, scaled down to 8 decimals.

The original getUserAccountData function from Aave V2 documentation states that the returned value availableBorrowsETH specifies an ETH amount with 18 decimals. However, the modified Radiant version of the lending pool returns all values as USD-denominated amounts with 8 decimals. This comparison is flawed since it is comparing USD amounts with ETH amounts. The end result is that at current prices, this condition is always satisfied since ETH amounts are usually lower than the maximum borrowing power expressed in USD amounts, even when trying to borrow beyond your limit.

Consider converting the amount in ETH to USD by querying the ethOracle in order to correctly enforce that borrow amounts are lower than the actual borrowing power. Even if the lending pool is expected to revert when a user tries to borrow beyond their limit, external code should not be relied on to prevent actions that may lead to insolvency.

Update: Resolved in pull request #192 at commit db69559. The ethOracle Chainlink ETH/USD price feed is now queried to get the requested borrow amount in USD. However, the deprecated latestAnswer function is used to perform the query.

Incorrect Value Used for Slippage Calculations

The LockZap contract implements functionality to zap assets into liquidity and then stake the received LP tokens in the MultiFeeDistribution contract. In order to handle slippage and prevent sandwich attacks, LockZap calculates the equivalent value of the provided tokens in the base token (WETH or WBNB) and then does the same for the received LP tokens in _calcSlippage. After that it makes sure the required ACCEPTABLE_RATIO is satisfied.

However, it assumes that the entire token amounts passed to zapTokens have been used to add liquidity, which is not always true. This may lead to unexpected reverts due to acceptable slippage not being met when the value of the passed asset is higher than the actual value used when providing liquidity.

Consider calculating the exact amount that was used for adding liquidity by retrieving the token balances before and after adding liquidity through the zapTokens function.

Update: Resolved in pull request #178 at commits 39ff88b, 7d447a4 and af19454. In both the _zap and zapAlternateAsset functions, the difference in the WETH or WBNB amount held by the LockZap contract before and after zapping is now used as the input to the _calcSlippage function.

Incorrect Fee Returned in Case Compounding Is Not Being Executed

The function claimCompound of the Compounder contract returns the fee that is charged for compounding. In case it is a self-compounding operation being executed, there is no fee charged and the function returns 0. It is also possible to pass the boolean parameter _execute set to false as a simulation mode, skipping actual execution. The selfCompound function always sets _execute to true.

However, when claimCompound is called directly by a user on behalf of themselves with _execute set to false, it always returns the auto-compound fee instead of returning 0 for this self-compound operation.

It is recommended to always return a fee value of 0 for self-compounding in claimCompound. In addition, consider removing the fee returned by the selfCompound function to make it clear that there is no fee charged when performing it.

Update: Resolved in pull request #218 at commit e409b80.

Flawed lastEligibleTime Function

The lastEligibleTime function should return a value pointing to a future date, since it represents the point in time at which a user's eligibility status might change, always assuming users are currently eligible.

However, if a given user is not currently eligible, this function will still loop through their locks and incorrectly return the nearest unlock time, even when the amount locked does not cover the minimum requirement for eligibility.

Consider handling the scenario where a given user is not eligible differently or, alternatively, provide some more documentation on why this behavior is expected.

Update: Resolved in pull request #226 at commit 80324eb.

Incorrect Bounty Returned When BountyManager Reserve Is Low

The executeBounty function of the BountyManager contract returns the amount of RDNT token that will be paid as a bounty to the hunter that claims it. At the end of its execution, executeBounty uses the _sendBounty function to transfer the bounty amount to the caller.

However, executeBounty assumes that the total bounty was successfully paid, which is not correct when the reserve does not hold enough funds. In that case, the logic of _sendBounty does a partial payout by sending the remaining reserve balance of RDNT and returns that value from the function. Regardless of the actual amount paid to the hunter, executeBounty will always return the full bounty amount.

Consider modifying executeBounty to return the exact amount paid to the hunter, even when the reserve is not large enough. To ensure an adequate balance at all times in the BountyManager reserve, consider implementing logic that reverts the executeBounty transaction when there are insufficient funds to pay a bounty. Additionally, consider using OpenZeppelin Defender to detect this event and subsequently pause the contract or fill the reserve.

Update: Resolved in pull request #222 at commit 1a05a30. The executeBounty function no longer assumes that the reserve balance was sufficient to pay the entire bounty, and now returns the actual bounty amount transferred.

Logic Contracts Initialization Is Allowed

The Radiant protocol implements multiple upgradeable contracts, each having an initializer function meant to be called by their respective proxy. However, nothing prevents users from directly calling the initialize function on any of the implementation contracts. In this case, the state of the given implementation would be initialized to some meaningful value.

Leaving an implementation contract uninitialized is generally an insecure pattern to follow.

For each initializable contract, consider adding a constructor that calls the _disableInitializers function to ensure that the implementation contracts cannot be initialized by a third party.

Update: Resolved in pull request #233 at commit b00066b.

Lack of Input Validation

Throughout the codebase, there are several functions that lack input validation. In particular:

  • The owner of the MultiFeeDistribution contract can arbitrarily update the value for the rewardsLookback variable, while it is enforced to be non-zero during initialization.
  • The owner of the Leverager contract can call setFeePercent to update the value of feePercent to 10000 (100%). Consider adding a check that will enforce setting the feePercent to a reasonable value.
  • Consider enforcing that borrowRatio is larger than 0 apart from being lower than 100% in order to avoid dividing by zero. Note that the functions loopETH and loopETHFromBorrow should also follow the same recommendation.
  • The setXChainBorrowFeePercent function in the StargateBorrow contract allows owner to update the value of xChainBorrowFeePercent to 10000 (100%). Consider adding a check that will enforce setting the xChainBorrowFeePercent to a reasonable value.
  • The value of ACCEPTABLE_RATIO in the LockZap contract that is responsible for handling slippage can be set to any value between 0 and 10000 via setAcceptableRatio. Consider adding a check that will enforce setting the ACCEPTABLE_RATIO to a reasonable minimum value as it happens in other parts of the codebase. Additionally, the initialize function does not enforce any checks on this value.
  • The value of _ethLPRatio accepted by the LockZap contract initializer function can be 10000 (100%). Consider modifying the check so that a value of 10000 is rejected as invalid.
  • All functions that handle adding liquidity into the pool within the LiquidityZap contract enforce that LP tokens cannot be accidentally burnt by checking that the recipient to is not the zero address, except the standardAdd function. Additionally, this function is the only one that does not check if either of the input amounts is zero. Consider enforcing consistency on input validations including the standardAdd function to prevent accidental user loss of funds.
  • The setFee function in the RadiantOFT contract allows setting the bridge fee equal to 10000 (100%). Consider adding a reasonable limit on the maximum bridge fee.
  • The setTWAPLookbackSec and initialize functions in the UniV3TwapOracle both set the value of lookbackSecs that is used as a TWAP lookback period. Consider adding a check to these functions that will enforce a minimal value of lookback seconds.
  • Consider adding a check that _actionTypeIndex is less than or equal to bountyCount in order to avoid an out of bounds error when calling the getBestBounty function.

Consider implementing the suggested validations in order to prevent unexpected behaviour that may lead to potential attacks on the protocol.

Update: Resolved in pull request #207 at commits a2de2ee, 400b1b1, bb4b163, ca7ce42, 3eac7d6, 20c279c, 4e23cff and 2ce50e6.

Incorrect Event Emission

Within the LockerList contract, if an attempt is made to add a locker address that already exists to the userlist, it will not be re-added since there is a check that the address is not already inserted. However, the LockerAdded event is being emitted regardless of whether the user is already on the list.

To avoid hindering the task of off-chain services by emitting misleading information, consider only emitting the LockerAdded event when adding an address that is not already inserted in the user list.

Update: Resolved in pull request #202 at commit 2d7307a.

Incorrect or Inconsistent Error Types

Throughout the codebase, some instances were found where the custom error used to reflect the reason behind a revert was incorrect or inconsistent with the rest of the codebase. Some examples include:

  • The addReward function in the MultiFeeDistribution contract is used to add reward tokens other than RDNT to the system. It contains a check that ensures the _rewardToken input address is not zero, but instead of reverting with the AddressZero error it uses the InvalidBurn error.
  • The _stake function in the MultiFeeDistribution contract reverts with InvalidAmount if the provided typeIndex is beyond the size of the lock types array. Consider using the more appropriate InvalidType error.
  • The setLPToken function in the MultiFeeDistribution contract correctly reverts with AddressZero when trying to set the staking token value to the zero address. However, if this value was already set, it is also reverting with AddressZero. Consider leveraging the AlreadyAdded error or creating a more specific one such as AlreadySet in order to be more informative.
  • The withdraw function in the MultiFeeDistribution contract reverts with InvalidAmount when trying to withdraw a zero amount. Consider using the more explicit AmountZero error type instead.
  • When initializing the BountyManager contract, if _hunterShare is larger than 10000 it will revert with an InvalidNumber custom error. However, when using the setHunterShare function to update the hunterShare variable, it reverts with Override under the same conditions.

Consider updating the aforementioned instances in order to make reported errors more accurate and explicit.

Update: Resolved in pull request #209 at commit b61bfe1.

Configuration Changes May Negatively Impact Users

Within the codebase there are several instances of configuration update actions that may have a negative impact on a user's transaction if the configuration change happens just before the user's transaction:

  • The setLockTypeInfo function in the MultiFeeDistribution contract can be used by the owner to set or update the lock periods and their multipliers. Any user who wants to stake or set their default relock type is required to specify an index for the lock period and its multiplier. In the case where the owner's transaction updating lock periods and multipliers is included before the user's call to stake or setDefaultRelockTypeIndex is confirmed, this user will end up potentially committing to an unknown locking period and reward multiplier, different from their expected values.
  • The Leverager contract charges a fee to users that want to leverage their positions. The feePercent can be set at any time by the owner using the setFeePercent function. That leads to a scenario where the owner's transaction to update this fee may be confirmed before the user's looping transaction, resulting in the user being charged a different fee than expected.
  • The Compounder contract charges a fee to users that want to compound their rewards into locked liquidity. The compoundFee can be set at any time by the owner using the setCompoundFee function. If the owner's update transaction gets confirmed before the user's compound transaction, they will be charged a different fee than expected.
  • The setXChainBorrowFeePercent function of the StargateBorrow contract allows updating the cross-chain fee that will be charged when users want to receive funds on another chain. If the owner's transaction to update this fee is included before the user's borrow transaction, they will end up being charged a different fee than expected.

In these cases, consider allowing users to specify the expected values of the relevant configuration state as additional function parameters so that their transaction will revert when the configuration does not match the expected state.

Update: Acknowledged, not resolved. The Radiant team stated:

During the period of a protocol variable change, the front end can be frozen until the new values are active and displayed. In our opinion, the proposed changes are not worth the likely UX decline.

Rewards Can Be Emitted to the MiddleFeeDistribution And MultiFeeDistribution Contracts

The ChefIncentivesController contract implements the handleActionAfter function that is used by IncentivizedERC20 (_transfer, mint and burn functions) and StableDebtToken (mint and burn functions) in order to track any changes in user balances after performing those actions. It does not track the balances of rewardMinter (the MiddleFeeDistribution contract) nor the MultiFeeDistribution contract, in order to skip emitting rewards to them.

However, this can be bypassed if the requalifyFor, stake, withdrawExpiredLocksFor, or withdrawExpiredLocksForWithOptions functions are called with the address of either the MiddleFeeDistribution or MultiFeeDistribution contracts as a parameter.

Consider enforcing consistency and preventing any action intended only for protocol users from being performed on behalf of the MiddleFeeDistribution and MultiFeeDistribution contracts.

Update: Acknowledged, not resolved. The Radiant team stated:

It is intended that these functions can be executed on behalf of any valid EVM addresses. We have reviewed the exclusion of the MFD and MiddleFeeDistribution contracts from the rewards and believe that functionality is sound.

Missing Zero Address Checks

Multiple contracts are missing zero address checks for setting storage variables. Accidentally setting an address variable to address zero might result in an incorrect configuration of the protocol. For instance, the following parameters are not checked:

Consider adding zero address checks to the listed parameters in order to avoid accidental misconfigurations.

Update: Resolved in pull request #203 at commit 37ea95a.

Lack of Access Control on Pool Helper swapToWeth Functions

Both pool helper contracts UniswapPoolHelper and BalancerPoolHelper implement a swapToWeth function that is responsible for swapping from a variety of source assets into the base token (WETH or WBNB depending on the specific chain) and then transferring them to the message sender. This functionality is used only by the LockZap contract and unlike the related pool helper functions zapWETH and zapToken, it can be called by anyone.

An attacker may steal any token balance held by the UniswapPoolHelper or BalancerPoolHelper contracts by calling swapToWeth, which will swap the specified _inToken to the base token.

Consider adding a check to the swapToWeth function of UniswapPoolHelper and BalancerPoolHelper to make sure they can only be called from the LockZap contract.

Update: Resolved in pull request #173 at commits 4ba1fa9 and 6f5fd15.

Lack of Access Control for LiquidityZap Contract Initialization

The LiquidityZap contract allows any user to initialize its configuration through the initLiquidityZap function. During protocol deployment, an attacker can execute initLiquidityZap before it is called by UniswapPoolHelper's initializePool function. As a result, this would require the Radiant team to deploy a new instance of LiquidityZap.

Consider limiting access to initLiquidityZap by ensuring only the pool helper can call it, or by adding the onlyOwner modifier and calling it externally rather than from the pool helper's initializePool function.

Update: Resolved in pull request #200 at commit 6ea6553. Access to the initLiquidityZap function is now restricted to the contract's owner, and the function is no longer invoked from initializePool.

Usage of Insecure Approval Functions

Throughout the codebase there are multiple instances of insecure approvals that may lead to security issues:

  • Function swapToWeth is used to convert a variety of source assets into the base token (WBNB in this case) and then provide both RDNT and the base token as liquidity to the pool. This functionality is expected to process tokens such as USDC, DAI, USDT or WBTC. It uses SafeERC20’s safeIncreaseAllowance function which cannot handle non-standard ERC-20 token implementations such as USDT on Ethereum Mainnet, because USDT requires the allowance to be reset to zero before setting it to any positive value. If the allowance is not already zero when attempting to change the existing approval to a non-zero value, the USDT approve function will revert.
  • Compounder.sol in lines 154, 172 and 274 uses the deprecated safeApprove function.
  • Leverager.sol in lines 191, 194, 233, 236, 282, 285 and 386 uses the deprecated safeApprove function.
  • StargateBorrow.sol in lines 204-205 uses the deprecated safeApprove function.
  • LockZap.sol in lines 244, 320 and 333 uses the deprecated safeApprove function.
  • BalancerPoolHelper.sol in lines 113-114 uses the deprecated safeApprove function.
  • UniswapPoolHelper.sol in lines 60-61 uses the deprecated safeApprove function.

Consider using the SafeERC20 contract's new forceApprove function instead in order to avoid running into issues when dealing with non-standard ERC-20 implementations.

Update: Resolved in pull request #228 at commits 299d6d5, 25a9377 and 06f49a7.

Notes & Additional Information

Inconsistent SPDX License Identifiers

Throughout the codebase, the MIT SPDX license identifier is used, except for these instances:

Consider working with a legal team with knowledge about software licensing to resolve these inconsistencies to avoid potential legal issues regarding copyright.

Update: Resolved in pull request #261 at commit df9c768.

Using uint Instead of uint256

Within MultiFeeDistribution.sol, uint is used instead of uint256.

In favor of explicitness, consider replacing all instances of uint with uint256.

Update: Resolved in pull request #239 at commit 9488446.

TODO Comments in the Code

The following instances of TODO comments were found in the codebase:

  • The TODO comment on line 847 in ChefIncentivesController.sol
  • The TODO comment on line 1070 in MultiFeeDistribution.sol

During development, having well-described TODO comments will make the process of tracking and resolving them easier. Without this information, these comments might age and important information for the security of the system might be forgotten by the time it is released to production.

Consider removing all instances of TODO comments and instead tracking them in the issues backlog. Alternatively, consider linking each inline TODO to a corresponding backlog issue.

Update: Resolved in pull request #263 at commit a5e28ad.

Variables Could Be Marked immutable

Variables that are only assigned a value from within the constructor of a contract can be declared as immutable.

Within the codebase, there are several variables that could be marked immutable. For instance:

To better convey the intended use of variables and to potentially save gas, consider adding the immutable keyword to variables that are only set in the constructor.

Update: Resolved in pull request #236 at commit ee519f4.

Functions With public Visibility Could Be external

Throughout the codebase, instances of externally-called functions with public visibility were found.

Some examples include:

To better convey the intended use of functions and to potentially realize some additional gas savings, consider changing a function's visibility from public to external if it is never used internally.

Update: Resolved in pull request #237 at commit 026ec8a.

Unused Named Return Variables

Named return variables are a way to declare variables that are meant to be used within a function body for the purpose of being returned as the function's output. They are an alternative to explicit inline return statements.

Throughout the codebase, there are multiple instances of unused named return variables. Some examples are:

In ChainlinkAdapter.sol:

In ChefIncentivesController.sol:

  • The issueBaseBounty return variable in the checkAndProcessEligibility function
  • The amount return variable in the availableRewards function

In UniswapPoolHelper.sol:

Consider using the existing named return variables or alternatively removing them.

Update: Resolved in pull request #251 at commit e9984e9.

Use Custom Errors

Since Solidity version 0.8.4, custom errors provide a cleaner and more cost-efficient way to explain to users why an operation failed versus using require and revert statements with custom error strings.

There are instances of require statements found in these files:

There are instances of revert statements found in this file:

To improve conciseness, consistency, and gas savings, consider replacing hard-coded require and revert messages with custom errors.

Update: Resolved in pull request #252 at commits 6e081bc, 6451a5d, and 362c4a4.

Use of Non-Explicit Imports

The use of non-explicit imports in the codebase can decrease the clarity of the code and may create naming conflicts between locally defined and imported variables. This is particularly relevant when multiple contracts exist within the same Solidity files or when inheritance chains are long.

Several instances where global imports are being used in the codebase were identified:

Following the principle that clearer code is better code, consider using named import syntax (import {A, B, C} from "X") to explicitly declare which contracts are being imported.

Update: Resolved in pull request #253 at commit c05064a.

Redundant Use of SafeMath Library

The OpenZeppelin SafeMath library provides arithmetic functions with overflow/underflow protection, but Solidity 0.8.0 has added built-in overflow and underflow checking, supplanting the functionality provided by the library.

Throughout the codebase, the SafeMath library is being used in contracts with a Solidity version greater than 0.8.0, resulting in the addition of redundant overflow/underflow checks.

The following contracts import the SafeMath library:

Consider removing the SafeMath import and its associated function calls from the codebase.

Update: Resolved in pull request #254 at commits 18a98c1 and 3c3dd90.

Implicitly Abstract Contract

The consult virtual function of BaseOracle.sol is declared but not implemented. As a result, BaseOracle can never be instantiated directly.

To better signal this intention, consider explicitly marking the BaseOracle contract as abstract.

Update: Resolved in pull request #255 at commit 1e74c37.

Follow Solidity Style Guide

There are several occurrences in the codebase where the Solidity style guide is not followed which makes code more difficult to read and prone to errors.

In DustRefunder.sol:

  • Function refundDust is internal and its name should start with the underscore _.

In LiquidityZap.sol:

  • The function getPairReserves is internal and its name should start with an underscore (_).
  • Public storage variables _token and _tokenWETHPair should start with a lowercase letter, not with an underscore (_).
  • The else block within _addLiquidity does not have curly braces. The subsequent if block where RDNT token proceeds are refunded also does not have curly braces.

In MultiFeeDistribution.sol:

In MiddleFeeDistribution.sol:

  • The emitNewTransferAdded function is internal and its name should start with an underscore (_).
  • The aaveOracle parameter of the initializer is the only one without a leading underscore (_).

In LockerList.sol:

  • The userlist state variable should be renamed userList to follow the same naming convention as the rest of the codebase.

In Leverager.sol:

  • The internal function name requiredLocked should start with an underscore (_).

In StargateBorrow.sol:

  • The function borrowETH is internal and its name should start with an underscore (_).

In BountyManager.sol:

In LockZap.sol:

  • The ACCEPTABLE_RATIO storage variable name consists of all capital letters which suggests it is a constant variable, but it can be changed via the setAcceptableRatio function.

In UniswapPoolHelper.sol:

  • Consider making the value 100000000 more readable by changing it to 100_000_000.

In BalancerPoolHelper.sol:

  • The computeFairReserves function is internal and its name should start with an underscore (_).
  • The joinPool function is internal and its name should start with an underscore (_).
  • The sortTokens function is internal and its name should start with an underscore (_).

To improve the readability of the codebase, consider following the Solidity style guide.

Update: Resolved in pull request #256 at commits 66b6ecd, 8a8abf6 and 8a8abf6.

Non-library Contract in libraries Directory

The LockerList.sol contract is located in the libraries directory, but it is not defined using the library keyword.

To avoid confusion, consider relocating this contract to the staking directory.

Update: Resolved in pull request #257 at commits 859dacd and a5fbb2f.

Unused Imports

Throughout the codebase there are imports that are unused and could be removed.

For instance:

Consider removing unused imports to improve the overall clarity and readability of the codebase.

Update: Resolved in pull request #258 at commit f6dfecb.

Inconsistent Gas Optimizations in for Loops

Throughout the codebase, the unchecked keyword is used frequently in for loops to increment the loop index variable. However, the use of unchecked is inconsistent, with only some loops including it. For instance, in the ChefIncentivesController contract, there are 11 for loops, but only 2 of them use unchecked to increment the loops' index.

Within ChefIncentivesController there are also 3 instances where the counter is pre-incremented:

Consider applying the unchecked pattern consistently in for loops throughout the codebase and enforcing consistency on pre-increments vs post-increments on the counter variable, specifying the reason behind each deviation with a comment.

Update: Resolved in pull request #241 at commit cc773b9.

Gas Optimizations

Throughout the codebase, there are several opportunities for gas optimizations:

  • In the MultiFeeDistribution contract, consider moving the penaltyAmount and burnAmount calculation into the previous if block in order to skip the calculation when penaltyFactor is not computed due to tokens already being fully vested.
  • Consider checking if the bridge fee is positive before sending it to the treasury.
  • Consider checking if the looping fee is positive before sending it to the treasury on every looping function within the Leverager in order to save gas when this fee is deactivated.
  • When calling loopETH within the Leverager contract, the amount borrowed in WETH is fully unwrapped into native ETH in order to send the fee to the treasury, and then gets wrapped back into WETH before being deposited into the lending pool. Consider just unwrapping the fee amount in order to skip the unnecessary wrapping operation.
  • Consider overriding the OFTCoreV2 internal _sendAndCall function and adding the whenNotPaused modifier. Additionally, consider adding the modifier to _send directly as well. That way the overridden _debitFrom can be removed entirely and gas will be saved when the contract is paused.
  • In the RadiantOFT overridden _send function, consider requiring a positive amount before trying to debit that amount from the caller in order to save gas, and skip the overwriting of the amount variable after the fact, since it returns the same value as the input parameter.
  • Consider delaying the call to getBaseBounty until the value of issueBaseBounty is known. There is no need to retrieve it when paying auto-compound bounties.
  • In the ChefIncentivesController contract, the _mint function calls the _getMfd function twice. Consider storing the result from the first call in a local variable that can be used in place of the second call.
  • Consider removing both the whenNotPaused and isWhiteListed modifiers from the claim function in order to avoid executing them twice, since they will be enforced directly on the executeBounty function.
  • Consider whether it is necessary to emit the NewTransferAdded event within MiddleFeeDistribution since this is part of the auto-compounder bounty claiming flow of execution. It is important to keep this bounty gas-efficient in order to make sure hunters are incentivized to claim it.
  • Throughout the codebase, for loops that iterate over an array have been optimized by caching the array length on the stack, which avoids repeatedly reading the unchanged length from memory or storage on every iteration. However, several instances were found where this optimization was not already being used:

To improve gas consumption, readability, and code quality, consider refactoring the code in these examples and carefully reviewing the entire codebase.

Update: Resolved in pull request #260 at commits 9b770e2 and c2e0af6. The whenNotPaused modifier was also removed from the quote function in the BountyManager contract. The NewTransferAdded event emission was left unchanged.

Floating Pragma

Contract wstethOracle uses the floating pragma ^0.8.0. It is recommended to set the pragma to 0.8.12 to align with the protocol's practice of locking the pragma for all contracts. This precautionary measure helps prevent the accidental deployment of contracts with outdated compiler versions that could potentially introduce vulnerabilities.

Update: Resolved in pull request #249 at commit f4e029e.

Redundant Code

Several instances of redundant or unnecessary code were found throughout the codebase:

  • The override keyword is often used in cases where there is no base function body being overridden. Consider eliminating the unnecessary use of override to avoid confusion.
  • The pragma abicoder v2 statement is redundant on the current Solidity version used to compile the project, 0.8.12. Consider whether it should stay for explicitness or alternatively, remove it from all occurrences since it is now enabled by default.

In MiddleFeeDistribution.sol:

  • On line 145 the forwardReward function unnecessarily re-computes the value of total. Consider removing this line.

In MultiFeeDistribution.sol:

  • When all user locks are withdrawable, the function _cleanWithdrawableLocks overrides the values of lockAmount and lockAmountWithMultiplier, and deletes userLocks[user], all of which is unnecessary since it was already computed.
  • The individualEarlyExit function contains a line of unreachable code. The ieeWithdrawableBalances function returns an index value that will be between 0 and userEarnings[onBehalfOf].length - 1, so the if statement on line 903 can never be true. Additionally, even if this could happen, the correct behavior in this case would be to revert rather than return.

In ChefIncentivesController.sol:

  • The initialize function performs an unnecessary address() cast on _poolConfigurator, which is already an address.
  • The _emitReserveLow internal function is only called by claim. Consider eliminating this function by moving its code into the location where it is called.
  • The endRewardTime function's calculation for unclaimedRewards duplicates the existing availableRewards function.
  • The _isEligible boolean parameter passed to stopEmissionsFor is unnecessary since that execution point cannot be reached if _isEligible is true.

In LockerList.sol:

  • The empty constructor is unnecessary since it will be called (and the parent Ownable constructor) implicitly.

In Compounder.sol:

  • The contract uses a <= 0 check for input validation of _compoundFee, both in the initializer and the setCompoundFee function. This is an unsigned value, so the value can never be less than zero.
  • The _claimAndSwapToBase function triggers a call to swapExactTokensForTokens within Uniswap's router, using a deadline value of block.timestamp + 600. This additional 600-second value is not needed; passing block.timestamp is sufficient.
  • The _wethToRdnt function triggers a call to swapExactTokensForTokens within Uniswap's router, using the deadline value of block.timestamp + 600. This additional 600-second value is not needed; passing block.timestamp is sufficient.

In StargateBorrow.sol:

  • The constant POOL_ID_ETH is not used and should be removed.

In EligibilityDataProvider.sol:

In BountyManager.sol:

In LockZap.sol:

In UniswapPoolHelper.sol:

In BalancerPoolHelper.sol:

  • The internal function swap is not used and should be removed.
  • The swap function call to IVault(vaultAddr).swap uses a deadline value of block.timestamp + 3 minutes. The addition of 3 minutes is not needed; passing block.timestamp is sufficient.

In ChainlinkV3Adapter.sol:

  • The update function logic which updates ethLatestTimestamp and tokenLatestTimestamp is not used since canUpdate returns false. Consider removing the update function and the associated storage variables ethLatestTimestamp and tokenLatestTimestamp.

In PriceProvider.sol:

Update: Resolved in pull request #259 at commits 7fe0064, 74f889a, 855c142, e86d67c, ea37c2b and 724e290. The isMarketDisqualified function was removed in pull request #226 at commit 7f4a0bc.

Inconsistent Use of IERC20 Interfaces

Throughout the protocol, the IERC20 and IERC20Metadata interfaces are frequently used to interact with ERC-20 tokens, with the latter interface only being used to access the decimals function of tokens.

However, within the Compounder contract, the IERC20DetailedBytes interface is used instead of IERC20Metadata. The end result is the same, but this approach may be error-prone for future development, since the return value types for the name and symbol functions in IERC20DetailedBytes are different than the ones used in IERC20Metadata, and there is no apparent reason to favor IERC20DetailedBytes in the Compounder contract.

Consider enforcing consistency by replacing the IERC20DetailedBytes interface with IERC20Metadata within the Compounder contract.

Update: Resolved in pull request #262 at commit 659430e.

Use of Magic Numbers

Throughout the codebase, there are several literal values with unexplained meanings.

In Leverager.sol:

  • Consider leveraging the existing RATIO_DIVISOR constant on both the constructor and setFeePercent function when validating _feePercent instead of the hard-coded 1e4 value.
  • Consider assigning the value 2 ** 16 within the ltv function to a constant variable or alternatively, leveraging the existing getLtv calculation which is more self-explanatory and gas efficient.
  • Consider adding a constant value for calculating margin in wethToZapEstimation.
  • Consider using a constant when adding a safety margin to wethToZap.
  • Consider using a constant when choosing the desired interest rate mode instead of the hard-coded value 2 in zapWETHWithBorrow.

In Compounder.sol:

In StargateBorrow.sol:

  • Consider using the FEE_PERCENT_DIVISOR constant to validate _xChainBorrowFeePercent parameter in the initialize and setXChainBorrowFeePercent functions.
  • Consider using a constant variable to hold the referral code used (0) when interacting with the lending pool in the borrow and borrowETH functions.

In EligibilityDataProvider.sol:

In BountyManager.sol:

In UniV2TwapOracle.sol:

  • Consider adding a PERIOD_MIN = 10 constant for validating _period in the initializer and setPeriod functions.

In RadiantOFT.sol:

  • Consider using a SHARED_DECIMALS = 8 constant for OFTV2 constructor initialization.
  • Consider using FEE_DIVISOR for validating the _fee parameter in the setFee function.

In BalancerPoolHelper.sol:

In LockZap.sol:

  • Consider using RATIO_DIVISOR to validate _ethLPRatio.
  • Consider adding constant variables for the values 100 and 97 in the quoteFromToken calculation.
  • Consider assigning the interest rate value 2 to a constant when borrowing from the lending pool to explicitly represent it as a variable interest rate.

To improve the code’s readability and facilitate refactoring, consider defining a constant for every magic number, giving it a clear and self-explanatory name. For complex values, consider adding an inline comment explaining how they were calculated or why they were chosen.

Update: Resolved in pull request #240 at commits 46a113f, cf2bc80, and f98d6b2.

Typographical Errors

Consider addressing the following typographical errors:

In Leverager.sol:

  • Line 394: "underlyig" should be "underlying".

In BountyManager.sol:

  • Line 52: "whiteliested" should be "whitelisted".
  • Line 310: "dont" should be "don't".

In EligibilityDataProvider.sol:

  • Line 55: "Elgible" should be "Eligible".

In PriceProvider.sol:

In UniV3TwapOracle.sol:

  • Line 33: "loopback" should be "lookback".
  • Line 77: "loopback" should be "lookback".
  • Line 78: "Loopback" should be "Lookback".

In ChefIncentivesController.sol:

  • Line 136: "poitns" should be "points".
  • Line 518: "eligbility" should be "eligibility".

In MultiFeeDistribution.sol:

  • Lines 120, 301, and 1100: "startfleet" should be "starfleet".
  • Line 259: "convert" should be "converter".
  • Line 473: "Earnings which is locked yet" is an incomplete sentence.
  • Line 628: "transfered" should be "transferred".
  • Line 689: "users" should be "user's".
  • Line 1046: "loopback" should be "lookback".

In BalancerPoolHelper.sol:

In DustRefunder.sol:

  • Line 11: "remained" should be "remaining".

In LiquidityZap.sol:

  • Line 186: "transfered" should be "transferred".
  • Line 200: "transfered" should be "transferred".

In LockZap.sol:

  • Line 29: "RAITO" should be "RATIO".
  • Line 82: "paramter" should be "parameter".

Update: Resolved in pull request #238 at commit d042343.



1 critical, 5 high, and 15 medium-severity issues were found, apart from multiple lower-severity findings. Communication with the Radiant team was smooth and the team's thorough answers to our questions were helpful throughout the audit. The Radiant team started working on the higher-severity findings as soon as they were disclosed. The codebase is quite complex and will benefit from incorporating our informational notes and lower-severity recommendations in order to improve its readability and robustness. In terms of documentation, there is high-quality material available to end users, but it is still recommended to generate more technical documentation.


Monitoring Recommendations

While audits help in identifying potential security risks, the Radiant team is encouraged to also incorporate automated monitoring of on-chain contract activity into their operations. Ongoing monitoring of deployed contracts helps in identifying potential threats and issues affecting the production environment.

  • To ensure the ChefIncentiveController contract remains funded, consider monitoring the ChefReserveLow and ChefReserveEmpty events.
  • To ensure the BountyManager contract remains funded, consider monitoring the BountyReserveEmpty event, and also periodically checking if the balanceOf RDNT token held by the BountyManager drops below some predefined low level.
  • Monitor positions that meet the criteria for a bounty to make sure incentives are large enough to incentivize hunters to claim them. Otherwise, protocol health might be affected.
  • Monitor transaction history for the routine occurrence of bounties, which are a necessary service required by the protocol to ensure a fair distribution of rewards. If users are not performing bounty transactions on a regular basis, this may indicate that the maxBaseBounty amount needs to be increased, or the bounty system is not working as intended for some other reason.