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ACO Protocol Audit - OpenZeppelin blog

Written by OpenZeppelin Security | Aug 6, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Auctus is a company which produces decentralized financial (DeFi) applications. ACO is a decentralized options protocol created by Auctus. Users can mint call and put options for different markets at different strike prices, and sell tokens which represent those options to other users.

In this audit, we reviewed the smart contracts within the ACO protocol. The audited commit is 36bcab024c9781d799381f8f973e99fd5b0f4d2d, and the scope includes all contracts within the smart-contracts/contracts/core, smart-contracts/contracts/interfaces, and smart-contracts/contracts/periphery directories, as well as Strings.sol and UniswapV2Library.sol from the smart-contracts/contracts/libs directory. The contracts within the smart-contracts/contracts/only-for-tests directory, as well as Address.sol, BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary.sol, and SafeMath.sol from the smart-contracts/contracts/libs directory, were not included.

All external code and contract dependencies were assumed to work as documented.

Here we present our findings.


Overall, we were quite pleased with the design of the protocol. Use of established proxy patterns allows for easy upgrades to the system while leveraging existing knowledge and best practices of the Ethereum community to keep the protocol secure and keep different options pools isolated. Use of the ERC20 standard for options makes the protocol robust and ready for further integration with other DeFi protocols.

Most issues identified were of relatively low severity, or have to do with edge-cases. These can be minimized by careful vetting of which markets are listed and by warning users of potentially unexpected behaviors ahead of time.

System overview

Users of the ACO protocol can access it via the user interface provided by Auctus. Options can be minted by sending a pre-determined collateral asset, such as ETH or USDC, to the ACOToken contract. Option minters can then offer their options (which themselves are ERC20 tokens) for sale to others. If options are sold, they allow the buyer the choice to exercise the option any time before the designated expiration date of the option token. Upon exercise, the exercising account burns their option tokens and purchases the collateral asset locked by the option minter at the designated strike price. The proceeds of this sale are transferred to the original option minter. Since the options are ERC20 tokens and are completely fungible, the exerciser may not receive collateral from the user that they purchased options from. Exercisers have the option to receive collateral from either a queue of option minters, or from a list of chosen accounts.

If options are not exercised before the expiration date, the option token becomes worthless, and can no longer be exercised. Option minters can then redeem their accounts, receiving back their locked collateral, and keeping any profits from the sale of their option tokens.

All available option markets correspond to their own ERC20 token, with an unchangeable strike price and expiration date. New options are created by the FactoryAdmin role, which is currently controlled by Auctus.

Privileged roles

There are two privileged roles which have somewhat limited abilities. Users will need to trust these roles and should only utilize the protocol if they do.

  • The owner of the factoryAdmin address of the ACOFactory contract can create new ACOToken contract instances, change the fee charged by the ACO protocol, and change the underlying code behind the ACOTokens (but only before they are deployed).
  • The owner of the admin address of the ACOProxy contract can change the code used as ACOFactory. This means that it can change nearly everything about how ACOTokens are deployed and the code which defines them, and that it can override any powers the factoryAdmin has.

Currently, both roles are managed by Auctus.

Ecosystem dependencies

The ACOFlashExercise contract depends on UniswapV2 and Wrapped Ether (WETH) to conduct a “flash exercise” of ACOTokens. This allows users to exercise their ACOTokens without having the needed funds initially, by utilizing Flash Swaps from Uniswap. Notably, this functionality is built on top of the ACOToken code, so any checks that apply to ACOTokens to retain solvency are also done here.

Since ACOTokens cannot be exercised after they have expired, there is a time dependency for users who purchase them. During times of high ETH congestion, it may be challenging to have an “exercise” transaction mined in time. Users should plan to exercise long enough before the expiry time that their transactions are mined, or risk losing the ability to exercise.

Critical severity

None. 🙂

High severity

[H01] Users can exercise small amounts without sending collateral

When exercising option tokens, the _exercise function calls _validateAndBurn to validate that the exercising account is able to transfer in the required amount of the exerciseAsset. This is calculated by getExerciseData(tokenAmount), which uses the amount of option token units transferred in as tokenAmount. In the case of a CALL option, getExerciseData will call _getTokenStrikePriceRelation. If tokenAmount is small enough, and strikePrice is smaller than underlyingPrecision, it is possible for _getTokenStrikePriceRelation to return 0. This results in the expectedAmount (which the exerciser is required to transfer in) being 0 as well. So, the user can choose a tokenAmount which is nonzero, that allows them to transfer in no tokens to conduct an exercise.

After _validateAndBurn, the _exerciseOwners function is called. Within this function, the _exerciseAccount function calls getExerciseData to determine the amount to be transferred to the accounts being exercised. In the case of a CALL option, it will again utilize _getTokenStrikePriceRelation(tokenAmount), where tokenAmount is the amount of collateral tokens being exercised. This results in _exerciseAccount also transferring 0 units of the asset to the account being exercised. This should be the option minter’s reward for selling their collateral, but we see that the minter receives nothing and thus is effectively robbed.

Finally, the _exercise function calls getCollateralOnExercise, which will simply return tokenAmount with a fee taken out for the CALL case. The following call to _transferCollateral will then transfer this amount back to msg.sender.

As can be seen from the above situation, it is possible for a user to exercise another “for free”. In the case of a CALL option for ETH/USDC, with the strike price being 200 USDC, any amount under 5e9 option token units will result in the exerciser having to pay nothing. This, notably, can be extended to users receiving more collateral than deserved by always exercising an amount of token units that is one less than a number evenly divisible by 5e9. Thus, although redeeming 4.99...e9 tokens is disinentivized by gas costs, there is little disincentive to modify a larger token amount when exercising if the exercise was already planned anyway.

Here we present two potential solutions. First, consider modifiying the _getTokenStrikePriceRelation function such that instead of rounding down by default, it rounds up upon any division which results in a fraction. However, this
may cause problems when exercising multiple accounts, as each account’s received amount within _exerciseAccount is determined via a call to getExerciseData, which may also round. So, the amount transferred in by the user to exercise may be calculated as x+1 units due to rounding, but when exercising n accounts, the total amount transferred to the accounts may be as high as x+n due to rounding on each separate account’s transfer. This means that the transfers within _exerciseAccount may attempt to transfer more than the exercising account originally paid within _validateAndBurn. To solve this, the user could be required to transfer in the required amount of units plus n_max, where n_max is the highest possible number of accounts that could be exercised. Any extra funds can be returned to the user at the end of the _exercise function. Alternatively, it can be left in the contract if it is deemed to not be worth as much as the potential gas savings from avoiding the transfer.

The second potential solution is to refactor all calculation functions to take the less precise asset of any asset pair, and determine option token amounts based on this. Then, the corresponding amount of the higher precision asset can be derived via multiplication. This way, fractional units will never occur, as all mathematical operations will be based on multiplication. However it may require more complex logic to handle different combinations of CALL vs. PUT and underlying assets having more decimals vs. less decimals than the stike assets.

Consider implementing one of the described solutions. In general, any rounding errors should favor protocol solvency, followed by the users minting tokens, since they are taking a risk. If there is any loss of units of assets, it should be done in such a way that the protocol never has, and option minters never receive, less assets than expected. As always, when making large changes to the codebase, thorough passing test coverage should be achieved before moving to deployment.

Update: Fixed in pull request #12. They are implementing the first solution presented. We want to highlight the fact that the exercising account doesn’t receive back the amount of extra tokens left after the exercise. While this can be acceptable if the gas cost to send them back is higher than the value they represent, it can start to be a problem if a single token unit is highly valuable.

Medium severity

[M01] ERC20 transfers can misbehave

The _transferFromERC20 function is used throughout ACOToken.sol to handle transferring funds into the contract from a user. It is called within mint, within mintTo, and within _validateAndBurn. In each case, the destination is the ACOToken contract.

Such transfers may behave unexpectedly if the token contract charges fees. As an example, the popular USDT token does not presently charge any fees upon transfer, but it has the potential to do so. In this case the amount received would be less than the amount sent. Such tokens have the potential to lead to protocol insolvency when they are used to mint new ACOTokens.

Transfers may also behave unexpectedly when they don’t throw upon an execution’s failure. Remember that the ERC20 standard allows for such tokens to still be considered ERC20 compliant. In this case, the require on line 1073 or line 1061 may not cause a revert, since success will be true.

In the case of _transferERC20, similar issues can occur, and could cause users to receive less than expected when collateral is transferred or when exercise assets are transferred.

Consider thoroughly vetting each token used within an ACO options pair, ensuring that failing transferFrom and transfer calls will cause reverts within ACOToken.sol. Additionally, consider implementing some sort of sanity check which enforces that the balance of the ACOToken contract increases by the desired amount when calling _transferFromERC20. See related issue Warning about listing tokens.

Update: Ackowledged. Auctus’ statement for this issue:

The team is aware and will always check if new token pairs are supported, paying attention to the points mentioned in [L07]

[M02] It is possible to mint 0 tokens

The various minting functions (mintPayable, mintToPayable, mint, and mintTo) all call _mintToken. This function calculates the number of tokens minted via getTokenAmount based on the collateralAmount sent in by the user. In the case of a PUT option, where underlyingPrecision < strikePrice, it is possible for getTokenAmount to return 0, even with a non-zero collateralAmount. This will mint 0 tokens to the user or targeted address. Notably, if an account has 0 tokens, the check on line 568 will pass and the account will be added to the _collateralOwners array. This can be repeated, causing the same account to be added to the array. This will cause execution of _exerciseOwners to require more gas, since any calls to _exerciseAccount on an account with 0 balance will do nothing when the available amount for that account is 0. If abused, it could lead to a freezing of this function. However, it should also be noted that _exerciseAccounts exists and could be used to work around this. Consider adding a check after line 573 that requires tokenAmount != 0. This will help keep the _collateralOwners array clean and minimize user error.

Update: Fixed in pull request #6.

[M03] Collateral owners can skip being exercised

When a user calls exercise() or exerciseFrom(), an eventual call to exerciseOwners() will be made. Within exerciseOwners(), a loop will call _exerciseAccount(_collateralOwners[i], tokenAmount, exerciseAccount) with decreasing i after every iteration. Within _exerciseAccount, the collateral owner in question (_collateralOwners[i]) will only be exercised if _getAssignableAmount for that account evaluates to > 0. If the collateral owner in question has an account balance greater than or equal to their tokenData[account].amount value, _getAssignableAmount will return 0. This will cause the account to not be exercised upon.

A user, or coalition of users, may do this by having two accounts which own collateral, with one near index 0 of the _collateralOwners array and one near the final index of the same array. If the user or users suspect that the account closer to the final index of the array may be exercised, they can transfer tokens from the account closer to index 0 such that the balance of the account further from index 0 equals the tokenData[account].amount value for that account. This can be done by front-running an exercise transaction, or proactively before an exercise transaction takes place.

It is also important to note that this could cause the _exerciseOwners function to always run out of gas due to the loop, in the case of too many users having no exercisable collateral. This would effectively disable the exercise and exerciseFrom functions.

Consider adding some mechanism which allows users to be exercised once they have transferred minted tokens out of their account, even if they transfer them back.
This could be accomplished with a new data field in tokenData, perhaps called something like transferredTokens. With any functionality changes to the code, thorough test coverage is a must.

Update: Fixed. The Auctus team implemented a different solution in pull request #25 which mitigates the possibility of disabled exercise and exerciseFrom functions. Auctus’ statement for this issue:

We are proposing an alternative solution, because the proposed solution would make it impossible to avoid being exercised even if the option is bought back. In traditional markets, most traders buy it back to avoid being exercised. Our proposed solution is adding a salt argument that will put randomness on the start index to the array of accounts to exercise.

Low severity

[L01] Using .call for init is not flexible

When deploying another ACOToken using ACOFactory.sol, after a minimal proxy is deployed, the low-level call function is used to call init for the proxy. The _acoTokenInitializeError function is used to return any error message from the proxy.

While such a method of calling init makes sense when ACOToken.sol‘s init function may be changed, we noticed the presence of the _getAcoTokenInitData function, which is used to format data for passing into the init function in the createAcoToken function. This is the only method which calls _deployAcoToken, and is therefore the only way to deploy a new ACOToken proxy instance.

If any future changes are made to the parameters passed into the init function of ACOToken.sol, a modified version of ACOFactory.sol will have to be deployed, as the _getAcoTokenInitData function will no longer be valid. So, the use of the low-level call function is unfortunately not any more useful than a direct call to the init function, since the flexibility of passing arbitrary data is lost. However, by implementing extra code to format the init input data and handle any errors, a larger surface for error is created.

Consider removing _getAcoTokenInitData and _acoTokenInitializeError, and replacing the low-level call with a direct call to the proxy’s init function. This will require importing IACOToken.sol and adding the init function to the interface. All parameters for init can then be passed directly to _deployAcoToken. By doing so, the code’s readability and auditability will be greatly increased, and the surface for error will be made significantly smaller.

Update: Fixed in pull request #13.

[L02] ACOToken.sol reference implementation is publicly initializable

The init function of ACOToken.sol is public and allows anyone to call it, setting key parameters for the contract. ACOToken contracts are deployed to new addresses via the minimal proxy pattern, so a reference implementation must be deployed beforehand, exposing the init function. A malicious user can access the init function and set the contract parameters as if it was a reputable ACOToken from Auctus. Even though this will not affect any other token contract, it should never be treated as a valid token, given that it may appear to be so to an uninformed user.

Consider initializing the ACOToken.sol reference implementation with “garbage” data, such as invalid asset addresses and an expiry time that has already passed, to make this clearer to users and prevent other calls to init. Additionally, consider establishing a developer process for doing this every time a new version of ACOToken.sol is deployed to the network. Consider informing users to only access ACOTokens through the official user interface.

Update: Acknowledged. Auctus’ statement for this issue:

The team will establish a process to initialize the ACOToken.sol reference implementation with “garbage” data after every new deployment.

[L03] Invalid data can be returned after expiration

Comments on lines 252, 263, 283, and 298 of ACOToken.sol state that the functions unassignableCollateral, assignableCollateral, unassignableTokens and assignableTokens are only valid when the ACOToken is not “expired”. These functions are all view and are not called by other functions within the ACOToken contract. There also exists a notExpired() modifier, which is applied to many other functions within ACOToken.sol and causes reverts after the ACOToken is expired. Additionally, unassignableCollateral calls unassignableTokens and assignableCollateral calls assignableTokens.

Consider applying the notExpired() modifier to unassignableTokens and assignableTokens. This will cause calls to unassignableCollateral, assignableCollateral, unassignableTokens and assignableTokens to revert once the ACOToken is expired. This will not only improve the code’s readability and auditability, but it will also protect future developers, both internal and external, who may have missed the comments mentioned above. When being called after expiration, these functions will revert rather than return erroneous data. Alternatively, consider implementing code such that the correct values are returned both before and after expiration.

Update: Fixed in pull request #7. Correct values are returned now, depending on the expiration status.

[L04] Allowance requiring functions can be front-run

There are many functions within ACOToken.sol which require an allowance of one user to another. For example, burnFrom, redeemFrom, and exerciseFrom allow one account A to perform actions on behalf of account B when account B has given A an allowance of ACOTokens.

If B gives A an allowance of ACOTokens, but front-runs A‘s calls to these functions to change the allowance to 0, it will cause a revert. For example, in exerciseFrom, front-running by B can cause A‘s call to fail within _burnFrom.

The implicit mitigation for issues is that a trust relationship between A and B should exist for an allowance to be given in the first place. However, in certain cases, such as other DeFi protocols building off of ACO, or users selling allowances for their ACOTokens, front-running can be abused to cause losses or prevent functionality of external protocols.

We report this issue to better inform external developers and users. Both should be aware that allowances can be changed arbitrarily. Consider informing users of the risks of using functions which rely on allowances.

Update: Acknowledged. Auctus’s statement for this issue:

We will inform developers and external users using our channels and when we publish a development documentation.

[L05] ACOTokens become non-transferrable after expiration

Although the ACOToken contract inherits ERC20.sol, which has a standard transfer function, the _transfer function of ERC20.sol is overridden by the _transfer function in ACOToken.sol. Although it does call _transferAction just like the ERC20.sol version, one notable difference is that the version in ACOToken.sol has the notExpired() modifier on it, which means that calls to transfer will revert after the ACOToken expires.

Users should be aware that not only will their tokens be worthless after expiry, but any transfer attempts will fail. So, if users place their tokens in liquidity pools, such as UniswapV1, or within custodial exchanges, any attempts to transfer out their tokens will not succeed after expiration. This is especially noteworthy in the Uniswap case, as removing liquidity will always fail if one of the assets is an expired ACOToken, meaning that all other liquidity in the pair will also be locked.

Consider informing users of the risks of trading and transferring their tokens after expiration, especially in the case of using Uniswap.

Update: Fixed in pull request #14 and pull request #22. Tokens are now transferrable and approvable after expiration.

[L06] Use of / operator can cause unexplained reverts

In the UniswapV2Library library the / operator is used. If a division by 0 occurs, the transaction would revert with no explanation.

The / operator used in line 57 of UniswapV2Library.sol would revert with no error message if a division by 0 occurs.

Note that the / operator used in lines 38 and 48 of the same file would revert if the divisor is 0 before it is able to reach the actual division expression. This is due to the checks in line 37 and line 44.

Consider implementing a check before calling getAmountIn to ensure that reserveOut != amountOut, preventing a division by 0. Alternatively, consider using div from the SafeMath library, which checks if the denominator is 0 and reverts with an error message.

Update: Fixed in pull request #23. The Auctus team acknowledged the problem and decided to remove the library and to use directly the IUniswapV2Router02 interface. Notably, the Uniswap implementation of such interface is still using the same library presenting the highlighted issue.

[L07] Warning about listing tokens

When taking into consideration the list of supported token pairs, special attention should be paid to:

  • Tokens which do not revert on failing transfers or transferFroms.
  • Tokens that extract fees (e.g. USDT) which may transfer less tokens than intended.
  • Tokens with whitelists (ACOToken proxies may not be allowed to transfer in those cases).
  • Tokens with ERC777-compliant hooks that can execute code.

The first two points are addressed in the issue ERC20 transfers can misbehave.

Update: Acknowledged. Auctus’ statement for this issue:

The team is aware and will always check if new token pairs are supported, paying attention to the points mentioned.

[L08] Lack of indexed parameters

None of the parameters in the SetFactoryAdmin, SetAcoTokenImplementation, SetAcoFee and SetAcoFeeDestination events in the ACOFactory are indexed. The same is true for the ProxyAdminUpdated and SetImplementation events of the ACOProxy contract.

Indexing parameters in these events allows the timeline of sensitive changes to be more easily tracked. Consider indexing event parameters to avoid hindering the task of off-chain services searching and filtering for specific events.

Update: Partially fixed. The Auctus team decided to index event parameters in the ACOFactory contract in pull request #11, but not in ACOProxy as shown in pull request #15. Auctus’ statemement for this issue:

We indexed parameters in the ACOFactory. About the proxy parameters, we don’t expect significant amount of data to justify changing our current proxy address.

[L09] An infinite loop may exist

Within ACOToken.sol there is an infinite loop on line 665. The continuation condition for this loop is that i >= 0. Since i is a uint type and since it is decreased at each iteration, it will end up passing from 0 and then start again from the maximum positive value of an uint variable. So the continuation condition will always be true no matter what the value for i is.

Considering the check following the loop (which checks that tokenAmount == 0) and the break condition for the loop which checks the same thing, it appears that the intention was for this loop to be exitable without using the break condition.

Consider changing the definition of i to int instead of uint.

Update: Fixed. They refactored the mentioned loop in different pull requests. Now it iterates over a maximum number of accounts that can be exercised for each call, shown in pull request #9.

[L10] underlyingPrecision can overflow

underlyingPrecision is defined within the ACOToken.init function as 10 ** uint256(underlyingDecimals). When underlyingDecimals is set, there are no checks afterwards to ensure that underlyingDecimals < 78. The maximum possible value of uint256 is roughly 1e77, so any value above 77 for underlyingDecimals will cause underlyingPrecision to overflow. Consider implementing a check on underlyingDecimals after setting it.

Update: Fixed in pull request #10.

Notes & Additional Information

[N01] Superfluous code in _getFormattedStrikePrice

On line 987 of ACOToken.sol, the code can be changed to representativeAt = 0, since digits is initialized to 0 and cannot be otherwise changed until after representativeAt has been changed. Additionally, since this change can only happen when representativeAt == -1, it follows that representativeAt can only be either -1 or 0. Because of this, the condition on line 1014 must always be true, since i is always 0 or greater. So, this if branch will always execute and lines 1014 and 1016 can be removed. Consider making the changes indicated above. Doing so will make this portion of the code clearer for future developers.

Update: Fixed in pull request #16.

[N02] Superfluous check within _validateAndBurn

The check on line 738 of ACOToken.sol is superfluous. It checks that balanceOf(account) > tokenData[account].amount. However, in the next line, sub is called with balanceOf(account) and tokenData[account].amount as its parameters. A check within sub requires that tokenData[account].amount <= balanceOf(account). While this does not cover the case of tokenData[account].amount == balanceOf(account) (which should revert with the current code), calling sub in this case would result in a value of 0. Since tokenAmount is required to be > 0 and the result of sub is required to be >= tokenAmount, there is no way for the case of balanceOf(account) == tokenData[account].amount to not cause a revert, even with the check on line 738 removed.

Consider removing the check on line 738.

Update: Fixed in pull request #18.

[N03] Check for updates to copied code

Many contracts, such as Strings, BokkyPooBahsDateTimeLibrary, and UniswapV2Library come from other sources. While these “imported” libraries can be useful to leverage the development efforts of other teams, a process should exist to check these contracts for updates.

Consider establishing a cadence for regularly checking these contracts for updates. By doing so, any functionality or security improvements can be quickly integrated into the ACO repository.

Update: Acknowledged. Auctus’ statement for this issue:

We will establish a process to regularly check updates

[N04] Lack of comments in _getFormattedStrikePrice

In the _getFormattedStrikePrice function of the ACOToken contract, there is not enough information in the docstrings about how the function should behave and what is doing.

Given the intrinsic complexity of the function, consider giving a short explanation of how the function works, either through NatSpec comments or inline comments, so that readers can have a clearer understanding of the code.

Update: Fixed in pull request #17.

[N05] Inaccurate docstrings

There are some inaccuracies in the docstrings describing the functions in the codebase.

  • Line 168 of the ACOToken contract should say “first require” instead of “assert“.
  • Line 610 of the ACOToken contract should say “transferred” instead of “redeemed”.

Update: Fixed in pull request #19.

[N06] Inaccurate error message

The error message on line 459 of ACOToken.sol indicates that there is no allowance for msg.sender from account. A more accurate error message would be ACOToken::redeemFrom: Allowance too low.

Error messages are intended to notify users about failing conditions, and should provide enough information so that the appropriate corrections needed to interact with the system can be applied. Uninformative error messages greatly damage the overall user experience, thus lowering the system’s quality. Therefore, consider not only fixing the specific issue mentioned, but also reviewing the entire codebase to make sure every error message is informative and user-friendly enough.

Update: Fixed in pull request #20.

[N07] Typos in code

In the code, the following typos were found:

Update: Fixed in pull request #21.

[N08] IUniswapV2Router01.sol is unused

The IUniswapV2Router01 interface is not used within the contracts and can be safely removed.

Consider removing the file from the repository. If it is intended to be used, consider implementing it or documenting the reason for keeping it.

Update: Fixed in pull request #23. The file has been renamed to IUniswapV2Router02.sol and it has been modified to add a new interface that now is being used.

[N09] Expiration definition mismatches the actual behaviour

The expiryTime passed as input parameter in the ACOToken init function is then used in the _notExpired internal function. There, now == expiryTime is accepted as not expired, so the actual definition of the expiryTime should be “the last not-expired time”.

Consider adding the proper comments in the docstrings and in the documentation or providing a better name for such variable in order to clarify its purpose and make easier the task of understanding the code properly.

Update: Fixed in pull request #24. _notExpired now returns false when now == expiryTime.


No critical and one high severity issue was found. Some changes were proposed to improve the usability of the code and the overall user experience.