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MCDEX Mai Fund Protocol Audit

Monte Carlo Decentralized Exchange is a decentralized derivatives exchange. The Mai Fund Protocol is a trading tool built on top of the Mai Protocol. It allows users to purchase shares in “funds”, which then trades perpetual futures on their behalf. Funds can be managed by a fund manager which manually conducts trades, or by a predefined trading strategy. In this audit, we reviewed the smart contracts of the Mai Fund Protocol. The audited commit is 98af0d1d7e9872ba2b5e734e2a43c161ef635608, and the scope includes all production contracts within the contracts directory except those within the contracts/test directory, Migrations.sol and Context.sol. All external code and contract dependencies were assumed to work as documented.

Here we present our findings.


Overall, we found the code to be well-constructed, using encapsulated functions and isolated contracts to keep the design modular. We found that the Monte Carlo team has paid special attention to avoid common issues such as reentrancy.

Many of the identified issues stemmed from an inconsistent coding style, such as inconsistent use of SafeMath, or incorrect conversion between internal accounting units and actual collateral units. Issues also stemmed from mistakes in complicated data structure management or from a lack of input sanitization.

Update: All of the issues listed below have been fixed or acknowledged by the Monte Carlo team. Our analysis of the mitigations assumes any pending pull requests will be merged, but disregards all other unrelated changes to the code base.

System overview

A user is able to create a fund to trade leveraged LONG or SHORT positions within the Mai Protocol. Then, users are able to purchase shares in such funds by depositing collateral. They are able to redeem those shares to receive collateral back. A fund can be controlled manually by a Manager, which receives fees in return for operating the fund, or by a predetermined trading algorithm stored in a smart contract. Publicly callable functions exist in automatically traded funds which allow anyone to trigger rebalances of the fund’s positions. Such users are referred to as Keepers, and they receive an incentive to purchase positions from the fund.

In certain cases, a fund can be shut down. Such cases include: when the fund’s shares have lost enough of their value relative to their previous maximum value, when the fund’s leverage is too high, when the Mai Protocol experiences an emergency shutdown, or when the fund Manager chooses to shut down the fund. When a fund is shut down, it first enters an Emergency state, then, after all of the fund’s positions are closed, it can enter a Shutdown state wherein users can withdraw their funds.

Privileged roles

Many of the contracts have privileged roles that can significantly affect the usefulness and safety of the system. For instance:

  • The owner is the owner of the Mai Protocol. This account can pause a fund, or change fund parameters like fees, the max number of mintable shares, or the _drawdownHighWaterMark and _leverageHighWaterMark parameters.
  • The Manager role receives fees from the fund’s operation.

Ecosystem dependencies

As the ecosystem becomes more interconnected, understanding external dependencies and assumptions has become an increasingly crucial component of system security. To this end, we would like to discuss how the financial contracts depend on the surrounding ecosystem.

Most importantly, the Mai Protocol uses Chainlink to obtain the price of underlying assets. If this dependency becomes corrupted, it could be used to steal funds within the system. In some cases, quick changes in prices could result in triggering shutdowns of funds or completely disabling them. During this audit, we assumed that the Chainlink oracle will be available and reliable, and will update fast enough to reflect real-time market conditions.

Additionally, the Mai Fund protocol relies on the Keeper role to take actions to shut down at-risk funds before they become insolvent. If this is not done in time, funds may become disabled. For this audit, we assume that the Keeper is willing and able to perform protective actions for at-risk funds.

Critical severity

[C01] Miscalculation of payout in settle

Within SettleableFund.settle(), the variable collateralSettled is calculated as _rawBalanceOf(_self()) - _totalFeeClaimed. However, the values _rawBalanceOf(_self()) and _totalFeeClaimed are not expressed in the same terms.

_rawBalanceOf returns _toRawAmount(X), where X is either the balance of account in terms of the underlying ERC20 token units or wei. When it is called within settle(), the value that is passed in will be the address of the SettleableFund contract. _toRawAmount will then divide this value by _scaler and return. So, the value given back is in terms of collateralUnits / _scaler.

On the other hand, _totalFeeClaimed is represented in different terms. When the fee is withdrawn by the admins within SocialTradingFund.sol, while _totalFeeClaimed is decreased by collateralAmount, the amount that is pushed to the user will be _toRawAmount(collateralAmount). _toRawAmount, as we have seen above, divides collateralAmount by _scaler and returns this. So, _totalFeeClaimed is accounted in terms of collateralUnits * _scaler.

Clearly, when subtracting these values, we are assuming they are in comparable terms. Really, what happens in the code is that they are NOT in the same terms. _rawBalanceOf is in terms of collateralUnits / _scaler, while _totalFeeClaimed is in terms of collateralUnits * _scaler.

The potential implications of this are twofold. In one case, _totalFeeClaimed will be much higher than _rawBalanceOf(_self()), since it is _scaler ** 2 orders of magnitude greater. This will cause the .sub() to revert, rendering the settle() function useless. The other potential outcome is that collateralSettled will be much less than it should be, since _rawBalanceOf(_self()) will be much lower than it should be. This will translate to collateralToReturn being lower than it should be. Although shareAmount of user’s shares in the fund will be burned, the amount that is pushed to the user will be _toRawAmount(collateralToReturn), which will divide the already-too-low collateralToReturn value by _scaler once again, and then transfer that many token units or wei to the user.

Since the identified location is the only place in which _rawBalanceOf is called, consider changing the logic of _rawBalanceOf to better suit that application. Instead of calling _toRawAmount, which divides the balance of tokens or wei by _scaler, consider calling _toInternalAmount, which multiplies by _scaler. Additionally, consider changing the name of _rawBalanceOf to better describe what it does, perhaps renaming it to _internalBalanceOf.

Update: Fixed in PR #3.

High severity


Medium severity

[M01] Function abs breaks for minimum int256

Within the LibMathEx library, the abs function simply negates any negative values passed in.

For unsigned integers in twos complement format, there exists one extra negative value than positive value. So, for the minimum value of int256, there exists no complementary positive value that can be stored in an int256. When this value is passed into the abs function, the same negative value will be returned, which should never happen with an absolute value.

Consider utilizing the neg function rather than the direct negation (-x) on line 41. This will revert in the case of the minimum int256 value.

Update: Fixed in PR #4.

[M02] Lack of SafeMath

In the LibEnumerableMap library, there are many instances where unprotected math operators are used. For example:

Consider using SafeMath‘s corresponding functions instead of unprotected mathematical operators.

Update: Fixed in PR #5.

[M03] Unsafe divisions in LibMathEx

The function wdiv on line 19 and function wdiv on line 32 of the LibMathEx library, accepts the divisor y as an input parameter. However, these functions do not check if the value of y is zero.

If the value passed for y is 0, the division will revert due to the division by zero. To prevent such unsafe calculations, consider using the div functions provided in OpenZeppelin’s SignedSafeMath and SafeMath libraries, instead of direct division via the / operator.

Update: Fixed in PR #6.

[M04] No check on newTimestamp value from _priceFeeder

Within the updatePrice function in the PeriodicPriceBucket contract, the values of newPrice and newTimestamp are returned when priceFeeder.price() is called. While the system checks for an invalid value of newPrice, there is no check for invalid value of newTimestamp.

An invalid value of newTimestamp impacts the value of periodIndex variable. The case of periodIndex == 0 is explicitly stated to cause problems, but is chosen to be ignored. However, if there is any error or unexpected execution in _priceFeeder.price(), the value of newTimestamp might be 0. This will result in periodIndex being 0.

To avoid this edge case, consider adding a check which requires that newTimestamp > 0.

Update: Fixed in PR #7.

[M05] In certain edge case, funds can get locked

In the case that the marginBalance of a fund ends up being less than 0, the totalAssetValue() function will revert. If this happens, many functions which rely on _totalAssetValue() will be locked, resulting in reverts whenever they are called. Some of these functions are:

  • BaseFund.purchase()
  • BaseFund.redeem()
  • BaseFund.bidRedeemingShare()
  • Getter.netASsetValue()
  • Getter.netAssetValuePerShare()
  • Getter.leverage()
  • Getter.drawdown()
  • SettleableFund._canShutdown()
  • AutoTradingFund.rebalanceTarget()
  • SocialTradingFund.managementFee()
  • SocialTradingFund._withdrawManagementFee()
  • SocialTradingFund.updateManagementFee()
  • SettleableFund.setShutdown()

Some notable side effects are that users will not be able to withdraw or shut the fund down.

However, this is an edge case which relies on the fund not being liquidated within the Mai Protocol, and the fund not being shut down after the _drawdownHighWaterMark has been reached. Note that both of these actions are intended behaviors that should happen far before the fund’s marginBalance goes negative.

In times when network congestion is high or in times of extreme asset volatility, this could occur. We report this to make users aware of a possible (but unlikely) risk of using the Mai Fund Protocol. Consider making this risk apparent in the documentation, and establishing a contingency plan to prevent locking funds should this state ever be reached.

Update: Acknowledged. The MonteCarlo team states that the maintenance of the margin account is one of the most important mechanisms of Mai Protocol V2. A user’s margin account would be liquidated before its value could go below maintenance margin, which is always greater than 0.

[M06] Unchecked address used to instantiate contract

In the initialize function of the AutoTradingFund contract, the value of strategyAddress address is input by the user. This address is later used to instantiate the ITradingStrategy interface. However, there is no validation in the system to check if the strategyAddress address is an address of a contract or a zero address.

If an incorrect address is used to instantiate the ITradingStrategy interface, the calls to the _nextTargetLeverage function will revert which in-turn affects the rebalancing of the fund’s positions.

Additionally, the perpetualAddress address is input by the user in the initialize function of the AutoTradingFund contract and the initialize function of the SocialTradingFund contract. These functions in turn call the __SettleableFund_init function in the SettleableFund contract, which then calls the __MarginAccount_init_unchained function in the MarginAccount contract. Within the __MarginAccount_init_unchained function, the value of perpetualAddress address is used to instantiate the IPerpetual interface. Although, this function checks that the perpetualAddress address should not be a zero address, there is no validation that perpetualAddress address is a contract and not an Externally Owned Account address.

Similarly, the _setPriceFeeder function in the PeriodicPriceBucket contract takes newPriceFeeder address as an input, checks if the address is not a zero address and instantiates the IPriceFeeder interface. This function also fails to validate if newPriceFeeder address is a contract address. Another example of the same is the priceSeriesRetriever address in the RSIReader contract which instantiates the IPriceSeriesRetriever interface.

Consider checking that strategyAddress is not a zero address. Additionally, consider checking that strategyAddress, perpetualAddress, newPriceFeeder and priceSeriesRetriever addresses are indeed contracts by using the isContract function provided in the OpenZeppelin contracts Address library.

Update: Fixed in PR #8.

Low severity

[L01] Inaccessible elements can be added to _transfers

Within the RSITrendingStrategy contract, the constructor sets values in the _transfers mapping. The indices for both dimensions of each element must be less than or equal to maxSegment. maxSegment is set to the length of _seperators + 1. Thus, the max value for either index of _transfers is _seperators.length + 1.

The only place where _transfers is accessed is within getNextTarget. There, segment must be less than or equal to _seperators.length, and _lastSegment must be a valid segment (meaning that it is also equal to or less than _seperators.length). If it is not, _lastSegment is set to segment‘s value. In all cases, _lastSegment and segment can never equal maxSegment, meaning that any elements in _transfers which have maxSegment as an index will never be used.

Consider changing the condition on lines 62 and 63 of RSITrendingStrategy contract to be < instead of <=.

Update: Fixed in PR #9.

[L02] In RSITrendingStrategy, _transfers and _seperators can be set only once

Within the RSITrendingStrategy contract, the values of _seperators and _transfers are set in the constructor. Once set, these values cannot be changed. Furthermore, since _transfers is set within a for loop, there is a non-negligible chance that calling the constructor with too large of a transferEntries array could cause execution to run out of gas and revert.

In the case that some entry of _transfers is not set, but later accessed by the getNextTarget function, that entry would return 0, which may be treated as a valid target. For example, in the _nextTargetLeverage function of AutoTradingFund contract, a value of 0 may be interpreted as the nextTargetLeverage. This may happen if the user creating RSITrendingStrategy leaves some value out of transferEntries, by mistake or to save gas.

Consider creating some methods to change _transfers after the constructor has been called, perhaps also adding a flag which prevents the getNextTarget method from being successfully called until _transfers has been fully set and committed. Alternatively, consider informing users of RSITrendingStrategy that there is a limit to the number of _transfer elements which can be set, and that unset values will be interpreted as valid 0 values. Otherwise, errors or misconceptions about the code may be unchangeable and result in unexpected behavior.

Update: Fixed in PR #10. The Monte Carlo team has decided to make the strategy replaceable.

[L03] rebalanceTarget may return undefined values

Within the AutoTradingFund contract, the rebalanceTarget function will return 0 for amount and Side.FLAT for side if needRebalance is false, as the values for amount and side are only set within the if branch where needRebalance is true.

Within the audited codebase, rebalanceTarget is only called from one place, and it is immediately followed by a require that needRebalance == true. So, in the case that needRebalance is false, execution will revert and state will not be affected.

In case future use of needRebalance is desired, consider implementing some default value for amount and side, and making a note of this in comments above the function. Otherwise, the function may behave unexpectedly for future developers.

Update: Fixed in PR #11.

[L04] addBucket has no upper bound on input

The function addBucket within the PeriodicPriceBucket contract adds a value to the the _periods enumerable set. If this value is too high, when it is later accessed and used to calculate periodIndex, periodIndex may evaluate to 0, causing _firstPeriodIndexes[period] to be set to 0 and event FirstIndex to be emitted multiple times.

Consider adding an upper bound on period within addBucket such that for reasonable values of newTimestamp, periodIndex will be greater than 0.

Update: Fixed in PR #12.

[L05] _seperators values not checked

Within the RSITrendingStrategy contract, the array _seperators is set within the constructor, but the values within it are never checked.

Although there is a comment indicating that _seperators should be monotonically increasing, it is easily possible for it not to be. If a value at index n+1 is less than the value at index n, that value of _seperators will never result in usage and is effectively wasted space. Additionally, the max possible value of _seperators is not limited, but since it is compared to rsi, it is pointless to have any values greater than the max value of rsi.

Consider checking the values of _seperators to ensure that they are monotonically increasing and that they do not exceed RSI_UPPERBOUND (the max value for rsi). Alternatively, consider adding to the comment on line 36 that _seperators should never be greater than RSI_UPPERBOUND, and making this clear in the documentation as well.

Update: Fixed in PR #13.

[L06] Misleading, incomplete or missing docstrings

Although most of the functions in the codebase have relevant docstrings, there are some instances where the docstrings are misleading, incomplete or missing. For example:

  • The docstrings above the rebalanceTarget function in the AutoTradingFund contract says that the function Return true if rebalance is needed. It does not mention anything about the remaining two return variables amount and side.

  • The docstrings above the _performanceFee function in the Fee contract implies that there are two parts of the performance fee calculation, when in reality there is only one.

  • index, previous and findLastNonZeroValue functions in the LibEnumerableMap library are missing docstrings. All other functions within LibEnumberableMap have descriptive docstrings.

Consider changing the identified misleading or incomplete docstrings to better reflect the code’s behavior. Additionally, consider adding docstrings wherever relevant. When writing docstrings, consider following the Ethereum Natural Specification Format (NatSpec).

Update: Fixed in PR #11 and PR #14.

[L07] wmul and wdiv round incorrectly in some cases

Within the LibMathEx library, the wdiv function adds half of the divisor to the dividend before dividing by it. This is done to assist in rounding, since division natively truncates (rounds down). By adding half, any divisions which in conventional mathematics should round up, will do so in this code.

However, this function always adds half of the divisor, even when the dividend and divisor have opposite signs. This decreases the absolute value of the result, when it should be increasing it, and the end result is that the returned value is less accurate than it should be. For instance, when calling this function with the values (-200, 40) or (100, -40), the results are -4.999...e18 and -2.4999...e18 respectively, when they should be -5e18 and -2.5e18. This is especially noteworthy given that inputs of (200, 40) and (100, 40) result in 5e18 and 2.5e18.

Similarly, for the wmul function, when the signs of x and y differ, the answer will be inaccurate. This can be seen by calling this function with input (5e18, 0.5e18), and comparing this result to that of the input (-5e18, 0.5e18) or (5e18, -0.5e18).

Solidity will round towards 0 when truncating. To counteract the effect of adding two numbers of different sign, consider adding logic to the wdiv function such that when x and y are opposite signs, the .add on line 32 is replaced by a .sub. For the wmul function, very similar logic should be implemented, such that the .add on line 28 should be replaced by .sub only when the signs of x and y differ. Various combinations of positive and negative values should be tested to ensure correct functionality.

Update: Fixed in PR #15.

[L08] Inconsistent use of return variables

There is an inconsistency in the use of named return variables across the entire code base. For example, there are instances where the returned variables are named and not declared within the function, such as in the wmul function in LibMathEx library and there are instances where the return variables are unnamed, such as in the set function in LibEnumerableMap library.

Consider removing all named return variables and explicitly declaring them as local variables where needed. This should improve both explicitness and readability of the project.

Update: Acknowledged. The Monte Carlo team has decided to keep the code as-is for the current version.

[L09] Unnecessary frequent reads from storage in loops

Within the function buckets in the PeriodicPriceBucket contract, the for loop checks the value of _periods.length() on each iteration. Since this function is already potentially gas-intensive (due to looping) consider accessing bucketCount for the looping condition. This may help to prevent out-of-gas errors and will improve gas efficiency.

Similarly, the for loop inside the updatePrice function uses _periods.length() in its looping condition. Consider declaring a memory object, setting it to _periods.length(), and using that value in the looping condition instead of _periods.length().

Update: Fixed in PR #16.

[L10] Outdated solidity version used in the IAggregator contract

An outdated and unpinned version of solidity is used in the IAggregator contract.

Consider pinning the version of the Solidity compiler to its latest stable version. This should help prevent introducing unexpected bugs due to incompatible future releases. To choose a specific version, developers should consider both the compiler’s features needed by the project and the list of known bugs associated with each Solidity compiler version.

Update: Fixed in PR #23.

[L11] Unfixed version of contracts-ethereum-package

The OpenZeppelin contracts-ethereum-package library is used throughout the code. However, when it is imported, the version that is used is not fixed.

To protect against unexpected changes that may affect the code, consider pinning a specific version of openzeppelin-contracts-ethereum-package.

Update: Fixed in PR #18.

[L12] Unnecessary return variables

In the codebase, there are instances where functions return an unnecessary value.

For example, in the Collateral contract, the function _pullFromUser returns a variable rawAmount. However, the value of this variable is passed as an input to the function, thus making the return variable unnecessary.

Similarly, the _pushToUser function in the Collateral contract returns the rawAmount variable unnecessarily.

In order to reduce the surface for error and reduce developer confusion, please consider removing any unused return variables.

Update: Fixed in PR #19. Additionally, an unused return value from the _updateFee function has been removed.

[L13] It is not possible to redeem right when the locking period ends

The _canRedeem function in the ERC20CappedRedeemable contract implements a check which ensures that, after purchasing the shares, users wait for a specific time period before they can redeem those shares. The system ensures that as soon as the current timestamp is greater than the wait period, the user is allowed to redeem. However, this conditional check misses the scenario where the current timestamp can be equal to the wait period.

Consider allowing users to redeem as soon as the wait period is reached, updating the < comparison operator to <=. Alternatively, if this is by design, consider explicitly documenting that in order to reedeem, users will have to wait until the block after the locking period ends.

Update: Fixed in PR #20.

[L14] Mismatch between interface and contract

The removeBroker function in the IGlobalConfig interface does not accept an input parameter. However, the implementation of this interface, which is in the mai-protocol-v2 repository, accepts address broker as an input parameter.

Although Mai Protocol V2 is out-of-scope for this audit, the team identified that this mismatch also exists in the removeBroker function of the IGlobalConfig interface in the mai-protocol-v2 repo. The latest commit of the mai-protocol-v2 project at the time of this audit is 090dcd0c7980760a7b85eafc449dbb7164bae32d.

Consider adding the (address broker) as an input parameter to the removeBroker function of the IGlobalConfig interface for both mai-fund-protocol and mai-protocol-v2 projects.

Update: Fixed in PR #21 for mai-fund-protocol project and PR #14 for the mai-protocol-v2 project.

[L15] Zero address can be set as the fund manager

The setManager function in the SocialTradingFund contract allows the owner to set a fund manager. However, this function does not check if the input newManager address is a zero address.

This scenario does not break the code since the check in the _withdrawManagementFee function prevents the payment of management fee to a zero address and the owner can always change the manager from zero address to a valid address by calling the setManager function. However, in order to remove any confusion, consider putting a check in setManager function to ensure that the value of newManager is not a zero address.

Update: Fixed in PR #22.

[L16] Function __BaseFund_init is marked internal but is never called

The __BaseFund_init function in the BaseFund contract is marked as internal but this function is not called anywhere within the codebase.

Since this is an initializer function, consider either calling it within the codebase or mark the function external.

Update: Fixed in PR #17.

Notes & Additional Information

[N01] Commented out code

In RSITrendingStrategy contract, lines 49-59 contain what appears to be old code which has been commented out.

Other instances where commented code is present in the codebase are:

If the code is no longer needed, and the comments do not pertain to the currently implemented code, the commented-out code should be removed to minimize confusion for future developers and auditors. Consider removing the commented-out code.

Update: Fixed in PR #24.

[N02] _entranceFee calculation unnecessarily complex

Within the _entranceFee function, a portion of the input value purchasedAssetValue is returned, which represents the entrance fee given that value.

While calculating the entrance fee, the calculation is not what one may expect. Instead of the calculation being purchasedAssetValue * _entranceFeeRate, the calculation is actually purchasedAssetValue * _entranceFeeRate / (1 + _entranceFeeRate). This means that when _entranceFeeRate is set to 10%, the _entranceFee calculation will return 0.1/1.1 = 9.09% of purchasedAssetValue.

This is confusing, since _streamingFee is calculated using _streamingFeeRate as a percentage per year, such that over 1 year, if _streamingFeeRate represents 10% per year, then the _streamingFee will be 10% of the input netAssetValue. Similarly, _performanceFee will be calculated as _performanceFeeRate percentage of the difference between netAssetValue and _maxNetAssetValue.

To reduce developer confusion and make the code more consistent, consider changing the calculation such that _entranceFee() returns purchasedAssetValue.wmul(_entranceFeeRate). Since _entranceFeeRate can be set arbitrarily, its value can be adjusted to achieve the same result as the original calculation, but this change will make the calculation more understandable for users and developers.

Update: Acknowledged. The Monte Carlo team has decided to keep the formula as it is, however, they have updated the docstrings above the _entranceFee function and have changed variable names in PR #25 for the purpose of clarity.

[N03] Implicit casting

Within Collateral.sol, the uint8 decimals is implicitly cast to uint256, as the sub function expects two uint256 values.

To favor readability, consider explicitly casting the value decimals to uint256.

Update: Fixed in PR #26.

[N04] Redundant require statements

Within the LibMathEx contract, on line 23 and line 36 there are require statements which prevent z == 0. However, on line 24 and line 37, .div(z) is performed. SafeMath’s div function and SignedSafeMath’s div function both contain checks that the second parameter is not 0. Therefore, the requires within LibMathEx.sol are redundant and unneeded.

Consider removing the identified requires to simplify the code.

Update: Fixed in PR #40.

[N05] Naming issues

Several places in the code could benefit from clearer naming. Here are our suggestions:

Consider making the identified changes. This will improve code quality and make it easier for developers and auditors to understand the code’s intention in the future.

Update: Fixed in PR #27. _maxNetAssetValue was not renamed.

[N06] require checks modify state

The require checks on line 90 of the addBucket and line 102 of the removeBucket functions in the PeriodicPriceBucket contract modifies the state of _periods variable.

To make the code cleaner and easier to understand, consider moving these calls out of the require checks, and instead assigning the return value to some variable, then using this variable in the require check.

Update: Fixed in PR #28.

[N07] Unnecessary operation in _managementFee

Within the function _managementFee in the Core contract, the second assignment to assetValue is not needed, as assetValue is not used afterwards in the function and is locally scoped.

Consider removing the specified operation. This will make the code cleaner and easier to understand.

Update: Fixed in PR #30.

[N08] IAggregator interface name is not consistent

Within IAggregator.sol, the name of the interface, AggregatorInterface, does not match the name of the contract file, IAggregator.

In order to improve readability and to be consistent with the naming of other interfaces in the codebase, consider changing the name of AggregatorInterface interface to IAggregator.

Update: Fixed in PR #29.

[N09] Inconsistent capitalization in enums

The enum FundState declared in the State contract has identifiers for its values which are not capitalized. Other enums in the project have identifiers in all capital letters.

Consider capitalizing the identifiers in the FundState enum to increase consistency within the codebase.

Update: Fixed in PR #31.

[N10] LibTypes is unused as a library

LibTypes is imported as a library and is used to access LibTypes.Side in the AutoTradingFund contract. However, instead of being used as a library, it is called directly on line 143. To use it as a library, it should be called as a function of targetSide, which would instead read as targetSide.opposite().

Since this is the only place where any function from LibTypes is called, consider changing line 143 as described to use LibTypes as a library, or consider removing line 32 to make the code simpler and easier to understand.

Update: Fixed in PR #32.

[N11] _toInternalAmount() is unused

The internal function _toInternalAmount() is unused in the audited codebase.

Consider removing it to simplify the code and reduce confusion. Alternatively, if it was intended to make this function public, consider making that change. Or, if it was intended to be called within SettleableFund.settle(), consider making the change described in [C01] Miscalculation of payout in settle.

Update: Fixed in PR #3. The _toInternalAmount() function is now used as described in C01.

[N12] Unused events

There are events in the codebase that are never emitted. For instance:

Consider either removing the declaration or emitting the event appropriately.

Update: Fixed in PR #33.

[N13] Unused variable

Within RSIReader contract, in the _calculateRSI function, variable lastNonZeroPrice is declared and set many times, but it is not used anywhere within the function. Notably it is declared locally, so it cannot be used outside the scope of this function.

Consider removing the unused variable to make the code cleaner and easier to understand.

Update: Fixed in PR #34.

[N14] Unused constant

The constant SHARE_TOKEN_DECIMALS declared in the LibConstant library is not used within the codebase.

Consider removing it to make the code cleaner.

Update: Fixed in PR #35.

[N15] Unused import statements

Consider removing the following unused imports:

Update: Fixed in PR #36.

[N16] Typos

The code contains the following typos:

Consider correcting these typos to improve code readability.

Update: Fixed in PR #37.

[N17] Misleading error message

On line 160 of PeriodicPriceBucket contract, the error message implies beginTimestamp must be less than endTimestamp, when the check allows them to also be equal. The error message should be updated to say “begin must be earlier than or equal to end”.

Consider updating the identified error message to better reflect the code’s behavior.

Update: Fixed in PR #38.


1 critical and no high severity issues were found. Some changes were proposed to follow best practices, reduce the potential attack surface, and enhance overall code quality.

Update: We reviewed the fixes applied by the Monte Carlo team and all of the issues have been fixed or acknowledged.