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Futureswap V2 Audit - OpenZeppelin blog

Written by OpenZeppelin Security | Jan 3, 2021 5:00:00 AM

Futureswap is an on-chain futures exchange that offers up to 20x leverage. The Futureswap team asked us to audit their smart contracts. We reviewed the contracts with a team of 2 auditors over the course of 4 weeks. Here we publish our results.


We audited commit 96255fc4a550a5f34681c117b5969b848d07b3a3 of the futureswap/fs_core repo. All files in the contracts directory (and all subdirectories) were in scope except for the Migrations.sol file and the mocks subdirectory.

Update: After the initial delivery of the report, the Futureswap team made several code changes to address the issues in this report. The pull requests for those changes are linked to in the updates for the corresponding issues in the report below. All the fixes mentioned in this report are present in commit cd0d7038cd0e39cb22b94d02faf8a6b458df7c78 of the futureswap/fs-core repo. The FsToken was pulled out of the futureswap/fs_core repo and moved into the futureswap/fs_token repo with fixes present in commit 6c0dd5e65bef41f13043a380f6a875315b25bcd7 of that repo.

Update: (February 2, 2021) The Futureswap team noticed that miners sometimes use a block.timestmp value that is slightly behind the real present time, and that this was causing the MessageProcessor to reject some valid signature submissions. They adjusted the MessageProcessor to correct this problem in pull request #546. This fix is present in commit 569e78c5e970cb90b805fb34dc342a527ebbd556.

Compiled bytecode of audited contracts

Following a special request from the FutureSwap team, we have compiled the audited Solidity files and reference in this report the resulting bytecode. The compilation settings were:

  • Compiler version 0.5.17+commit.d19bba13.Linux.g++ with SHA256 checksum c35ce7a4d3ffa5747c178b1e24c8541b2e5d8a82c1db3719eb4433a1f19e16f3
  • Optimizer: enabled
  • Number of runs: 100
  • EVM Version: Istanbul

We have not verified that the audited version of the code matches the deployed system on mainnet. To reduce the need to trust third parties, we encourage users to conduct this verification by themselves when the system is open-sourced, using their most trusted set of tools and infrastructure of choice to read information from the Ethereum blockchain. Users and developers willing to conduct such a process must be aware of the following caveats.

Verifying deployed bytecode is not sufficient to ensure the correct behavior of a smart contract system – creation code and initialization parameters should be understood and verified as well.

When compiling contracts without linking libraries, the Solidity compiler inserts placeholders for the addresses of libraries in the bytecode. Therefore, to obtain the executable bytecode, one needs to link contracts to the addresses of deployed libraries in mainnet (read more about it in the Solidity documentation). We are including the compiled bytecode with both unlinked and linked libraries. The addresses used for linking were provided privately by the FutureSwap team.

Even in the case where the FutureSwap team has deployed the exact latest audited version of the in-scope contracts (corresponding to commit be8d371a40f21b863ec7a99445bad92e6c8d17f1 of the fs-core repository and commmit 6c0dd5e65bef41f13043a380f6a875315b25bcd7 of the fs_token repository), there might be expected differences between the actual deployed code in mainnet and the compiled bytecode referenced in this report. In particular, one should be aware that:

  • Due to Solidity’s call protection for libraries, bytecode of libraries is changed at deploy time. In other words, the compiled bytecode for a library can be different to what is actually deployed on chain. In practice, this translates to the fact that the bytecode of libraries we reference will have 20-bytes-long sequences of zeros instead of the actual address of the library.
  • From the Solidity documentation, since the resulting bytecode of the compiled contracts contains the metadata hash, any change to the metadata results in a change of the bytecode. This includes changes to a filename or path, and since the metadata includes a hash of all the sources used, a single whitespace change results in different metadata, and different bytecode. In practice, this translates to the fact that the bytecode of libraries and contracts we reference may have a different metadata hash attached at the end of the executable bytecode, as the absolute paths of the compiled files inevitably differs.

The audited contracts’ creation and runtime bytecode can be found here.

High level overview


All user funds enter and exit through Futureswap’s Wallet contract. The Futureswap exchanges work only with ERC20 tokens that have 18 decimals. Futureswap can support tokens that have fewer than 18 decimals because the Wallet contract wraps them in a DecimalPaddingToken contract, which the exchanges will use in lieu of the original, decimal-deficient token.

Meta transactions and off-chain oracles

Futureswap leverages meta-transactions and a trusted off-chain oracle in a novel way in order to prevent oracle frontrunning issues. First, the user signs a message containing the parameters that describe the action they want to take. For example, if they want to open a long position, they would sign parameters that indicate which asset they want exposure to, how much capital they want to put at risk, how much leverage they want to use, the min and max asset prices they’re willing to tolerate, etc.

Next, the user (or a relayer) passes this signature and message to the off-chain oracle, which appends price information for the asset and stablecoins being used, the time at which the oracle signed the message, etc. In this way, the oracle’s signed message includes the user’s message and signature, in addition to price data and any other data needed to execute the user’s intended action.

Finally, the oracle’s message and signature can then be used to execute the operation by passing them along as parameters in a function call to the Futureswap MessageProcessor contract.
The MessageProcessor contract enforces the user-chosen bounds. In this way, the oracle cannot force a user to take any action without the user agreeing.

Each user message contains a user-chosen nonce (userInteractionNumber), which is tracked by the meta transactions system to prevent signature replays.

Update: The meta transaction system now requires a signature from a “verifier” that double-checks the information provided by the oracle. It also now requires a signature from a “stamper” that restricts which addresses can relay transactions in the case that the user does not submit their own transaction. These updates are from commit 3e3a05646d6cac72d07b0dea5db8df9da95df654 and PR #494, respectively.


A Futureswap Exchange is defined by an asset token and a stablecoin. An exchange can be created by governance via the ExchangeFactory. Liquidity providers can add liquidity to the exchange, in exchange for non-transferable liquidity tokens. These liquidity tokens represent a share of the exchange’s liquidity and can be redeemed.

Traders can open leveraged long or short positions with up to 20x leverage.


Liquidity providers who keep their liquidity in an exchange for an entire week-long window earn rewards in the form of Futureswap tokens (FST). Similarly, users who trade on a Futureswap exchange also earn FST.

When users sign messages to close a trade, their message contains a “referral” address. This address also receives FST rewards, and is a way for third-party UIs to profit from users who user their UI. (Users can, of course, add their own address as the referral address).

The FST are non-transferable tokens, and are used to vote on governance decisions.

Trust model and security assumptions

Choice of tokens

Not all tokens are compatible with the Futureswap platform. The choice of tokens used with Futureswap must be considered very carefully.

The wrap function of the DecimalPaddingToken contract assumes standard balance-updating behavior during the underlying token’s transferFrom function. The unwrap function makes a similar assumption about the underlying token’s transfer function. This means Futureswap is not compatible with tokens that do periodic “rebasing” (e.g., AMPL, BASED, and YAM). It is also not compatible with tokens that extract a fee from the recipient or the receiver during a transfer or transferFrom. It should not be used with tokens that implement any kind of demurrage.

The constructor function of the DecimalPaddingToken contract assumes that the underlying token has a decimals() function. However, the ERC20 specification says the decimals function is optional, and that contracts MUST NOT expect the decimals value to be present. This means that Futureswap is not compatible with a fully-compliant ERC20 token that does not expose a decimal value. This is rare in practice, but should be kept in mind.

Futureswap can handle ERC20 tokens that have decimals = 18 “natively”. Tokens with fewer than 18 decimals are handled by wrapping them with a DecimalPaddingToken. However, tokens with more than 18 decimals are not compatible with Futureswap.

Caution is advised before using any tokens that are “pauseable”, that can be minted arbitrarily by a trusted third party, that can impose “blacklists”, or that can be upgraded. Any of these actions could result in loss of funds from a Futureswap exchange that supports such a token. Tokens like these should not be used in a Futureswap exchange unless their “owners” are fully trusted.

For the purposes of this audit, we assume that the Futureswap developers and governance system will take these factors into consideration, and only integrate tokens that will behave well with the Futureswap contracts.


The off-chain oracles are a critical component of Futureswap, and it is important to understand their powers and responsibilities. Oracles must remain honest (not lie about the price, the time they signed a message, etc), uncompromised (not have their private keys stolen), and online (the must stay online to sign messages).

An oracle cannot force a user to engage in a trade outside of the bounds that the user set for the trade. The user’s bounds are enforced by the contracts. However, a dishonest or compromised oracle can lie about asset and stablecoin prices. They thus have the power to steal money from an exchange by opening a position themselves and then lying about the price when closing it.

Additionally, the oracle must remain online. During normal operation, users require signatures from a valid oracle in order to open and close positions, add and remove liquidity, add collateral to an existing position, liquidate a trade, etc. If the off-chain oracles stop responding to user requests, users cannot perform most critical actions. So it is imperative that the oracles stay online. In the event that oracles go offline, it is possible for the governance system to disable the exchanges (a disruptive emergency measure) to allow users to withdraw their assets.

Some of the behaviors required of an honest oracle are obvious, such as “don’t lie about the price”. Others are less obvious. For example, if an oracle can be made to sign two user messages from the same user that both have the same userInteractionNumber (a seemingly innocent action), then the user can use this to get a “free option” at the expense of liquidity providers. They could do this, for example, by getting the oracle to sign a message that would open a long position, and another message that would open a short position (using the same userInteractionNumber), and then watch the asset price for a few minutes before submitting whichever message would be most profitable. This guarantees the user profit, and nullifies the remaining transaction, because it uses the same userInteractionNumber, which is now invalid.

For the purposes of this audit, we assume that the oracles are honest. That is, that they will not sign any false information (e.g., price information). We also assume they are aware of the subtleties of the meta transaction system and will not take any actions (e.g., the one described above) that could allow a user to effectively “cancel” a previously signed, but not yet mined, transaction.

The Futureswap team is aware of these subtleties and has outlined correct oracle behavior in an Oracles Rules document. We assume oracles will follow these rules.

Update: As mentioned earlier, the meta transaction system has been updated to include a “verifier” and a “stamper”. We also assume these two roles behave honestly.

Governance system

The voting system has the ability to arbitrarily update many critical variables and contracts. This includes the ability to add new oracles, which means the voting system has all the powers of an oracle, along with many more.

Voters use FST to vote. FST is non-transferable at the contract level, and it is paid out to liquidity providers, traders, and referrers. In this audit, we assume that the voting system behaves honestly and does not pass proposals that would harm Futureswap.

Registry owner and registry holder

All important Futureswap contract addresses are stored in the Registry contract. The registry contract has an owner. This owner, the voting system, and the ExchangeFactory contract all have access to change some of the variables in the Registry. This includes the ability to add oracles.

Additionally, there is a RegistryHolder contract. This is the contract that all other contracts query to find out the address of the Registry contract. The RegistryHolder has an owner, and its owner is the most powerful role in the Futureswap system. The owner (and the voting system) has the ability to update the Registry contract address. This means the owner can make arbitrary system changes, including changing the address of the voting system. A compromise of the RegistryHolder owner key would be critical, and could result in permanent loss of control of the system.

We assume that the Registry contract owner and the RegistryHolder contract owner remain honest and uncompromised.

Findings and recommendations

Critical severity


High severity

[H01] Attackers can prevent honest users from performing an instant withdraw from the Wallet contract

An attacker who sees an honest user’s call to MessageProcessor.instantWithdraw in the mempool can grab the oracleMessage and oracleSignature parameters from the user’s transaction, then submit their own transaction to instantWithdraw using the same parameters, a higher gas price (so as to frontrun the honest user’s transaction), and carefully choosing the gas limit for their transactions such that the internal call to the callInstantWithdraw will fail on line 785 with an out-of-gas error, but will successfully execute the if(!success) block.

The result is that the attacker’s instant withdraw will fail (so the user will not receive their funds), but the userInteractionNumber will be successfully reserved by the ReplayTracker. As a result, the honest user’s transaction will revert because it will be attempting to use a userInteractionNumber that is no longer valid.

Consider adding an access control mechanism to restrict who can submit oracleMessages on behalf of the user.

Update: Fixed in PR #494, where the relayer who transmits the transaction must be approved by a trusted offline “stamper”, and in PRs #533 and #537, where the user can now specify a minimum amount of gas that must be passed along by the relayer.

[H02] Liquidity rewards are computed incorrectly for a week if any liquidity provider removes liquidity during the week

The calculateLiquidityProviderPayout function computes the amount of FST rewards that a liquidity provider should earn in proportion to the share of totalLiquidity that they provided. However, the function assumes that the totalLiquidity provided for the week is liquidityToken.totalSupplyAt(weekEntry.snapShotId). This assumption is incorrect if any liquidity providers have removed liquidity after the snapshot was taken and before the end of the week. The error results in liquidity providers receiving fewer FST rewards than they ought to receive. The size of the error scales with the total amount of liquidity that has been removed, and so can be exacerbated by a malicious whale.

This is a known issue that is described in a code comment within the payoutLiquidityProvider function. In the comment, a valid solution to the problem is proposed:

Solution: To decrement the total supply of liquidity for that week when a LP withdraws up to a maximum of their starting balance.

However, this solution is not implemented in the code. Consider implementing this solution.

Update: Fixed in PR #526, where the solution in the code comment mentioned above has been implemented.

[H03] MessageProcessor interactions can be frontrun for profit

Anyone can take the oracleMessage and oracleSignature from a valid transaction in the mempool — whether it is being broadcast by an oracle, or by a user who sets their userInteractionNumber to an odd number — and rebroadcast it in their own function call using a one-wei-higher gas price. This frontruns the honest sender’s transaction and gives the frontrunner the reward from maybePaySender. It also results in the honest sender wasting gas (because their transaction will revert when reserve is called by ensureUnusedUserInteractionNumber in the verifyCommonParams function.

This is profitable for the frontrunner as long as the amount of the reward from maybePaySender is greater than the cost of gas used to frontrun. Under these conditions, one could expect bots to frontrun all MessageProcessor interactions of this type. While the user’s trades would execute as intended, the honest senders would operate at a loss.

Consider adding access controls so that only userMessage.signer, or a valid oracle, can successfully call the functions that invoke the maybePaySender function.

Update: Fixed in PR #494, where the relayer must now be approved by a trusted offline “stamper” in order to submit the user’s message and signature.

Medium severity

[M01] Not using upgrade safe contracts in FsToken inheritance

The FsToken contract is intended to be an upgradeable contract, used behind a proxy (namely, the FsTokenProxy contract).
However, the contracts ERC20Snapshot, ERC20Mintable and ERC20Burnable in the inheritance chain of FsToken are not imported from the upgrade safe library @openzeppelin/contracts-ethereum-package but instead from @openzeppelin/contracts.

From the README file of the upgrades safe library:

you must use this package and not @openzeppelin/contracts if you are writing upgradeable contracts.

In particular, using the upgrades safe library in this case will ensure the inheritance from Initializable and the other contracts is always linearized as expected by the compiler (see this forum post for more info about it).

Update: Fixed in PR #534, where the FsToken was moved to another repo and adjusted to use the upgrade safe version.

[M02] Users can add collateral to closed trades

During our audit, the Futureswap team independently discovered that users were capable of adding collateral to closed trades. Consider calling the ensureTradeOpen function during the Trading.addCollateral function to prevent this.

Update: Fixed in PR #503.

[M03] Unchecked output of the ECDSA recover function

The ECDSA.recover function (in version 2.5.1) returns address(0) if the signature provided is invalid. This function is used twice in the Futureswap code: Once to recover an oracleAddress from an oracleSignature, and again to recover the user’s address from their signature.

If the oracle signature was invalid, the oracleAddress is set to address(0). Similarly, if the user’s signature is invalid, then the userMessage.signer or the withDrawer is set to address(0).

This can result in unintended behavior. For example, it allows users to perform some interactions on behalf of the zero address, or (in the unlikely event that address(0) were ever added as an oracle) it could allow all invalid oracleSignatures to be accepted as valid.

Consider reverting if the output of the ECDSA.recover is ever address(0). Also, consider modifying the Registry.addOracle function so that address(0) can never be added as an oracle.

Update: Fixed in PR #493.

[M04] The updatePayoutDistribution function does not correctly update the sumOfExchangeWeights on all exchanges

The for loop in the Incentives.updatePayoutDistribution function is intended to update the sumOfExchangeWeights value for every exchange. However, the code is incorrect, and results in only a single exchange updating the its sumOfExchangeWeights value to the same value allExchangeAddresses.length many times.

The result is that all but one exchange will have an incorrect sumOfExchangeWeights until the next time the advanceWeek() function is called.

Consider refactoring this loop to correctly update the sumOfExchangeWeights on all exchanges.

Update: Fixed in PR #514.

[M05] The instantWithdraw function’s userMessage may be generic enough to introduce replay issues between platforms

The user’s signature for a call to the instantWithdraw function is over generic data that does not include any Futureswap-specific data. In particular, the user signs a struct that contains only a public token address, a uint256 amount, and a uint256 userInteractionNumber.

It is not unlikely that a user may interact with another DeFi platform (e.g., a platform that mimics Futureswap’s meta transactions pattern) that also asks them to sign messages of this type. If that happens, then anyone can replay the user’s signature — which was intended for another platform — to Futureswap, causing the user’s funds to be instant-withdrawn to their wallet.

This does not result in any theft of funds, because the funds are withdrawn to the user’s own external account. However, it could be a griefing vector.

Consider requiring that the userMessage include something Futureswap-specific.

Update: Fixed in PR #495, where the user’s signature now covers the Futureswap-specific Registry contract address.

[M06] Lack of event emissions during important actions

There are several actions that perhaps should be emitting events but aren’t, such as: adding/removing wallet access, adding/removing price oracles, adding/removing exchanges, calling the doFireRegistryUpdateEvent function, setting the various addresses via the owner, approving/vetoing in the Voting contract, etc.

Event emission is particularly important when adding/removing oracles and adding/removing wallet access because oracles and wallet accessors are not tracked in iterable objects. Without events to search, users will have a difficult time learning which addresses are oracles and which addresses have wallet access.

Consider reviewing all actions on the platform and adding event emissions when changes are made to important state variables.

Update: Fixed in PR #528 where events are now emitted when mappings in the registry are updated. It may still be worthwhile to add more events during other important actions, but the this fix covers the most important changes (changes to important variables stored in non-iterable data types).

[M07] Refunded tokens can become stuck in the Wallet contract

The Wallet.refund function can be called by anyone. It transfers _amount of _tokenAddress tokens from msg.sender to the Wallet contract, and credits _userAddress. If _tokenAddress has decimals != 18 then the tokens transferred to the contract via this function may become stuck in the Wallet contract and require an upgrade to remove them.

Consider having the refund function wrap the input token if necessary. Otherwise, consider documenting that the refund function should not be called with any _tokenAddress that does not have decimals == 18.

Update: Fixed in PR #515, where the refund function now reverts if the token does not have 18 decimals.

[M08] Attackers may cause honest users to be penalized under some conditions

In the MessageProcessor contract, if the callAddLiquidity, callRemoveLiquidity, callOpenTrade, and/or callCloseTrade function uses more than 64 times the amount of gas used by the takePenalty function, then an attacker can cause honest users to be penalized when they shouldn’t be.

The attack works as follows. The attacker can monitor the mempool for incoming transactions from honest users (to, say, the addLiquidity function), grab the parameters out of the transaction, frontrun the user’s transaction with the attacker’s own transaction that submits the same parameters, but carefully chooses the gasLimit for the attack transaction such that the call to callAddLiquidity (within the addLiquidity function) would fail with an out-of-gas error during its call to the Exchange contract. This would not cause the transaction to revert, but instead cause success to be false. Then, because only 63/64 of the remaining gas was forwarded during the call to the exchange, there would be enough gas left over to execute the if (!success) block, which penalizes the user.

This vulnerability is not present in the current code with the current opcode pricing. However, it could be an issue if Ethereum opcodes are repriced, or if future upgrades change the gas usage of these functions.

Consider adding a minGas parameter to the userMessage, and reverting during the verifyCommonParams function if gasleft() < minGas. This way, the user/UI can set the minimum amount of gas a relayer can use to process their transaction.

Update: Fixed in PRs #533 and #537, where the user can now specify a minimum amount of gas that the relayer must provide when submitting the user’s message and signature.

Low severity

[L01] The public snapshot function of FsToken and LiquidityToken may be abused to increase gas costs

The FsToken and LiquidityToken contracts inherit from the ERC20Snapshot contract, which has a public snapshot function that anyone can call at any time. There are potential risks to having this snapshot function be public. The risk are outlined in the comments of the OpenZeppelin Contracts v3.1.0 of ERC20Snapshot.sol, quoted below.

* ====
* While an open way of calling {_snapshot} is required for certain trust minimization mechanisms such as forking,
* you must consider that it can potentially be used by attackers in two ways.
* First, it can be used to increase the cost of retrieval of values from snapshots, although it will grow
* logarithmically thus rendering this attack ineffective in the long term. Second, it can be used to target
* specific accounts and increase the cost of ERC20 transfers for them, in the ways specified in the Gas Costs
* section above.

If this is a concern, then consider upgrading to use v3.1.0 of the ERC20Snapshot contract, which makes the snapshot function internal. Alternatively, consider modifying the v2.5.1 contract to make the snapshot function internal.

Update: Fixed in PR #532, where the snapshot function is now access-controlled.

[L02] Unbounded Loops

There are a few unbounded loops in the codebase, such as the for loops in the doFireRegistryUpdateEvent and getIndexOf functions. These loops can exceed the block gas limit if the exchanges array is sufficiently large. This could prevent the voting system from being able to update addresses in the registry, and could also prevent the removal of exchanges from the exchanges array. We believe the Futureswap team is aware of this issue. We recommend keeping this issue in mind when supporting a large number of exchanges.

Update: Unchanged. Comment from the Futureswap team: “The Futureswap team does not intend to launch a large number of exchanges and would update contracts beforehand if this was ever necessary. No change done.”

[L03] Unchecked input in Registry.addExchange

The Registry.addExchange function does not require that the input _exchange has not already been added. This means it is possible that a given exchange can be pushed to the exchanges array several times. If this happens, then the removeExchange function will remove only one instance of the exchange from the exchanges array — resulting in a state where an exchange is present in the exchanges array but does not have wallet access and does not appear in the exchangeMapping mapping.

Consider having the addExchange function require that the _exchange has not already been added.

Update: Fixed in PR #520.

[L04] Unchecked input in Registry.removeExchange

The Registry.removeExchange function does not require that the input _exchange is already in the exchangeMapping. Consider adding such a require statement to the removeExchange function. This will prevent an event (which doesn’t exist yet, but should as per the “Lack of event emissions during important actions” issue) from firing when the removeExchange function is called but no exchange has been removed.

Update: Fixed in PR #520.

[L05] Unreachable code in Wallet.maybeWrapToken

The second conditional expression in the Wallet.maybeWrapToken function will always be false unless the _publicTokenAddress is malicious and returns inconsistent values for its decimals. Consider removing this if statement to reduce the deployment size of the contract.

Update: Fixed in PR #521.

Notes & Additional Information

[N01] The voting window and resolving window overlap at the time boundary

The vote function of the Voting contract allows voting as long as the current block’s timestamp is less than or equal to the votingEnds value of the proposal, as seen below:

function vote(uint256 _proposalId, bool _isYesVote) public {
   require(now <= p.votingEnds, "vote is not open");

However, a proposal can be resolved as long as the current block’s timestamp is greater than or equal to the votingEnds field of the proposal, as seen below:

function requireProposalCanBeResolved(Proposal memory p) private view {
   require(now >= p.votingEnds || p.ownerApproved, "vote is still open");

In other words, the voting and resolving windows overlap at p.votingEnds. So at this timestamp, a proposal could be resolved before the voting window closes. Consider modifying the requireProposalCanBeResolved function’s require statement to now > p.votingEnds.

Update: Fixed by PR #527.

[N02] ProposalRejected event might never be emitted

The resolve function of the Voting contract emits a ProposalRejected event when the proposal fails. However, there does not seem to be any incentive to call the resolve function when a proposal has failed. The caller would spend gas to emit an event without getting anything in return. If the event is never emitted, it may make it difficult to track the state of proposals off-chain via emitted events (such as in tools like The Graph).

If this is a concern, consider adding an incentive for calling the resolve function.

Update: Unchanged. Comment from the Futureswap team: “Not addressed, State of proposals can be tracked via view functions and the Futureswap team will resolve non succeeding proposals.”

[N03] Wallet does not renounce minting privileges over DecimalPaddingToken contract

The doEnableToken function of the Wallet contract takes care of deploying new DecimalPaddingToken contracts when necessary. During deployment, since the DecimalPaddingToken contract is an ERC20Mintable, it will set the Wallet contract as an address with minting privileges.

This Wallet contract never calls the mint function of the DecimalPaddingToken contract. To minimize unnecessary minting privileges and reduce the attack surface, consider having the Wallet contract renounce the minter role.

Update: Fixed in PR #529, where the DecimalPaddingToken contract no longer inherits from ERC20Mintable or ERC20Burnable.

[N04] Duplicate conditionals in the calculateClosingData function

There are two if statements with the same conditional in the calculateClosingData function. One begins on line 338, and the other begins on line 353. Consider combining these statements into one.

Update: Fixed in PR #518.

[N05] ensureClosingAccess function can be restricted to view

The ensureClosingAccess() function on line 287 of Trading.sol does not modify any state variables. Considering restricting the function to view.

Update: Fixed in PR #487.

[N06] Incorrect code comment

The comment on line 25 of Wallet.sol says tokenAddress -> userAddress -> amount but it should say userAddress -> tokenAddress -> amount

Update: Fixed in PR #519.

[N07] Lack of explicit visibility for some state variables and constants

Some state variables and constants do not have explicit visibility. See constants in MessageProcessor, the replayNumberByUserAddress in ReplayTracker, etc. To improve readability, consider making the visibility of all state variables and constants explicit throughout the code.

Update: Fixed in PR #535.

[N08] Typos

There are some mis-spelling across the codebase as listed below, we recommend a thorough spell check before releasing.

Update: Fixed in PR #516.

[N09] Unused Parameters

There are two unused parameters in the Exchange.addCollateral function. If these are not intended to be used in future upgrades, consider removing them.

Update: Fixed in PR #517.

[N10] Variable Naming Issues

Update: Fixed in PR #524.


0 critical and 3 high severity issues were found. Several recommendations were made to improve the project’s overall quality and reduce its attack surface.