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Global Messaging Token Audit - OpenZeppelin blog

Written by OpenZeppelin Security | Oct 16, 2017 4:00:00 AM

The Mercury Protocol team asked us to review and audit their Global Messaging Token (GMT) and crowdsale contracts. We looked at the code and now publish our results.

The audited contracts are located in the MercuryProtocol/global-messaging-token-contracts repository. The version used for this report is the commit d0765cbd0732453832455dae0e2cf892da1ab572.

Here’s our assessment and recommendations, in order of importance.

Update: The Dust team has followed most of our recommendations and updated the contracts. The updated version is at commit df08a450e3960d6717348d38da10b542d4123534.

Critical Severity

Team can circumvent refund restriction

The refund function allows investors to ask for a refund if the minimum cap is not reached. Radical App International is given a share of tokens at the beginning of the process for which they should not be entitled to a refund. This is accounted for by not allowing their address to call refund. Since tokens are always transferable, they could easily circumvent this by transferring the tokens to another address and calling refund from it.

Consider disallowing transfers until the crowdsale ends successfully, for example by using OpenZeppelin’s PausableToken or something similar. Not only will it fix this bug, but it’s also common practice.

Alternatively, consider giving Radical App International its share of tokens at the successful finalization of the crowdsale.

Update: Fixed with the alternative suggestion in the latest version.

High Severity

No issues of high severity.

Medium Severity

Arbitrary and redundant stage state variable

The functions startSale, stopSale and setFailedState allow the owner to set the stage state variable. However, there are no restrictions on when they can be called, and consequently the value of the stage variable isn’t necessarily the actual stage of the sale. As an example, in the middle of the sale the owner can call setFailedState, without it having really failed.

The variable actually serves no purpose other than giving the owner some control over when its functions can be called. This control is limited, however, because there are already other restrictions in place. For example, refund can only be called after the sale period and if the minimum cap isn’t reached. This makes us think the stage variable is redundant.

We would recommend to remove it along with the setter functions, to further trust minimization and remove the possible inconsistent states. Alternatively, add checks to stage setter functions, and only rely on those for other function preconditions.

Update: The variable was removed in the latest version.

Low Severity

Using block numbers to specify start and end

The sale uses block numbers to specify when it starts and when it ends. The current recommendation is to use timestamps instead. The risk of miner manipulation of timestamps is very low for this use case, and due to the Difficulty Bomb it is now very difficult to correctly estimate future block times. Consider switching to timestamps.

Update: The team has decided to keep using block numbers.

Constructor parameter sanity checks

Consider performing sanity checks to validate GMToken’s constructor parameters. Check that _startBlock < _endBlock.

Update: Fixed in the latest version.

Reuse open source contracts

The contracts StandardToken, GMToken and SafeMath are very similar to code found in OpenZeppelin’s StandardToken, Crowdsale, RefundableCrowdsale and SafeMath contracts. Reimplementing functionality instead of reusing public and already audited code can bring regression problems and difficult to find bugs. Consider installing and using the code available in OpenZeppelin.

Update: The team has pointed out that the token is in fact taken from ConsenSys.

Unsafe math

There are many unchecked arithmetic operations in GMToken and StandardToken. It’s always better to be safe and perform checked operations. Consider using the SafeMath library, or performing pre-condition checks on any math operation.

Update: Fixed in the latest version.

ERC20 compliance

ERC20 specifies decimals to be a value of type uint8. It is declared as a uint256 variable in GMToken. Consider changing it to uint8. If so, it will be necessary to cast to uint256 when using the variable for arithmetic such as when expressing token amounts like in 500 * (10**6) * 10**decimals. Consider defining a constant uint256 TOKEN_UNIT = 10 ** uint256(decimals) to write 500e6 * TOKEN_UNIT in these cases.

A Transfer event is emitted next to ClaimGMT in the constructor, and there is a spot on comment with an explanation. We would add to it that emitting a Transfer event when creating tokens enhances user experience by allowing applications such as Etherscan to learn of the new token holders. A similar Transfer event is missing next to ClaimGMT in claimTokens. Consider adding it: Transfer(0x0, msg.sender, tokens).

Update: Fixed in the latest version.

Duplicate decimals value

The decimals parameter used to calculate token amounts is duplicated in the GMToken and GMTSafe contracts. This redundancy is error-prone, as the two variables could get out of sync if they are changed at any moment. Consider leaving only the decimals variable defined in GMToken. The GMTSafe contract can store the token grain amount to be transferred, instead of the token unit amount (e.g. 4*10¹⁸ vs 4).

Update: Fixed in the latest version.

Notes & Additional Information

  • There are a couple of TODO notes in the contracts, with things to change before deployment. This is prone to forgetting, and we recommend to add constructor parameters for these pending values to avoid this kind of mistake.
  • Some of the checks in SafeMath are redundant and can be removed: bothchecks in div, and the second check (
    c >= b in add.
  • Keep in mind that there is a possible attack vector on the approve/transferFrom functionality of ERC20 tokens, described here. Consider implementing one of the proposed mitigations, or using the ERC20 implementation from OpenZeppelin which already has one in place.
  • transfer checks that destination is not 0x0 or the token itself, but transferFrom doesn’t. Consider adding the same checks there.
  • In unlock in GMTSafe an ad-hoc “revert” was implemented, but the EVM’s revert functionality could be used.
  • In GMTSafe, the constructor parameter and gmtAddress state variable could be directly declared of type GMToken. If the constructor is declared as GMTSafe(GMToken _gmt) the ABI will remain GMTSafe(address).
  • refund has a boolean return value that is unused. Consider removing it.

Update: Most suggestions were implemented in the latest version.


One critical severity issue was found and explained, along with a recommendation on how to fix it. Some changes were proposed to enhance standards compliance, follow best practices and reduce potential attack surface.

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Note that as of the date of publishing, the above review reflects the current understanding of known security patterns as they relate to the Global Messaging Token contracts. We have not reviewed the related Mercury Protocol or Dust projects. The above should not be construed as investment advice. For general information about smart contract security, check out our thoughts here.