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OpenBazaar’s Escrow Audit

The OpenBazaar team asked us in October 2018 to review and audit their Escrow contract, one of several in their framework. We audited the code, and shared the report privately with the OpenBazaar team. We are now, upon their request, making the audit report public.

The audited file is Escrow_v1_0.sol, at commit c4f02cdd41cb85d28bba637a01f20a8ee8bb04b. Additional information including the contract’s specification can be found here.

Here is our assessment and recommendations, in order of importance.

Critical Severity


High Severity

Buyers can lock funds indefinitely

Transactions in the Escrow_v1_0 contract are described by the Transaction struct. Among its fields, timeoutHours is used to set a timeout after which a seller can execute the transaction without the need for the buyer’s or the moderator’s signatures. In order to do this, the seller calls the execute function, which itself calls verifyTransaction, which finally calls isTimeLockExpired. This last function verifies that the time elapsed since the last modification of the transaction, tracked by the lastModified field in the Transaction struct, is greater than the transaction’s time lock.

A malicious buyer trying to prevent a transaction from being executed can periodically update it by adding tiny amounts of Ether or tokens to its value through the addFundsToTransaction or addTokensToTransaction functions respectively. These calls will reset the lastModified field of the transaction, thus preventing it from ever reaching the time lock. If the transaction requires only two signatures, a seller can appeal to the moderator to execute it. If the transaction requires three signatures, however, the funds will be effectively locked until the buyer ceases to update it.

Consider keeping track of, and limiting, the number of times a transaction can be modified in order to prevent the indefinite locking of funds by buyers.

Medium Severity

Signature ordering may prevent transaction verification

In the verifyTransaction function, an if clause defines the conditions under which transactions fail to be verified (and the associated Ethereum transaction reverts). One way to have transactions verified is to call the execute function with a number of signatures above the transaction threshold. Another, meant as a failsafe, consists of having the transaction executed with just the seller’s signature once the time lock is expired.

The implementation of the failsafe case requires the execute function to be called with the seller’s signature as the last one in the signature component arrays for the transaction to be validated. This mismatch between specification and implementation entails cases where according to the specification the funds should be released, but they will not according to the implementation. One such case occurs when three signatures are required, the time lock is already expired, and execute is called with the seller and the moderator signatures, appearing in that order in the arrays. This function call will not release the funds, contrary to the specification. Furthermore, the error message provided will be “sigV.length is under the threshold.”, which is not diagnostic of the actual failure (see Wrong error messages on transaction verification failure below).

Consider an implementation that is agnostic to signature ordering in order to fully match the specification.

Convoluted transaction verification implementation

execute is the function responsible for releasing funds to destination addresses, once all the necessary verification steps are taken. Currently, the entire process for verifying a transaction is divided and scattered throughout separate parts of the code, making it difficult for users to understand what requirements a transaction should meet in order for it to be approved, and rendering the code more error-prone and difficult to test.

From execute, which has a first require clause of its own, the verifyTransaction function is called. This function in turn call verifySignatures, which has several require statements, and then isTimeLockExpired, to finally reach an if clause that obscurely checks for further conditions using nested and and or operators and reverting when some of them are met. Back in execute, the transferFunds function is called within a require statement, which performs additional verifications distributed in several require clauses within loops.

Consider decoupling the verification of transaction requirements from the business logic as much as possible, encapsulating validations in specific straightforward functions that can be easily reused and tested.

Low Severity

Dead code in transferFunds function

Inside the transferFunds function, a multiple conditional is used to determine the transaction type (i.e. whether it is in Ether or in tokens). A else clause is included as a fallback to revert the Ethereum transaction in case the received transaction type does not match a known value. However, given that transaction types can only be set by the smart contract (see L142 and L194), this else clause will never be executed.

To improve readability and avoid confusion, consider removing all segments of code that are not to be executed under any circumstances.

Lack of explicit return statements

Several functions in the codebase have implicit return statements (checkBeneficiary, calculateRedeemScriptHash, transferFunds, verifySignatures and isTimeLockExpired).

Not using explicit return statements on functions that are expected to return values can lead to problems in future changes to the codebase. Should a return parameter’s name be eventually removed (for instance if returns (bool check) is replaced with returns (bool)), no compilation-time warnings will be thrown by the Solidity compiler. In this scenario, the function’s return value will be always automatically set to the default value of the return type, in this case false, which could lead to unforeseen issues.

Consider modifying the listed functions to include explicit return statements.

Unnecessary field in Transaction struct

The scriptHash field is being unnecessarily stored within the Transaction struct. Considering that it is never used other than as an index to access Transactions in mappings, this field can safely be removed from the struct to avoid duplication.

Wrong error message on transaction verification failure

The verifyTransaction function implements several checks to verify the conditions under which transactions should be accepted or rejected. One complex validation is performed in a single if clause, which has an associated error message that does not cover all possible causes of failure.

Consider refactoring the if clause in order to include specific error messages for each checked condition.

Misleading comment in execute function

The docstrings for execute function hints at moderators being the ones responsible for executing transactions. Yet, the function does not validate who the calling account actually is, meaning that execute can be called by anyone — including actors not involved in the transaction.

Consider clarifying this situation in the docstrings.

“Dispute” state is not among possible transaction states

The error message in the inFundedState modifier mentions “dispute” as a possible transaction state. The enum in charge of defining transaction states, however, only lists “FUNDED” and “RELEASED” as possible states.

Consider either including this third state in the enum — along with the necessary logic to support it — or suitably modifying the error message.

Inconsistent coding style

There is a significant coding style difference between code segments:

  • The wrapping of statement structures varies widely (as seen in events L29 and L35).
  • Indentation in if clauses is inconsistent.
  • There is inconsistent spacing between typing, such as in lines: 49–51, 54 and 59.
  • There is no ruling standard defining line wrapping (e.g. line 241). Recommended is 80 columns.
  • There is an inconsistent ordering of visibility and custom modifiers (e.g. addTransaction and addFundsToTransaction).

Consider following best practices and applying the same style guidelines across the codebase (see Solidity’s style guide for reference).

Grammatical errors in code and comments

Many comments are poorly written, with some containing grammatical or typing errors (e.g. desgined, transaction does not exists, singatures). This extends to the transactionDoesNotExists modifier name, which also has a grammatical error.

Consider fixing these to improve code readability.

Notes & Additional Information

  • The transferFunds function is in charge of transferring funds to the corresponding beneficiaries when executing a transaction. In the case of Ether transactions, this is achieved via the push-payment pattern (i.e. a transfer is done to each of the destination addresses), which is always discouraged in favor of a pull-payment pattern. Potential consequences stemming from the implementation of this pattern are acknowledged in the documentation, where all risk associated with attack vectors regarding the push-payment pattern is accepted. Nonetheless, it is still relevant to emphasize that a pull-payment strategy should be further studied and considered, since the current implementation might lead to the lockout of funds sent to the Escrow contract. In the case such strategy is pursued, contemplate building upon OpenZeppelin’s PullPayment contract.
  • Consider indexing the scriptHash argument in all events to allow users to search and filter events using this field.
  • The function isTimeLockedExpired returns false when the parameter timeoutHours from the transaction equals 0. This implies an infinite timeout, as opposed to an immediate one. Ensure that this is expected behavior and properly document it.
  • verifySignatures is provided with the r, s, and v outputs of the ECDSA signatures trying to execute a transaction, and then verifies each one of them. Consider using the thoroughly tested OpenZeppelin’s ECRecovery library to avoid the need of splitting the signatures before the call and improving code legibility.
  • In both addTokensToTransaction and addFundsToTransaction a local variable _value is defined to track the transaction value. In neither case is this definition necessary, with the value already tracked by the parameter that is passed to the function in the first case (value), and by the msg.value variable in the second.
  • addTokensToTransaction uses both msg.sender and transactions[scriptHash].buyer to represent the buyer interchangeably. Consider using only msg.sender (which is already used in addFundsToTransaction), and adding a comment on each function’s docstring about this.
  • In _addTransaction, after a Transaction has been created and stored, the owners are also added by setting the isOwner attribute of the current transaction. On line 634, the moderator address is set as owner even if it is equal to address(0) (no moderator case). Consider checking for the moderator’s address validity before registering it as owner.
  • Consider prefixing all private and internal functions with an underscore to clearly denote their visibility (e.g. verifyTransaction and transferFunds).
  • If public state variables are not expected to be read from outside the contract, consider restricting their visibility to private, in particular if getters to read such data are already defined (e.g. getAllTransactionsForParty).
  • To improve code readability, consider using address(this) instead of just this in L201, L289, L391, L403 and L521.
  • The transaction field threshold (which represents the minimum number of signatures required to release funds) would benefit from a name that better reflects what the variable represents.
  • There are code segments where a single require clause includes multiple conditions. Consider isolating each condition in its own require clause, and having more specific error messages for each.
  • Parameter order in addTransaction and addTokenTransaction is different from each function’s documented @param list. Consider documenting parameters in the same order as they are defined in each function’s signature
  • calculateRedeemScriptHash‘s docstring states how the script hash is to be obtained. While the Escrow contract’s address is being used in the hash calculation, it is currently missing from the docstring, consider adding it.
  • The contract’s docstring would benefit from a more thorough and clearer description of its purpose and use cases.
  • Consider adding a comment specifying the time units in which the lastModified field of a transaction is measured.
  • Even though test files were out of the audit’s scope, they were used as a guide to develop and test specific behaviors during the audit. In them, tests with wrong messages in asserts were found (Transaction was sent from buyer’s address, where it should be “was not sent”). Furthermore, two test cases, L149 and L198, with the same name but different content were found. Consider ensuring all messages correspond with what is being evaluated, and expanding test case descriptions to be more precise.


No critical and one high severity issues were found. Some changes were proposed to follow best practices and reduce the potential attack surface.