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Saddle Contracts Audit

The Saddle team asked us to review and audit their smart contracts. We looked at the code and now publish our results.

Note: All links to the project’s code in this audit report refer to a repository that is private at the time of writing. They are therefore only accessible to the Saddle team.

We audited commit 0b76f7fb519e34b878aa1d58cffc8d8dc0572c12 of the saddle-finance/saddle-contract repository. In scope were the contracts directly inside the /contracts folder, however the contracts within /contract/helper and /contracts/interfaces were out of scope.

Update: The Saddle team has fixed the issues identified in this report through pull requests in the audited Github repository.

System Overview

Saddle have created a Solidity implementation of Curve Finance’s StableSwap – which Curve wrote in Vyper. Designed to help combat the price instability that stablecoins face in DeFi, the whitepaper states that StableSwap is “a fully-autonomous market-maker for stablecoins with very minimal price slippage, as well as an efficient “fiat savings account” for liquidity providers on the other side”.

Since writing the whitepaper, Curve have altered the exact formulae they use to calculate prices on-chain. Saddle therefore based their exact algorithms on Curve’s SwapTemplateBase.vy. The scope of this audit was to ensure that Saddle’s Swap.sol and SwapUtils.sol together function the same as commit 010a12b369a8d15b3ff917b51f4b93ec1c5cff47 of Curve’s SwapTemplateBase.vy, with a few notable exceptions:

  • Saddle have implemented an additional withdrawal fee for liquidity providers, that decreases over a 4 week period to 0 from when they deposit.
  • Saddle have removed the 72 hour delay between proposing and applying admin changes that is implemented in Curve. Currently, Saddle’s admin changes are implemented immediately, but the team plans to implement a 48 hour delayed Timelock contract for such changes in the future. They state that this will be based off of Compound’s Timelock.sol.
  • The order in which some mathematical calculations are performed has been altered – leading to [L07] Loss of accuracy caused when dividing. Update: This issue has been fixed. See below.

Overall Health

As can be seen from the detailed report that follows, we found a number of Medium and Low severity issues, although no High or Critical vulnerabilities were found. This is generally the sign of a healthy and well-written codebase.

We found that throughout the codebase, large chunks of complex mathematics were left uncommented and unexplained. While this is in part because the code is merely a re-implementation of Curve’s StableSwap, the code would greatly benefit from having such complex sections of code well explained and documented. Improving readability of the code is important to help future developers, auditors, and community contributors get to grips with the code quickly and easily, and will help all involved be more certain of the code’s security.

It should be noted that the purpose of this audit was to ensure the Saddle contracts function in the same way as the Curve contracts. Since the mathematics in Saddle were not actually designed by the Saddle team, there could therefore exist nuances of the algorithm that Saddle are unaware of and that could become issues if Saddle choose to use this algorithm in a way that Curve do not. Additionally, any unknown vulnerabilities in Curve may similarly exist in Saddle. Conversely, Saddle benefits from the battle-tested Curve codebase, and by implementing as close to the same thing as possible, can leverage any previous auditing effort as it pertains to Curve.

Privileged Roles

The Saddle contracts have an Owner role within the Swap contract, which will be controlled by a 3-of-5 Gnosis Safe multi-signature wallet. Details about multi-sig’s structure and ownership can be found in the Saddle documentation. This multi-sig has the ability to:

  • Pause the contract. This prevents all swaps and adding of liquidity, as well as disabling some functions for removal of liquidity. Note that liquidity can always be removed when paused via the removeLiquidity function, even when the contract is paused.
  • Update the fees charged throughout the protocol.
  • Update the protocol’s “amplification coefficient” which influences how the pricing algorithm works.

Below are our audit results, in order of severity.

Critical severity


High severity


Medium severity

[M01] Pools may have duplicate tokens

Within the Swap contract, the check on line 104 is intended to prevent Saddle pools from having duplicate instances of the same token. However, this check will not correctly revert in the case that the token at index 0 is duplicated in any index > 0.

This is because at the end of the for loop on line 115, an element in tokenIndexes can be assigned a value of 0, which is identical to the default value when an index in the mapping has not been assigned. Thus, the check that a new token has not been assigned an index will pass if this same token has already been assigned an index of 0. Having duplicate tokens in a pool can lead to a plethora of issues when calculating swap prices and providing liquidity.

Consider modifying this pattern to catch the case where the token at index 0 is duplicated in another index. One solution may be to instead track tokenIndexesPlusOne rather than tokenIndexes, and assign values of i+1. This will ensure that all valid entries have a non-zero value, avoiding any confusion as to whether a value has been initialized or not. Note that this may necessitate changing the code within getTokenIndex to utilize this workaround. Another potential solution is to add an additional check to the constructor that each token with index > 0 is not equal to the token with index 0.

Update: Fixed in pull request 184.

[M02] Initial fee rates and amplification coefficient can be set out of bounds

Typically, when setting the following values, limits (such as this one in setAdminFee) are imposed:

However, upon initializing a new Swap contract, these values are set directly, and can therefore be outside of the limits typically imposed. This could lead to errors in calculations of fees and of trade prices, and has the potential to freeze certain functions if fees are too high.

Consider ensuring that maximum limits are applied to the fee and amplification coefficient parameters of a new Swap contract, much as they are applied when the values are updated.

Update: Fixed in pull request 189.

[M03] Approximations may finish with inaccurate values

Within the SwapUtils contract, there are three spots where an iterative approximation is performed: within getYD, within getD, and within getY. In each case, the result of the within1 function is used as the “breaking” condition. However, also in each instance, if the breaking condition is never satisfied, the for loop will eventually finish iterating after MAX_LOOP_LIMIT iterations. When this occurs, the estimated value will still be treated as correct, even though it could be relatively inaccurate.

Consider implementing some logic such that if the for loop finishes iterating and the breaking condition has not been met, execution reverts. This will avoid treating the approximated value as accurate in the case that it is not.

Update: Partially fixed in pull request 201. The instance within getD has been fixed.

[M04] Token fees can lead to incorrect calculations

Certain tokens, such as USDT, have the ability to charge fees on transfers. Although the fee rate is currently 0, this may change in the future. The result of this is that if x tokens are transferred, an amount less than x will be received. For any functions which utilize transferFrom, the expectation that the amount received will match the amount transferred cannot be relied upon.

Within SwapUtils functions swap and addLiquidity the safeTransferFrom function is called to transferFrom tokens into the Saddle pool contract. While safeTransferFrom does provide error handling for unsuccessful calls, it will provide no indication of whether a token charges internal fees on transfers.

For tokens which may charge fees on transfers, consider checking the recipient’s balance before and after safeTransferFrom calls, and using the change in balance for any calculations which may follow. In both cases mentioned above, the transfer of fee-charging tokens should occur before any relevant calculations are made, to avoid calculations which assume more tokens were received than actually were. For reference, the Curve 3pool Pool uses a variable called FEE_INDEX to identify USDT as a token which may charge fees, and incorporates FEE_INDEX into logic accordingly.

Update: Fixed in pull request 191.

Low severity

[L01] Crude Allowlist check not secure

In the constructor of the Allowlist contract, poolCaps[address(0x0)] is set to 0x54dd1e. The comment on the line above states that this value is “a way of crude checking whether an address holds [the] Allowlist contract”. Then, in the constructor of the Swap contract, a check is done which requires that the inputted _allowlist contract has the value 0x54dd1e stored in its poolCap mapping at key address(0x0). This is to ensure that the _allowlist variable is the address of an instance of the Allowlist contract.

This check, while being potentially useful in preventing user error, cannot be relied upon for security. Any contract can easily implement a getPoolCap function such that this check succeeds. We report this so users and future developers are aware that this check only provides convenience, but cannot guarantee that the correct version of Allowlist is linked to the instance of Swap. To verify, advanced users could check that the value of the public allowlist variable correctly corresponds to the contract. Consider instead implementing EIP1820 in order to leverage and comply with industry standards, but note that even with EIP1820, any contract can assert that it implements the desired interface.

Update: Acknowledged, and will not fix. Saddle’s statement for the issue:

This issue is acknowledged by the team. The check is primarily for preventing user error. Once allowlist is set on initialization, it cannot be changed. We will make sure that the allowlist contract is the right version and owned by the correct owner upon deployment of Swap.

[L02] Low test coverage on some contracts

Running npm run coverage within the Saddle repository shows that some areas of the code base do not have thorough test coverage. In particular, there are no tests at all for the code within CERC20.sol, and the branch coverage for 6 of the 8 contracts audited is at 80% or below.

Consider writing additional tests for the repository to fully test your contracts. We advise having at least 95% test coverage.

Update: Fixed in pull request 197. The Saddle team has significantly increased test coverage.

[L03] Improper math correction in _updateUserWithdrawFee

In the SwapUtils function _updateUserWithdrawFee, a calculation is performed to determine the user’s withdrawFeeMultiplier. In this calculation, the value 1 is added in two places to attempt to counteract the truncation effects of the div function. However, the way it is being done is incorrect, and can actually exaggerate math errors.

Since truncation occurs whenever a division is performed such that there is a “remainder” (when A / B is performed and A % B != 0), consider adding a 1 only after a division is performed, and perhaps only if there is a remainder in the div calculation. The other additions of 1 should be removed.

Update: Fixed in pull request 157.

[L04] No return values for some functions

Saddle’s Swap contract interface is intended to closely match that of Curve’s SwapTemplateBase contract. However, a number of functions return a value in Curve’s implementation, while their equivalents in Saddle do not return a value. The following sets of functions return a value in Curve, but do not in Saddle:

Since these functions are supposed to mimic those of Curve, they should return values like the functions in Curve do. Importantly, this will provide those values for smart contracts that interact with the Saddle code to trade or provide liquidity, and will result in less confusion for users who are expecting a similar interface to that of Curve.

Consider implementing return values for the functions highlighted above.

Update: Fixed in pull request 196.

[L05] Outdated Solidity version in use

The codebase is currently using solidity version 0.5.17. As Solidity is now under a fast-release cycle, we advise using the latest version of the compiler at the time of deployment (presently 0.7.6). Alternatively, if there are reasons for using version 0.5.17, consider making this clear in the documentation.

Update: Fixed in pull request 185. Saddle chose to upgrade to Solidity version 0.6.12. Saddle’s statement for this issue:

Solidity 0.7 fixes various issues, two notable bugs are the below ones.

However as our codebase does not rely on resizing an array without inserting values, we are not exposed to the bugs currently. List of known bugs and fixes can be found here

We will follow crytic’s development guidelines and move to 0.6.12

[L06] Token precisions not verified

In the constructor of the Swap contract, precisions is an input parameter. This value is intended to be 10**decimals, where decimals is the number of decimal places that the corresponding token has in the _pooledTokens array. However, the inputted values are not verified to be a power of 10, meaning that currently the constructor will accept any value. This would then impart calculation errors when tokenPrecisionMultipliers are used, since tokenPrecisionMultipliers is set to precisions.

Although it cannot be assumed that a decimals function is implemented for each token, since it is optional according to the ERC20 specification, the vast majority of tokens do have this property. Consider vetting tokens for the existence of decimals before listing them. This will then enable precisions to be assigned by referencing the token contracts instead of via user-supplied values, which are error prone.

Update: Fixed in pull request 195. tokenPrecisionMultipliers is now always set to a power of 10 based on decimals.


[L07] Loss of accuracy caused when dividing

Throughout the Saddle contracts, formulae used are mathematically equivalent to those performed in the Curve contracts. However due to the fact that division truncates in the EVM, a number of the Saddle functions contain calculations that are less precise than the Curve equivalents due to the fact that the Saddle contracts divide earlier or more often than the Curve contracts. Consider the following list of examples:

  • Line 296 of SwapUtilsgetYD is mathematically equivalent to line 632 of Curve’s get_y_D. However Saddle achieves this by dividing the denominator by A_PRECISION instead of multiplying the numerator.
  • Line 465 of SwapUtilsgetY and line 402 of Curve’s get_y are identical to the lines mentioned in the previous point. They therefore suffer from the same issue of “double dividing” as getYD.
  • SwapUtils.getD lines 343-344 are mathematically equivalent to line 222 of Curve’s get_D. The difference in the formulae comes down to Saddle performing (nA/A_PRECISION - 1) * D where Curve performs ((Ann-A_PRECISION)*D)/A_PRECISION (where nA and Ann are equivalent variables). Dividing by A_PRECISION as the first operation, as Saddle does, causes a loss of precision that is then amplified by the following multiplication. Curve’s method of dividing by A_PRECISION as the final operation means that the precision loss is as minimal as possible.

Consider updating calculations throughout the codebase to always perform divisions as rarely and as late as possible.

Update: Fixed in pull request 194.

[L08] Unclear comments and naming

Throughout the codebase, there are many spots in which variable names or comments are unclear. The examples we identified are:

Consider adding comments throughout your codebase to ensure the purpose of every aspect is clear, including clarifying the above examples. Doing so will aid future development efforts and reduce the surface for error.

Update: partially fixed in pull request 202. The variables xp, A, and others identified in the 5th bullet have not been renamed. Saddle’s statement for this issue:

External document/wiki will include information about which function is analogous to those in curve’s

Notes & Additional Information

[N01] Efficiency improvements

While the following code inefficiencies are not vulnerabilities in the Saddle contracts, we have listed them for the Saddle team to consider as potential improvements to the code.

[N02] Missing, incorrect, or incomplete NatSpec comments

Within the codebase, many functions have missing, incorrect, or incomplete NatSpec comments.

  • The transfer and transferFrom functions of LPToken have no NatSpec comments.
  • The calculateTokenAmount function of SwapUtils is missing an explanation of it’s return parameter.
  • The self parameter of many functions in SwapUtils is undocumented.
  • The tokenAmount parameter of removeLiquidityOneToken is incorrectly labelled as “the amount of the token you want to receive”, when it is actually the amount of liquidity tokens to burn. The solidity documentation recommends NatSpec for all public interfaces (everything in the ABI). Consider implementing complete NatSpec for all public and external functions.

Update: Fixed in pull request 199.

[N03] Inconsistent coding style

The code base does not follow a consistent coding style.

  • The use of leading underscores to mark internal functions. For example, _updateUserWithdrawFee is internal and marked with an underscore, whereas feePerToken is not.
  • The use of underscores to mark a function parameter. For example, function _xp has parameters _balances marked with an underscore, and precisionMultipliers with no underscore.
  • The use of lowercase letters for variable names. For example, struct CalculateWithdrawOneTokenDYInfo has fields D0 and D1 beginning with uppercase letters, and fields newY and feePerToken beginning with lowercase letters.
  • Inconsistent style of wrapping long function signatures. For example see the wrapping of calculateTokenAmount versus the wrapping of calculateRemoveLiquidity. Consider always following the same style to improve the project’s readability. As reference, consider following the style proposed in Solidity’s Style Guide. Taking into consideration how much value a consistent coding style adds to the project’s readability, enforcing a standard coding style with help of linter tools such as Solhint is recommended.

Update: Fixed in pull request 203.

[N04] LPToken copying inherited code

Within the LPToken contract, the transfer and transferFrom functions re-implement the code from OpenZeppelin’s ERC20 contract functions transfer and transferFrom. Instead of re-implementing this code in LPToken, consider replacing the identified lines with calls to those functions, using ERC20.transfer and ERC20.transferFrom instead. This way, the code becomes more readable and makes it easier to upgrade in the future. Additionally, copying code carries with it the risk that the code is copied incorrectly, which these super calls can eliminate.

Update: Fixed in pull request 193.

[N05] calculateCurrentWithdrawFee else case missing an explicit return

The calculateCurrentWithdrawFee function within SwapUtils returns a user’s withdrawal fee at the current time as a uint256. This withdrawal fee decreases over a 4 week time frame, after which 0 fee is charged. The function checks whether 4 weeks has passed, and if not returns the calculated fee. However in the case that 4 weeks has passed, the function does not explicitly return a value, instead relying on the fact that under the hood of Solidity the return parameter is initialized as 0. While the function returns the expected value in the case that 4 weeks have passed, it makes the function harder to read and understand. To increase readability, consider adding an explicit return statement when the if statement is not executed.

Update: Fixed in pull request 156.

[N06] Writing custom Pausable and ERC20Mintable contracts

The contracts OwnerPausable and LPToken implement custom logic to enable pausing of contracts and a mintable ERC20 respectively. Although this does not pose a security risk, consider always inheriting functionality from the secure, community-vetted, OpenZeppelin Contracts library. In particular, consider inheriting from OpenZeppelin’s Pausable and ERC20Mintable contracts. This will help reduce the code’s attack surface.

Update: Fixed in pull request 198. ERC20Mintable was not implemented, Saddle’s reasoning for this:

As ERC20Mintable contract no longer exists in OpenZeppelin v3.0+, we left LPToken.sol as is.

[N07] Typos in comments

Within the codebase there are some instances of typos in comments and docstrings. Some examples are:

Consider updating the lines identified above. Furthermore consider applying an automated spelling and grammar checker to your codebase to identify further instances.

Update: Fixed in pull request 192. Line 178 of SwapUtils.sol was removed.

[N08] Superfluous else clause

Within the SwapUtils function getYD, there exists an if clause and accompanying else clause. The else clause is superfluous, and can be removed. Consider removing it to simplify the codebase and improve code readability.

Update: Fixed in PR#188

[N09] Unnecessary inheritance in LPToken

The LPToken contract inherits ERC20 along with ERC20Burnable. However ERC20Burnable inherits ERC20 already, so there is no need to inherit it again in LPToken.

Consider removing the inheritance of ERC20 from LPToken.

Update: Fixed in PR#187.

[N10] Declare uint as uint256

To favor explicitness, consider declaring the instance of uint in the CERC20Utils contract as uint256.

Update: Fixed in PR#186


0 critical and 0 high severity issues were found during this audit, and the contracts were found to function much the same as Curve’s StableSwap implementation. Some less-severe issues were discovered and changes were proposed to follow best practices and reduce potential attack surface. We advise the Saddle team conducts further research into Curve’s StableSwap algorithm to ensure all potential side-effects and pitfalls of using their algorithm are considered.