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UMA Continuous Audit - OpenZeppelin blog

Written by OpenZeppelin Security | Apr 9, 2021 4:00:00 AM

UMA is a platform that allows users to enter trust-minimized financial contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. We previously audited the decentralized oracle, a particular financial contract template, some ad hoc pull requests as well as the optimistic oracle and a new financial contract template. In this audit we are taking an iterative approach where we will review individual pull requests as they are developed by the UMA team. We will repeatedly update this report with any new findings for the duration of our engagement. Unless otherwise stated, the scope includes all solidity files affected by the specified pull requests.


To facilitate iterative reviews, these findings are listed in reverse chronological order.

Pull Request 3211

The PR addresses a dust-minting issue that was found by the UMA team, where the calculation that converts LongShortPair tokens to the equivalent amount of collateral rounds down in all cases. This commit updates the calculations to round down when the contract sends collateral and round up when the contract receives collateral, which ensures the contract remains fully collateralized. We don’t have any comments.

Pull Request 3207

The PR addresses the comments from our review of PR 3184. We don’t have any comments.

Pull Request 3208

The PR addresses the comments from our review of PR 3188 and PR 3089. We don’t have any comments.


Pull Request 3188

This PR addresses the comments from our review of PR 3061 and our batch review of PRs 3054, 3082, and 3092. We have the following comment:

  • The comment explaining the constructPrefix function says “appended as a prefix” instead of “prepended”.

Update: This was addressed in Pull Request 3208.

Pull Request 3189

This PR addresses the comments from our review of PR 2969, including an explanation of why the chainid suggestion was not adopted. We don’t have any comments.


Pull Request 3184

This PR introduces a new pairName property of LongShortPair financial contracts and allows the creator to set custom values for the optimistic oracle’s liveness and bond. It also refactors the LongShortPair and LongShortPairCreator contracts to use an initialization struct instead of a large number of individual parameters.

Our comments are:

  • The createLongShortPair @param comment does not list the pairName field.
  • The pairName is not validated to have non-zero length.
  • The optimisticOracleLivenessTime is described as a “timer” (instead of a “time”), in its definition, the LongShortPair constructor comments and the createLongShortPair function comments.
  • Our assumption was that the expirationTimestamp is only 64 bits long so that it can share a storage location with the contractState variable. However, the new pairName variable splits them into separate storage slots. Consider defining pairName after the expirationTimestamp, or including a comment explaining why the non-stardard uint64 type is used.

Update: All issues were addressed in Pull Request 3207.

Pull Request 3167

This PR allows the creator of a LongShortPair financial contract to explicitly set the names and symbols used for the tokens, rather than conforming to a predetermined pattern. We don’t have any comments.


Pull Request 3089

This PR modifies the chainbridge SourceGovernor and SinkGovernor contracts so the cross-chain messages cannot specify an ETH amount. We don’t have any comments.

It also implements the Polygon Tunnel for governance actions. In particular, it introduces GovernorRootTunnel and GovernorChildTunnel. Our only comment is that line 19 of GovernorChildTunnel.sol references a non-existent _publishPrice function.

Update: This was addressed in Pull Request 3208.


Pull Requests 3054, 3082 and 3092

These PRs includes many changes that were not reviewed. In particular, they move Chainbridge files and introduce new Polygon files to an external directory. They also introduce test files that were not reviewed.

Along with PR 3061, PR 3054 introduces the AncillaryData library to help construct ancillary data strings in a standard format. The FundingRateApplier and OptimisticOracle contracts now use this library when constructing price requests. Our comments for these contracts are:

  • In AncillaryData.sol on line 8 “libraries” should be “library”.
  • In the inline docs for AncillaryData, “LHS” should be written out as “left hand side”.
  • AncillaryData employs an inconsistent underscore prefix for internal functions. Example: _appendKey and appendKeyValueUint.
  • The _appendKey function is confusingly named, because it doesn’t append anything. The name _constructPrefix or similar would be clearer.
  • In the OptimisticOracle, public view functions do not use reentrancy guards. We have not identified a scenario that requires reentrancy protection, but we thought it is worth mentioning because reentrancy guards are used on public view functions extensively throughout the code base, so this may be an oversight.

The PRs also implement the Polygon Tunnel for Oracle requests. In particular, they introduce the OracleBaseTunnel, OracleChildTunnel and OracleRootTunnel. Our comments are:

  • The OracleBaseTunnel comment claims that the contract ensures price request data is not duplicated, but the design explicitly allows duplicate price requests and responses to traverse the tunnel. Consider clarifying the comment.
  • The OracleBaseTunnel events do not index the requestHash parameter, even though this parameter would naturally be used to track the request.
  • The contracts do not use reentrancy guards. We have not identified a scenario that requires reentrancy protection, but we thought it is worth mentioning because reentrancy guards are used extensively throughout the code base, so this may be an oversight.
  • The OracleChildTunnel contract does not validate that price requests have sufficiently short ancillary data (after the context is added). This could lead to price requests that cannot be resolved. Consider validating the length of the ancillary data before initiating a price request.
  • In OracleBaseTunnel on line 72 “dentifier” should be “identifier”.
  • In OracleBaseTunnel on line 8 “lifecyle” should be “lifecycle”.
  • In OracleChildTunnel on line 117 and on line 118 “translateable” should be “translatable”.

The PR also introduces a README file with a brief overview of the Polygon Tunnel architecture. Our comments are:

  • On line 42 “timeley” should be “timely”.
  • On line 40 “beign” should be “being”.

Update: All issues were addressed in Pull Request 3188.


Pull Request 3061

This PR introduces the AncillaryData library. It also modifies the _getAncillaryData function of the FundingRateApplier contract and the _stampAncillaryData function of the OptimisticOracle contract. Further, it removes some revert reasons in the code base to save bytecode. However, as the code is modified again in Pull Request 3054, we will defer the majority of our comments to our review of that pull request.

Our only immediate comments are as follows:

  • The requestPrice function of the OptimisticOracle now calls stampAncillaryData, which is a pass-through function for the internal _stampAncillaryData function. Consider calling the internal function directly for simplicity and consistency with the rest of the contract.
  • In the OptimisticOracleInterface there is a comment about how the DVM could refuse to accept a dispute “…with ancillary data length of a certain size.”. Something along the lines of: “…with ancillary data length over a certain size” may be more closely aligned with the implementation.

Update: All issues were addressed in Pull Request 3188.

Pull Request 3016

This is one of the pull requests that was implicitly included when we reviewed the Long-Short-Pair template. However, it also introduced a new burnFrom function to the ExpandedERC20 contract, which lets anyone with the Burner role burn tokens from any address. In particular, the LongShortPair contract uses this to easily dispose of user tokens, at the request of the user (when redeeming or settling them for collateral), without having to take possession of them first.

There are two additional consequences that should be noted:

  • The ExpandedERC20 tokens are also used in the ExpiringMultiParty and Perpetual financial templates. Since the Owner and Burner roles are limited to these templates, and they don’t invoke the burnFrom function, there is no direct effect to the security model.
  • The VotingToken is also an ExpandedERC20 and the Owner is an external address. As a result of this pull request, the Owner and any address with the Burner role will now have the ability to burn voting tokens from any address. Naturally, this observation does not apply to the UMA Voting token that has already been deployed.


Pull Request 3152

This PR addressed the bulk of our comments from our review of the LSP template.

We have the following comments:

  • The two require statements added to confirm the value of the burnFrom method, and the two require statements to confirm the return value of the mint method lack associated error messages. Consider adding an informative error message.
  • The LongShortPair contract still switches between 1 and 1e18 to represent 100%.
  • The libraries are still inconsistent about whether the computeExpiryTokensForCollateral (now percentageLongCollateralAtExpiry) function should ensure the parameters have been set – as described in the 3rd paragraph of our LSP template review.
  • The new explanation for how RangeBondLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary allocates collateral has some mistakes:
  • It says “function’s” instead of “function”
  • It says “discreet” instead of “discrete”
  • There is an unnecessary period in “1)”
  • The comment following “1)” is confusing, because it adds punctuation to our suggestion in unexpected places. In our suggestion, the phrase “(collateral tokens * lowPriceRange) is the notional value of the bond” was intended as a preamble before enumerating the cases. The second sentence was intended to imply that if the expiry price is below the lowPriceRange, then the collateral is worth less than the notional value of the bond. The current comment implies that the notional value of the bond depends on the expiry price.

Pull Request 3133

This PR partially addressed our comment from our review of the LSP template, wherein we noted that some allowances and permissions that were implicitly required were not documented.

This PR only addressed the lack of comments in LongShortPair.sol, but a later PR 3152 addressed the other file mentioned (LongShortPairCreator.sol).

Pull Request 3132

This PR implements an additional require in the constructor of the LongShortPair contract. collateralPerPair is now required to be greater than zero.

We don’t have any comments.

Pull Request 3130

This PR addressed our comment from our review of the LSP template, wherein we noted that setLongShortPairParameters would allow anyone to overwrite parameters at any time. The function now checks that the parameters have not already been set.

We don’t have any comments.

Pull Request 3131

This PR partially addressed our comment from our review of the LSP template, wherein we noted a lack of non-reentrant modifiers.

We have the following comments:

  • The public function getPositionTokens in LongShortPair.sol is still lacking a non-reentrant modifier.


Long-Short-Pair template

The Long-Short-Pair template was developed and modified over several pull requests. Instead of reviewing the PRs individually, we reviewed the completed files. In particular, we reviewed the files in the long-short-pair folder and the long-short-pair-libraries folder at commit b508f536ddfd94a79f93f633142bdc868b73461c.

Our most important observation is that the setLongShortPairParameters function of the RangeBondLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary contract allows anyone to overwrite the parameters at any point in time to maliciously change the payout structure.

The libraries are also inconsistent about whether the computeExpiryTokensForCollateral function should ensure the parameters have been set. In particular, the BinaryOptionLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary requires the strike to have been set, but the other libraries do not perform the equivalent check. Consider ensuring the configuration parameters have been set in all libraries before calculating the appropriate collateral distribution.

We understand that the UMA team intend to include nonReentrant and nonReentrantView modifiers on all external and public functions. However, the modifier is missing from the create and the getPositionTokens functions of the LongShortPair contract. Moreover, it’s missing from the view functions on all the libraries. Consider including the modifiers where appropriate.

The redeem function is restricted by the preExpiration modifier. However, if a user settles an equal number of long and short tokens, it will have the same effect (with a different event emitted) as token redemption, but it requires the user to wait for the price to resolve. Consider allowing users to call the redeem function at all times.

The _getSyntheticDecimals function is described and named as a private function, but it is public. Consider making it private.

The createLongShortPair function of the LongShortPairCreator contract grants Minter and Burner roles for the synthetic tokens to the new LongShortPair contract. However, the creator contract still retains those roles. Consider renouncing them to reduce the attack surface.

The create function of the LongShortPair contract discards the return value when minting synthetic tokens. Similarly, the settle function discards the return value when burning the tokens. Consider requiring that the mint and burnFrom functions returns true.

The computeExpiryTokensForCollateral function of the RangeBondLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary uses a complicated closed-form expression to determine how much collateral to assign to the long position. Instead, consider enumerating the cases explicitly so it is easier to reason about. This would reduce to something like:
// (collateral tokens * lowPriceRange) is the notional value of the bond
// below the range, the collateral is worth less than this amount
// the long position is entitled to whatever is left
if(expiryPrice <= lowPriceRange) return 1;
// within the range, the long position is entitled to the notional value,
// which is equal to the following fraction of collateral
if(expiryPrice <= highPriceRange) return lowPriceRange / expiryPrice; // above the range, the long position is entitled to a fixed number of tokens return lowPriceRange / highPriceRange;
The PositionSettled event, contains a typographical error in the second argument’s identifier. It is presently colllateralReturned, when it should be collateralReturned. The subtle error could lead to issues with off-chain systems parsing the event details. In LongShortPairCreator.sol there are no events emitted for the creation of the longToken or the shortToken, nor are those addresses part of the emitted CreatedLongShortPair event. Consider emitting events that contain the addresses of the new tokens to facilitate tracking. The following functions have incomplete or incorrect Natural Specification comments. Consider correcting them: – The createLongShortPair function of the LongShortPairCreator contract is missing its @return comment. – The settle function incorrectly lists collateralReturned as a parameter (in addition to the returned value). Some functions could benefit from renaming. These are our suggestions: – The _getAddressWhitelist function of the LongShortPair contract could be renamed to _getCollateralWhitelist. – The computeExpiryTokensForCollateral function of the LongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary contract could be renamed to longPercentageCollateralAtExpiry or similar. The createLongShortPair function of the LongShortPairCreator contract and the create function of the LongShortPair contract both transfer funds on behalf of the message sender. The contracts implicitly assume that they have been granted an appropriate allowance. Consider documenting this in the function comments. There are some misleading comments in the code base: – The parameter setters in the library functions, for example the setLongShortPairParameters function in BinaryOptionLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary.sol, refer to the non-existent financialProduct parameter instead of LongShortPair. – The code base is inconsistent about using 1e18 to represent 100%. For example, the expiryPercentLong comment switches between 1e18 and 1 in the same comment. This is repeated later in the contract. Similarly, the computeExpiryTokensForCollateral functions in all the libraries claim the function returns a number between 0 and 1, instead of between 0 and 1e18. – The redeem function’s @notice comment says tokensToCreate instead of tokensToRedeem. This comment would also be clearer if it started with “Redeem” instead of “Return”. – In the Testable contract there is an inline comment that says “If the contract is being run on the test network, then timerAddress will be the 0x0 address.” However, it appears that this comment is erroneous. The onlyIfTest modifier requires that timerAddress != address(0x0). There are also other comments in the codebase that agree with the modifier: “_timerAddress … Set to 0x0 in production.”. The comment in Testable should be modified to agree with the implementation to avoid potential confusion around such a critically important value. – In Timer.sol the @notice docstring for the getCurrentTime function is misleading. It states, “Otherwise, it will return the block timestamp.” However, the function is only capable of returning the stored value of currentTime and has no logic to conditionally return the block timestamp. There are some unused imports in the code base: – SafeMath.sol in LongShortPair.solIERC20Standard.sol in LongShortPair.solContractCreator.sol in LongShortPairCreator.solAddressWhitelist.sol in LongShortPairCreator.solSyntheticToken.sol in LongShortPairCreator.sol Lastly, there are some typographical errors in the code base: – Line 55 of LongShortPairCreator.sol says “appended” instead of “prepended”. – Line 57 of LongShortPairCreator.sol repeats the word “as”. – Line 106 of LongShortPair.sol says “Requires mint and burn needed by this contract”, which is ungrammatical. – Line 19 of LinearLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary.sol has the extra word “be”. – Lines 35 and 41 of LinearLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary.sol have the extra word “price”. – Line 42 of LinearLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary.sol has the extra word “a”. – Line 63 of LinearLongShortPairFinancialProductLibrary.sol says “are” instead of “is”. – Line 26 of Lockable.sol reads “… and make it call a” when it should read “… and making it call a”. Update: These issues were addressed in Pull Requests 3130, 3131, 3133 and 3152. Our review of those PRs include additional comments. ### Pull Request 2949 This PR generalizes the KpiOptionsFinancialProductLibrary to allow multiple financial contracts to use the library with different individual transformed prices. Previously, the library targeted a particular use case where the pre-expiration price was set to 2. Since any address can call the new setFinancialProductTransformedPrice function, we’d like to re-iterate our recommendation from our review of 2926: >It should be noted that this introduces a front-running attack, where anyone who knows the deployment address of a financial product that uses this library can incorrectly initialize the transformed [price], which would invalidate the financial product. Moreover, if the deployer is known in advance, it may be possible to predict the eventual contract address and invalidate the contract before deployment. Consider configuring the transformation, where applicable, in the ExpiringMultiPartyLib contract during deployment. Additionally, consider restricting the [setFinancialProductTransformedPrice] function’s access control to the ExpiringMultiPartyCreator or the financial product itself to prevent someone pre-configuring the transformation at the deployment address.

In addition, there appears to be a missing validation in this new function. The function comments claim the price can’t be set to blank, which presumably means it can’t be set to zero. However, the function does not enforce this requirement.

Consider emitting an event when the transformed price is set to facilitate tracking.

There are a couple of misleading comments:

Lastly, we’d like to note that the library does not necessarily ensure that the financial product will remain collateralized. In the original use case, this was implicitly guaranteed by a price identifier that would never return an oracle price higher than 2. Since the library will now be used more broadly, considering explicitly documenting the corresponding safety requirement in the contract comments.


Pull Request 2969

This PR extends the logic from PR 2903 to send governance actions from the main chain to another EVM-compatible “sink” chain.

There are a couple of misleading comments that should be corrected:

  • The @title comment of the SourceGovernor actually describes the behavior of the SinkGovernor.
  • The relayGovernance function comment says sinkChainID instead of destinationChainId.

Additionally, as noted in the pull request, none of the new functions follow the Ethereum Natural Specification Format (NatSpec) for their arguments. Consider including them.

Lastly, instead of passing the chain ID to the SourceGovernor constructor, consider using the assembly chainid instruction, to avoid the possibility of mismatches. Note that this suggestion is also applicable to the BeaconOracle and its descendant contracts.

Update: All issues were addressed in Pull Request 3189.


Pull Request 3037

This PR addresses the comments in our review of PRs 2903 and 3013. However, instead of passing the requester and pusher values over the bridge, those parameters are removed from the PriceRequestAdded and PushedPrice events on both sides.

We still have some minor comments:
executePublishPrice is missing the @param tag for the price parameter.
– the _formatMetaData function comments on the SinkOracle and the SourceOracle correctly state that the length field is 32 bytes, but they still incorrectly imply the data starts 64 bytes into the buffer. This mistake originates on Chainbridge’s GenericHandler contract.

Update: All issues were addressed in Pull Request 3064.


Pull Requests 2903 and 3013

These PRs use Chainbridge to send messages between different EVM-compatible chains. In particular, DVM price requests are passed from another chain to the Ethereum mainnet, where the standard resolution mechanism can occur. Once resolved, the price is pushed back to the “sink” chain where it can be utilized. This allows UMA financial contracts to be deployed in multiple different chains but still use the Ethereum mainnet DVM to resolve prices as required.

On both chains, the PriceRequestAdded event includes the msg.sender as the requester. However, in the SourceOracle, this will be the GenericHandler contract, not the address that requested the price. Similarly, the SinkOracle will emit the GenericHandler as the pusher in the PushedPrice event. In both cases, consider passing the original sender over the bridge so it can be emitted on the destination chain.

Additionally, the following comments are misleading:

The publishPrice function of the SourceOracle is missing its @param comments. Consider adding them.

Lastly, the BeaconOracle contract has the following typographical errors:

  • Line 11 says “respectivly”.
  • Line 27 excludes chainId from the list of encoded values
  • Line 68 also excludes chainId and refers to the whole collection of values as a “pair”

Update: These issues were addressed in Pull Request 3037. Our review of the PR includes additional comments.


Pull Request 2926

This PR modifies the PreExpirationIdentifierTransformationFinancialProductLibrary to remove the administrator. Instead, anyone can use this library to set a pre-expiration price identifier transformation for their financial product.

It should be noted that this introduces a front-running attack, where anyone who knows the deployment address of a financial product that uses this library can incorrectly initialize the transformed identifier, which would invalidate the financial product. Moreover, if the deployer is known in advance, it may be possible to predict the eventual contract address and invalidate the contract before deployment. Consider configuring the transformation, where applicable, in the ExpiringMultiPartyLib contract during deployment. Additionally, consider restricting the setFinancialProductTransformedIdentifier function’s access control to the ExpiringMultiPartyCreator or the financial product itself to prevent someone pre-configuring the transformation at the deployment address.

The PR also updates the comments to account for the new behavior. While references to the contract owner have been removed, the comments still have two outdated references (here and here) to the library deployer.

Lastly, the PR introduces the PostExpirationIdentifierTransformationFinancialProductLibrary, which is equivalent to the PreExpirationIdentifierTransformationFinancialProductLibrary except the transformed price applies after expiration. We don’t have any comments.

Update: The UMA team have acknowledged the possibility of misconfigurations, noting that is a natural consequence of configurable contracts and user interfaces should validate the configuration.

Pull Request 2828

This PR addressed the typographical errors and misleading comments that we noted in our review of 2668.

Pull Request 2768

The PR introduces the KPIOptionsFinancialProductLibrary contract, which allows ExpiringMultiParty contracts to enforce a 2:1 collateral requirement before expiration. The details of the payout structure at expiration are deferred to the price identifier, which should be specified to ensure the price is capped at two collateral tokens per synthetic token.

Our only comment is to reiterate our previous recommendation about discarding the oracle price before expiration:

We believe that invoking the full oracle mechanism to achieve consensus on an unused parameter is unnecessarily wasteful. If modifying the contracts to bypass the oracle is infeasible, consider transforming the price identifier instead, so the oracle would be expected to return [a constant]. At the very least, this simplifies the data retrieval and validation requirements. It also enables future upgrades where the oracle can reuse constant results across different timestamps or simply return the constant if it is known ahead of time.

Update: The UMA team have acknowledged this and intend to address it in a pending upgrade to the ExpiringMultiParty contract.

Pull Request 2744

This PR implements all of our recommendations from Pull Requests 2598 and 2672. We don’t have any comments.

Pull Requests 2598 and 2672

These PRs introduce and modify the MerkleDistributor contract. For simplicity, we reviewed the final result.

The contract has an owner that can easily distribute tokens to a large number of addresses by combining all transfer descriptions in a Merkle tree, publishing the root, and transferring the total number of funds to the contract. Subsequently, the tokens can be retrieved by providing a Merkle proof of an unclaimed transfer. The Merkle trees are not validated in any way, so the system assumes the contract owner behaves honestly.

The distributor allows anyone to prove and execute transfers on anyone elses behalf. A claimMulti function is provided to allow for multiple transfers to be claimed in a single transaction.

Since anyone can execute transfers on behalf of anyone else, it is possible for an attacker to “grief” a claimer by front-running their claim transaction with a transaction that performs the same transfer first. This will cause the honest user’s transaction to revert in the _verifyAndMarkClaimed function when it checks whether the claim has already occurred. This is not a major concern for single claims via the claim function, because the honest user ends up spending less gas than they normally would (because their transaction reverts early) and they still end up receiving their full reward.

However, this attack can be more problematic for the claimMulti function. The attacker can front run the call to claimMulti with a call to claim that performs only the last claim that the claimMulti call will attempt. This results in the entire claimMulti transaction reverting. In this way, an attacker can prevent an entire block of claims by making only a single claim. They may be motivated to do this, for example, to prevent large batches of new claims from being sold on the open market shortly after a new claim window opens.

If this is a concern, consider submitting all claimMulti transactions via a private transactions channel, such as SparkPool’s Taichi private endpoint.

Moreover, we have several recommendations to improve the quality of the code base:

  • The lastCreatedIndex variable name and comments suggest it indicates an existing window. In fact, it is the index that will be assigned to the next window. Consider updating the name and comments accordingly.
  • The WithdrawRewards event does not specify the reward currency. Consider including it as well.
  • The setWindow function performs the token transfer before emitting the event. If the reward token follows the ERC777 specification, it is possible that the caller has a tokensToSend hook that re-enters the setWindow function, which would cause the CreatedWindow events to be emitted in the wrong order. This may fall outside the threat model, since the function can only be called by the owner, who is assumed to behave honestly. Nevertheless, as a matter of good practice, consider emitting the event before performing the token transfer or introducing a reentrancy guard.
  • The code does not use Ethereum Natural Specification Format (NatSpec) comments. Consider following this specification on everything that is part of the contract’s public API.
  • The setWindow function implicitly assumes the caller has granted an appropriate allowance to the contract. Consider stating this explicitly in the function comments.
  • The setWindow function comment has an extra closing bracket.
  • The withdrawRewards function comment is missing the space in the phrase “in case”.

Update: All recommendations were implemented in Pull Request 2744.


Pull Request 2668

This PR introduces the CoveredCallFinancialProductLibrary contract, which allows ExpiringMultiParty contracts to mimic the payout structure of covered call options.

Before the option expires, the transformPrice function discards the oracle price and returns 1. We believe that invoking the full oracle mechanism to achieve consensus on an unused parameter is unnecessarily wasteful. If modifying the contracts to bypass the oracle is infeasible, consider transforming the price identifier instead, so the oracle would be expected to return 1. At the very least, this simplifies the data retrieval and validation requirements. It also enables future upgrades where the oracle can reuse constant results across different timestamps or simply return the constant if it is known ahead of time.

We would also like to note some typographical errors:

  • Line 77 says “an collateral token” instead of “a collateral token”
  • Line 86 says “cover call” instead of “covered call”

Lastly, while investigating this pull request, we identified a misleading comment in Line 454 of the Liquidatable contract that states the sponsor and disputer reward percentages cannot (cumulatively) exceed zero but the actual restriction is that they cannot exceed 1.

Update: The UMA team have acknowledged the suboptimal transformPrice function and intend to address it in a pending upgrade to the ExpiringMultiParty contract. The typographical errors and misleading comment are fixed in Pull Request 2828.

Pull Request 2600

This PR removes restrictions in the DesignatedVotingFactory contract. It is now possible for voters to change the DesignatedVoting contract that they are associated with. We don’t have any comments.

Pull Requests 2395 and 2546

These PRs add additional parameters to the ProposePrice and DisputePrice events in the OptimisticOracle. They also remove unnecessary “//Event” comments preceding some event emissions. We don’t have any comments.